Time Splitters

in INVEN Gaming4 years ago

Time Splitters 2 is a first-person shooter that requires players to kill enemies and complete objectives using a variety of weapons and tactics in different predefined scenarios.

Armour and health bars on the sides of the screen lower when the player is shot, which can be increased by walking over body armor and medical kits.


The weapons of TimeSplitters 2 include handguns, rifles, submachine guns, shotguns, rocket launchers, a grenade launcher, various explosives, a crossbow, a flamethrower, a fire extinguisher and a brick.

They are of many different time periods, from the historical to the futuristic.

Some weapons have an alternate fire which activates a feature such as launching a grenade or detonating a remote mine.

It is possible to dual wield some weapons.


The main story mode of TimeSplitters 2 is divided into ten levels.

Each level is in a different time period and contains a series of objectives that must be completed.

Some objectives are present at the start of the level, while others are added during play.

A few levels have secondary objectives, which are not required to complete unless on the normal or hard difficulty setting.

Each level includes a single checkpoint in the middle where the player can restart if they die or fail to complete an objective.

For each level, the player must choose from three difficulty levels.


These difficulty levels not only change the strength of the enemies, but also increase the length of the level by adding additional objectives; for instance, in both easy and normal levels, there are optional secondary objectives, whereas in the hard levels, all secondary objectives are now primary and must be completed.

At the end of every level, a time crystal must be recovered. After it is picked up, a time portal will appear which must be entered in order to complete the level.


However, this is sometimes made more difficult by TimeSplitters that teleport to the player's location.

In secret places of certain levels, there are cartridges of old school arcade games such as Snake, that can be picked up and played on the player's Temporal Uplink, the device that normally shows the map of the current level.

The game's story mode can be played alone or cooperatively with another player.


When playing co-op, in order to balance the game, the two players' health amounts are lowered.

Along with the story mode, there are two single-player modes: an Arcade mode and a Challenge mode where a player is given a scenario and must complete it within certain requirements.


The objective ranges from collecting bananas to shooting heads off zombies.

After the objective is completed, the game will end, and a medal will be awarded depending on the number of points obtained. Certain medals allow the player to play as new characters in multiplayer or use cheats.

Cheats can be turned on in the options menu to activate features such as unlimited ammunition or the ability to shoot paintballs.

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