[Steemit DIP] A Letter to the Steem Community


First of all, we are very sorry to give you disappointing news. Due to timing and budget reasons, our proposal was rejected, so the development of SteemStation, which we originally planned, could not proceed. Thanks to @dip.team and Steemit Inc, (@steemitblog) for providing feedback and results through a lengthy review.

Due to security, design, and other issues, mobile wallets and authenticator apps are resource intensive and not feasible to build on the voluntary initiative of any member of the community. That's why there is no mobile wallet or authenticator app on Steem until now.

Our team was well aware of the annual budget allocated to the Steemit DIP($450k), so we had many internal meetings before submitting the proposal, and the budget presented in the proposal was also reduced to 50% of the actual required level. Nevertheless, it seems that the proposed budget was accepted at a relatively high level.

As a representative example, if you look at the case of Hive's Keychain wallet, you can see that they are supported by $143k in development costs per year. In that respect, I think the budget level we proposed was quite reasonable. We sincerely hope that Steemit Inc will make reasonable investments in the development of the most necessary tools from a long-term perspective. If not, we may have to continue to fork and use what was developed in Hive, or we may have to turn away from mobile users.

I managed to persuade external members with the ability to develop mobile apps and submit proposals, but it is regrettable that the result was like this. (Mobile app development has been my(@donekim) personal dream for a long time, and I thought this DIP would be a good opportunity.)

Our proposal was not successful, but we hope to have another opportunity someday. Thanks to everyone who supported our proposal.

Kind Regards,
The SteemStation Team

If you would like to talk about collaboration or funding support, please contact us on the discord below.

먼저, 여러분들께 실망스러운 소식이 전하게 되어 매우 유감스럽게 생각합니다. 타이밍과 예산 상의 이유로 우리의 제안서가 거절된 관계로, 당초 우리가 계획했던 SteemStation의 개발은 진행되지 못하게 되었습니다. 오랜시간 동안의 장고 끝에 피드백과 결과를 알려준 @dip.team과 Steemit Inc,(@steemitblog)에 감사드립니다.

보안, 설계 등의 문제로 인해 모바일 월렛 및 인증 앱은 많은 리소스를 필요로 하며 커뮤니티 멤버 중 누군가의 자발적인 봉사로 만드는 것이 현실적으로 불가능합니다. 그것이 지금까지 스팀에 모바일 월렛이나 인증 앱이 없는 이유입니다.

우리 팀은 Steemit DIP에 배정된 연간 예산 규모가 얼마인지($450k) 잘 알고 있었기 때문에 제안서를 제출하기 전 내부적으로 많은 회의를 했으며, 제안서에 제시한 예산도 실제로 필요한 수준의 50% 수준으로 감축한 것이었습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 제시한 예산이 상대적으로 높은 수준으로 받아들여진 것 같습니다.

대표적인 예로 Hive의 Keychain 월렛의 경우를 살펴보면 그들은 연간 143k 달러의 개발비를 지원받고 있다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 그러한 점에서 우리가 제안한 예산 수준은 꽤 합리적이었다고 생각합니다. 우리들은 Steemit Inc에서도 장기적인 관점에서 가장 필요한 툴의 개발에 대해 합리적인 투자가 진행되길 간절히 바랍니다. 그렇지 않다면 우리는 계속해서 Hive에서 개발한 것을 포크하여 사용하거나, 모바일 사용자들을 외면해야 할지도 모릅니다.

모바일 앱을 개발할 수 있는 역량을 가진 외부 멤버들을 겨우 설득하여 제안서를 제출했으나, 결과가 이렇게 되어 참 유감스럽습니다.

저희의 프로포절은 성공하지 못했으나, 언젠가는 또 다른 기회가 있을거라 믿습니다. 우리의 프로포절을 응원해주셨던 모든 분들께 감사드립니다.


This is a sad message. But maybe I haven't fully understood it yet.

Why was the proposal not successful? The proposal was selected as candidate after all. Were there now new difficulties in the further steps that caused the project to fail?
Do you intend to implement the project in another way? For example, something reduced?

The proposal was selected as a finalist, but was not finalized by Steemit Inc. We were willing to proceed even if the budget was cut somewhat, but I think Steemit Inc decided that it would be better to proceed quickly with other items. We have no choice but to respect and follow Steemit Inc's decision. Perhaps there will be another opportunity sometime in the future.

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