Missing Instructions to Build Steemd without Docker
I've spent sometime to experiment the steemd repo today. And a very first thing I noticed is the repo is missing instructions to build locally (without docker).
I've created a issue: https://github.com/steemit/steem/issues/3691
I've tried to mkdir buid; cd buid; cmake ../
and it has this error:
I tried to build using docker - it seems to work - but taking ages..
Steem to the Moon🚀!
- You can rent 4wer via rentsp!
- You can swap the TRON:TRX/USDT/USDD to STEEM via tron2steem!
- You can swap the STEEM/SBD to SOL Solana via steem2sol!
- You can swap the STEEM/SBD to ETH Ethereum via steem2eth!
- You can swap the STEEM/SBD to Tether USDT (TRC-20) via steem2usdt!
- You can swap the STEEM/SBD to TRX (TRON) via steem2trx!
- You can swap the STEEM/SBD to BTS (BitShares) via steem2bts!
- Register a free STEEM account at SteemYY!
- Steem Block Explorer
- ChatGPT/Steem Integration: You can type !ask command to invoke ChatGPT
- Steem Witness Table and API
- Other Steem Tools
No idea if those instructions work on modern versions of Ubuntu, though. I haven't compiled it in years.
It is possible. I did it. Currently I've not much time, so I can give you only a short hint.
The main reason for your problem is that Ubuntu later than version 18 uses an newer Boost version. You should install another Boost version, which not could be done with the apt repos...