Features and Bug Fixed: Timeout and No Default Node
I've continued features and bug fixes for the Steem Load Balancer Nodes which is open sourced here: https://github.com/DoctorLai/steem-load-balancer
I have deployed/maintained two:
- London, UK: https://api.steemyy.com
- Dallas, TX, USA: https://steem.justyy.com
See witness nodes.
Timeout for requests
This commit adds a timeout setting for the requests so they don't hang the process and slow down the Load Balancer.
No default nodes
There is a bug when all nodes are not accessible (unlikely, but when the host server has outbound connection problem), a default node will be chosen, however, there is a bug - which is fixed by simply returning 500 error code.
Steem to the Moon🚀!
- You can rent Steem Power via rentsp!
- You can swap the TRON:TRX/USDT/USDD to STEEM via tron2steem!
- You can swap the STEEM/SBD to SOL Solana via steem2sol!
- You can swap the STEEM/SBD to ETH Ethereum via steem2eth!
- You can swap the STEEM/SBD to Tether USDT (TRC-20) via steem2usdt!
- You can swap the STEEM/SBD to TRX (TRON) via steem2trx!
- You can swap the STEEM/SBD to BTS (BitShares) via steem2bts!
- Register a free STEEM account at SteemYY!
- Steem Block Explorer
- ChatGPT/Steem Integration: You can type !ask command to invoke ChatGPT
- Steem Witness Table and API
- Other Steem Tools