#Gaugan IA Contest week 20: Stormy Weather || Tiempo Tormentoso 💨

in The Terminal5 years ago (edited)

This is my entry for the Gaugan IA Contest #20 on Steemit counducted by @steemean ( Jimbo) a 6 years old boy with his father’s help.

Ésta es mi participación en el concurso Gaugan IA semana #20 en Steemit dirigido por @steemean ( Jimbo) un chico de 6 años ayudado por su padre.

A fuddy week plenty of news and Town Hall (witness) meetings almost every day . Hard to follow all the stuff going on but I think I got all up to date by now. I would advice you to do your own research (from trustful sources) and take your conclusions. I will be trying to help people as much as I can and on the side of those preserving our beloved Steem blockchain decentralised.

Una semana de miedo, incertidumbre y duda con reuniones casi todos los días de la mayoría de testigos (witness). Ha sido dificil seguir todo lo que ocurría por momentos pero pienso que mi información está actualizada. Yo recomendaría que cada uno buscara la información (de fuentes de confianza) y sacara sus propias conclusiones. Yo por mi parte seguiré ayudando a la gente todo lo que pueda y permaneceré junto a aquellos que quieren preservar nuestra querida blockchain de Steem descentralizada.

It was difficult for me to find time and concentration to make my normal stuff but I tried . My inspiration wasn't available today lol . I started making tests but nothing liked to me. Finally I started with my shapes game and today was the time for diamons. It all resulted like this week on our blockchain, uncertain and stormy:

Fué difícil para mi encontrar el tiempo y la concentración necesarios para mis cosas habituales pero al menos lo he intentado. Hoy mi inspiración no estaba "disponible" lol. Empezé haciendo algunas pruebas que no me gustaron. Finalmente comenenzé con mi juego de figuras, hoy le tocó al "rombo". El resultado es un poco como lo que ha ocurrido esta semana en nuestra blockchain, incertidumbre y tormenta:

Output result (Resultado final)


Input drawing (Dibujo de partida)


Let's support young people on Steemit, they deserve our attention and love!

Demos atención y cariño a los jóvenes en nuestra comunidad, se lo merecen!

It couldn't be without music! 😁

No puede ser sin música! 😁

Take part and give it a try there are nice prizes and some humble boost from myself. Here you’ll find instructions on how to do it:

Pruébalo y participa, hay interesantes. Instrucciones aquí:


Here you can find a quick nice tutorial:

Aquí puedes encontrar un buen tutorial rápido y fácil:

@marblely's post || post de @marblely

Love n’hugs to all ❤️


De acuerdo a la Biblia, ¿Son todas las religiones iguales?

Mira el video a continuación para saber la respuesta ...

(Perdón por enviar este comentario. No estamos buscando nuestro beneficio propio, su intención es predicar las palabras de Dios de cualquier manera posible).

Comenta lo que entiendes de nuestro video de Youtube para recibir nuestros votos completos. Tenemos 30,000 #SteemPower. Es nuestra pequeña forma de Gracias, nuestro querido amigo.
Mira nuestra Discord Chat
Únete a nuestra comunidad oficial: https://steemit.com/created/hive-182074

Your spam is really fucking annoying. You spam everybody, we ask you to stop, you refuse to, We downvote you, you downvote us. This is not what Jesus would do with his Steem account.

~Your spam is really fucking annoying. You spam everybody, we ask you to stop, you refuse to, We downvote you, you downvote us. This is not what Jesus would do with his Steem account.~

Hi @alexvanaken for some reason you commented on the post but I guess it was intended for the spammy comment above lol

Hey @drakernoise sorry about that! I am spamming these spammers as hard as I can right now. Hopefully they will get the message soon!

I guessed it hahaha, no problem ;)

mi amigo querido @drakernoise, siempre tan dispuesto a dar apoyo y ayuda. Ciertamente debemos informarnos muy bien con respecto al tema de la Blockchain, muchos no sabes mucho. Gracias por esa mano amiga...

Me alegra mucho verte aquí querida Raidhi (@nestorgarcia)!
Ya sabes cómo soy, si puedo, ahí estoy 😁
Que tengas un genial comienzo de semana, abrazos 🤗🤗😘😘

Thanks for posting your Gaugan art @drakernoise
And I'm sharing the band I've been listening today.

I love Too Many Zooz
Good concert

Those Too Many Zooz are amazing, I didn't know them so tones of thanks to you, they rock!
Hugs over there 🤗

Oooh I love the 8 bit block colour picture, super groovy.

Aaah ... cool!
Thanks so much for stepping by and your support ☕️😁🤗

Nice One you really did hard work on Art board and the result is awesome.
Good Luck for the Contest.

According to the Bible, The Story of Gideon: On Making Choices and the Second Coming.

Watch the Video below to know the Answer...

(Sorry for sending this comment. We are not looking for our self profit, our intentions is to preach the words of God in any means possible.)

Comment what you understand of our Youtube Video to receive our full votes. We have 30,000 #SteemPower. It's our little way to Thank you, our beloved friend.
Check our Discord Chat
Join our Official Community: https://steemit.com/created/hive-182074

Your spam is really fucking annoying. You spam everybody, we ask you to stop, you refuse to, We downvote you, you downvote us. This is not what Jesus would do with his Steem account.