4 Steps to Food Serenity: Break Free from an Unhealthy Relationship with Food & Quit Binge Eating

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which is titled the four steps to food serenity how to break free from an unhealthy relationship with food and quit binge eating for God even if you've tried and failed before so just so that you know you're in the right place I'm going to run through exactly who this class is for so this class is for women who are struggling with a food addiction so food addiction is the inability to stop it in certain processed foods even though they're causing you physical and psychological harm

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So as a woman with a food addiction you will find yourself craving and binging on unhealthy processed foods without being hungry and you'll be unable to resist the urge to eat these foods so this might be savory salty foods or it might be sweet and sugary foods ultimately they will be processed foods okay and they will contain combinations of processed sugars and starches and they're likely to contain added fats and salts and other addictive chemicals as well so symptoms are processed food addiction include binge eating eating food in isolation experiencing intense cravings for certain processed foods using food to hide emotions having excessive guilt or shame around your relationship to food trying to stop

But have a little control despite there being negative consequences and needing more and more food to get the same satisfaction as before okay so this class is for women who recognize that they have a major problem with processed food and this problem will be impacting your life in every way so it will be affecting your mental health your physical health your self-esteem your social life your relationships and it could even be effects in your career so it would be fair to say that it's gotten to the point where it is ruining your life and you can't carry on as you are you're at rock-bottom and you know that you need to do something about it and fast okay so this class is for women who are 100% committed and 100% motivated to make the changes that are needed in order to break free from food addiction and transform their life so you know that you have work to do and you accept that it won't be an easy rid

You accept that you need external help and support you've realized that you can't fix it on your own you've tried time and time again and it's just not working you're just getting the same results okay you keep going back to the same cycle of bingeing on processed foods and then regretting it straight afterwards okay so Oh for the next 30 minutes

Or so I'm going to be sharing with you some home truths about why certain approaches that are knocking around today are actually hindering your recovery and making your problems with food ten times worse we'll be looking at the importance of mindset and attitude when tackling an unhealthy relationship with food and how certain values and qualities are crucial for a successful recovery and it's not what you think I will let you know it the secret to it creating a mind and body free from food addiction that doesn't involve starving yourself or years of therapy or laborious 12-step programs

We'll be looking at how your current struggle with food can actually carve a path for personal transformation and growth if you allow it mikay and finally we'll be looking at the one thing that helped me achieve complete food serenity and how it's available to you as well okay so just a little bit about me just say you know who is talking to you my name is Rebecca and I'm from the UK I faced my own ten year plus battle with food addiction as well as various other addictions

I'm really really sensitive to addictive substances and that's just the way I am I accept that now or in my early 20s I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder um depression which for me mark the beginning of a 12-year stint on SSRI antidepressant medication I struggled with low self-esteem low self confidence and self image issues for most of my life and I also survived a suicide attempt okay for which I am eternally grateful that I wasn't successful so basically I've been yeah I've been to the darkest places that you can imagine and at times I've never thought I would ever experience inner peace and real happiness and freedom from food obsession and it took a lot of work and I had to completely transform myself so body mind heart and spirit but it was 100% worth every ounce of effort and since I started my journey of transformation

I quit the career in I Tina I didn't enjoy I traveled the world on my own I sold my house my car my furniture I bought a backpack and then I just went and I visited sixteen countries in a year and you'll see some of my travel photos actually during this presentation I've included some of my favorites after this I then studied and started a new career as an addiction recovery coach working with women who are struggling with addiction of all kinds including food addiction so I am very very very pleased to be here right now delivering this presentation to help all the women to overcome their own personal struggles with food and I'm inspired to help other women to get to the point where I'm currently out because this freedom is available to all of you and if I can do it anyone can do it okay so I am a qualified addiction recovery coach I have a bachelor's degree in psychology I'm a certified and I'll be practitioner and I'm also a qualified personal trainer okay so this isn't some kind of weird sales pitch I'm not going to be throwing in any dodgy offers along the way

All I'm doing today is sharing with you the only information that you need to start a successful recovery from food addiction once and for all so there's nothing on sale here today in this masterclass however I do have an exclusive invitation for you which I will talk about at the end of the training so stay tuned right until the end okay so the first important point that I want to talk about today is that recovery from food addiction takes courageous commitment

So when you're trapped in the food addiction cycle I guarantee that you are suffering immensely yeah I know that I did for over ten years yeah your obsession with food can lead to the destruction of everything that's important to you and it's often so obvious as well that you're addicted behavior and the binge eating is the source of the misery and your problems but you may still be unwilling to change and that's because there's so much comfort in familiarity and change takes a lot of courage because it's a second thing you're known but failure to summon up the motivation to walk away from food addiction can mean a death sentence for some people

It is vital that you summon up the necessary courage and commitment to keep moving forward if you carry on with your food addiction you can call yourself serious physical harm if you haven't already developed health issues because of you eaten then you are at risk of obesity heart disease fatty liver disease kidney disease digestive issues and you might find yourself developing type dude diabetes and you've also a higher risk of developing certain types of cancers and that's not to mention the impact it's having on your mental health

The anxiety and the depression that comes with food addiction can take you away from being the person that you really want to be yeah happy joyful fun-loving with a zest for life and it can actually stop you from wanting to get out of bed in the morning it can take away your spirit and you can become so disconnected with the person that you really are deep down recovery from food addiction for some people can actually be a matter of life or death but the good news is on a positive note that once you abstain from addictive processed foods and start nourishing your body you can begin to reverse the damage that's been done and you can actually start to feel like you again and you'll be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel you'll have more energy

You'll be bouncing out of bed in the morning your stomach bloating will go down your skin will start glowing you can reverse type 2 diabetes you can feel like a new person but I do understand that for someone who struggling with food addiction like I was asking them to find courage can seem like a really big ask yeah but what I found works for me was first of all decided that I have a sense of duty towards myself and towards other people and that I don't want to carry on living this life anymore

I want more for myself and the people that I love and care for and as well as this it also helps to approach your recovery without any preconceived judgements or biases and by having an open mind you need to be willing to take action despite the fair it doesn't mean that you don't have fear but you've decided that you're gonna take the leap regardless of your fear okay and you've got to do the work no matter how uncomfortable it might be and you've got to be willing to look inside and duty in a work and to keep going and never give up you get out of your recovery

whatever you put into it so if you're 100% committed to doing the work and whatever it takes you're succeed and that's all there is to it so on my own journey with my own food addiction I'd hit rock bottom I knew I couldn't carry on as I was I was seriously depressed I didn't want to carry on living if I was bin G in grossest foods every day and obsessing over food my life literally revolved around food food was my life and for me that was no life I knew that was gonna have to do the work and that it wouldn't be a straight road but I can honestly look back now and say that I'm so glad that I took the steps and I followed the correct recovery process

Every day I am so grateful to be free from food addiction and I'm so grateful for my courage and my inner strength yeah because I'm now the happiest I've ever been and I feel healthier than ever and I'm a better daughter and sister and uncle and have gained so much more resilience and now that I literally feel like I can take anything on nothing is ever gonna stand in the way of me live in the life I want to live I feel like an absolute warrior and have never been so connected to my purpose in life I Know Who I am now and what I want for the first time in my life so answer moon recovery from food addiction is a courageous move change is never easy even when it means people leave in a miserable situation for a better one it is still difficult yeah and to embrace change takes courage and commitment because recovery is a process and not an event and abstaining from addictive food is just the first step there will be lots more challenges ahead ok



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