Moviebiz Coin IDO is now LIVE. Now anyone can become a film investor!
Moviebiz Coin IDO is now LIVE. If you are eligible or qualified, you can now go to Coinswap Space ~ Spacepad to participate. Eligible or qualified means you were able to participate in the whitelisting for Moviebiz Coin and have enough $CSS Power to reach a certain Tier. In case you're not whitelisted, unfortunately you cannot participate in this project.
Moviebiz Coin is a platform where anyone can invest in movies by simply purchasing cryptographic tokens. It is revolutionising the whole Film industry. Now anyone can become a film investor.
The IDO starts today, Feb. 13, 2022 up until Feb. 17, 2022 only.
#CoinswapSpace #MoviebizCoin #Coinswap #IDO #DEX #blockchain #Film