Buying Food While It Is Still On Sale 9.2.2022


This picture was taken on February 2nd of 2022. I just thought of that 2.2.2022. Well anyway notice the price? A can of chili beans with meat for 98 cents. This was a sale price as these cans didn't move for a long time, then it went down to the price before the pandemic. Well product has got to move and to get enough room for the new stock they got to get rid of the old stock, the regular supply and demand.

So what did I do? Well, I started buying cans and cans of this stuff, first because I eat this stuff and secondly I know the price will go up again. So maybe for a month or two this price continued and then people did buy a lot of it and got rid of most of the old supply.

Then the next thing you know the price is $1.58 and is still up there as the day I write. The price went up more than 50 percent, but you see I knew that would happen since I do study the price of food that I would eat.

So now I stocked up on some of my emergency food. You see there is a lot of weird things happening in the world. Nicole Kidman is trying to get us to buy bugs and eat them.

I would say, she is trying to get us to do the agenda of the deep state. Kind of reminds me of that Klaus Schwab guy that told us that we will own nothing and be happy. Well, I sure don't want to be in that type of world, where I don't even own the clothes on my back? Sounds like he wants us to live is some kind of prison. Let's listen to that again, You will own nothing and be happy. That is what the deep state wants to do to us.

You know it is the same deep state that told us to get the COVID jab. Some people took their jab and then sometime after that they died. Let's look at some people we might know. Ed Asner took the jab and now he is dead. Hank Aaron took the jab and now he is dead. You know, that Full House guy, Bob Saget took the jab and now he is dead. So are people really looking into this jab? Deep state agenda? They want us to own nothing and be happy?

I can't hardly wait till, we win the house and the senate and Trump comes back as president, as I really don't like this deep state agenda of owning nothing and being happy, that is the deep states agenda, not mine. So I'm with Trump.

So in the mean time I am looking for deals and when I find them, I will be stocking up.

Remember there are food factories that are burning, is it planned arson, it is funny how many have been caught on fire, sounds like planned arson to me?

Then there are some farmers being told to plow under their crops or they won't get certain government money. It doesn't sound good.

Look for the sales and if you like that food that is on sale, stock up.

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, I have been young, and am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. Psalm 37:25.

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9.

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