
The one thing I will tell you about marriage that people ignore is I want to marry her because I love her. To shut up, oh man, because I want to marry him for Dean, you're not marrying a beard. You're marrying a human. It's a person 😄 you could be religious, pray five times, and still hate their guts. Just because someone is practicing their Deen does not make them a reasonable person in every other way. Many people have an anger problem, and they go to Hajj every year, but they still have an anger problem, so what I'm trying to get at Allah mentioned one thing about marriage that is on top.

Allah 😍 said he made you into spouses so that you could find peace. For what purpose? You could discover peace now. What does that mean that means when you love someone? Still, sometimes you love you can love someone without respecting them, you can love someone without being honest with them, you can love someone without caring for them properly, you can love someone but hate their family and all of these things, you know what they do they take away the peace so even if love is there peace is not there and when peace is not there the purpose of the marriage is gone the aim is not to love that comes from Allah the goal is not care, rahmah that comes from Allah you, your purpose is to find peace, so when you're looking for a spouse you're asking yourself what is it that makes me peaceful? What is it that gives me calm? My wife, my husband, this should be my calm. When I talk to them, my stress goes down; my anxiety goes down, and my anger disappears because of all the storms in my life my spouse gets rid of them. That's the kind of person I want to marry now if you're talking to someone. Already there's drama, there's already a temper problem, there's already attitude, there's already difficulty in communication, and you're ignoring it because you love him too much. You're not going to have peace later. You're not going to have it. This is the primary objective and young men and women. When you get married, the most crucial conversation will be what gives you peace. Tell me, what gives you peace? How can I give you that peace? So you can give each other peace, you give each other Sakina that's it you know what most people suffer from marriages and drama no peace

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