Football Match on Chaand Raat hits different...

in WOX Sports16 days ago (edited)

Tomorrow marks the celebration of Eid, and tonight is known as 'Chaand Raat.'This is the night indicating the arrival of Eid, one of the most significant religious events for Muslims.

The night before this particular Eid is incredibly hectic. In my household, it is undoubtedly one of the busiest times of the year. Preparations are in full swing, with everyone bustling around the house to ensure everything is ready for the festivities. There are numerous tasks to be completed, from cleaning the house to preparing special dishes, buying new clothes, and finalizing arrangements for the animal sacrifice.

Unfortunately for my mom, today is also Sunday, which means it’s football night for me. Despite the chaos and the endless list of things to do, I have my routine that I stick to, and Sunday evenings are reserved for football. It’s a time when I unwind and recharge before the week starts. This routine is non-negotiable for me, and it’s something I look forward to every week.

Around 7:30 pm, amidst all the pre-Eid frenzy, I packed my gym bag and headed out. I decided to get in some treadmill and cardio at the gym before heading to my football game

The match was scheduled for 9 PM, as it is every week, and as usual, I arrived first at 8:30. By 8:40, two of my teammates joined me, and we began warming up, passing the ball and preparing our bodies for the crucial match ahead.

The game kicked off slightly late at 9:10 PM. Since last week, I've been playing a different role on the pitch, which has worked out well so far. My natural position is more of a defensive midfielder, but due to my technical skills and excellent game awareness in creating opportunities for the forwards, I have transitioned into a Central Attacking Midfielder (CAM).

  • What is a CAM?

a CAM is a player who operates in the spaces between the midfield and attack. This role involves providing a creative spark and linking up with players in advanced positions to generate goal-scoring opportunities.

Tonight, I started as a CAM. The main challenge I’ve been working hard to overcome is my stamina. To address this, I've been following the cardio routines of English Premier League (EPL) players. One particularly grueling drill involves running on a treadmill at a 15° incline at 5 mph for twenty seconds, then resting for twenty seconds, and repeating this cycle fifteen times. The first time I attempted it, I shat my pants 🤣🤣 however it has had a significant impact on my stamina, though there is still plenty of room for improvement. My transition to a CAM has allowed me to utilize my technical abilities more effectively, creating and orchestrating plays from an advanced position on the field. This role requires a high level of stamina and agility, which is why I've been so committed to improving my fitness.

Tonight's match turned out to be my worst performance as a player this past month. Despite winning 2-1 and scoring both goals for my team, the victory didn’t feel like an achievement. The first goal was just a tap-in from an excellent cross delivered into the box from the right wing. The second goal was more about my teammate's skillful play; all I had to do was get past the keeper and push the ball into the empty net.

Now that I'm at home reflecting on the game, I think I understand why I don't feel good about it. After scoring the two goals, I wasn't playing my natural game. As a player who thrives on providing assists to the strikers, I found myself focused solely on securing a hat trick, and in the process, I failed miserably.


After my second goal, my mindset shifted. Instead of looking for opportunities to set up my teammates, I became obsessed with scoring a third goal. This change in approach led to some poor decisions on my part. I missed two clear chances where passing to my teammates would have almost certainly resulted in goals, putting us three goals ahead. Instead, I took three poor shots from outside the box, all in a futile attempt to complete my hat trick. It became evident that the two goals had gone to my head, affecting my usual playstyle.

As the second half wore on, my frustration grew. Close to the final whistle, I requested to be subbed off. I felt I wasn’t contributing positively to the team anymore and needed to step back. Our defense held strong, and our keeper’s performance was nothing short of extraordinary, ensuring our 2-1 victory.

In hindsight, I see that chasing individual accolades undermined my contribution to the team. Had I maintained my usual focus on creating chances for others, we could have secured a more comfortable victory. The experience has been a humbling reminder of the importance of selflessness in team sports. A player's value isn’t solely measured by the number of goals scored but by the overall contribution to the team's success.



That looks like a great place to play - is it astroturf, synthetic grass or hard court?

You don't need to explain what an Attacking Midfielder it. The clue's in the name 😉

I remember meeting Shane Long on a night out after we beat Derby 5-0. He was on a hat-trick and through on goal (at an angle) but instead of rifling his shot past the keeper, he squared it for a tap in. It was already 4-0 at that point and he should've earned himself the match ball but decided to pass instead. I asked him why. I wonder if I'd have said something different if he'd shot and missed 🤔

That looks like a great place to play - is it astroturf, synthetic grass or hard court?

This is astroturf, was built only this year. Pakistan is not so welcoming towards the football fraternity and it's been only a couple of years that the people themselves have started providing turfs like this one to the youth.

You don't need to explain what an Attacking Midfielder it. The clue's in the name 😉

Haha, was trying to explain the role.

I asked him why.

What did he have to say?

I guess that rules out slide tackles unless you fancy a week of pain!

What did he have to say?

Something along the lines of the other person being in a better position. I was on my 16th drink so can’t really remember.

This particular thought you had about scoring a hatrick is a major thing that has killed lots of team work in football.

Another challenge again , is if you are a star player. It gets into their head and they start thinking of themselves alone forgetting they are playing as a team….

I would have love to call name, but let me reserve my comment before his fans mob me…😊😊😊

gets into their head and they start thinking of themselves alone forgetting they are playing as a team….

Truee. We've so many examples of these sort of players.

I would have love to call name, but let me reserve my comment before his fans mob me…😊😊

Fire away, I assure you this is a safe place, no one will be attacking you haha

Amazing Post

@the-gorilla is this a scammer?

Did you see their comments?

Just did. Found out they are from Pakistan waiting to get verified with no posts, no contributions nothing. Seems fishy

🤷‍♂️ I don’t understand why they’re so desperate to get validated. They’ve literally pestered for it since they joined instead of actually do something. What’s the point? My Introduction was never validated and things have turned out alright.

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