RE: Tommy Robinson rants about early release for Jihadis and anti-Jewish complaints about Shalom
Take it easy mate, that's what your government and its US partner in crimes sponsored in my country and in dozens of other countries before and then fights us for trying to defend ourselves and pirates fuel ships coming to us after they stole our own oil wells..
In his latest interview when he was asked about the wave of terrorists going to Europe the Syrian President said: what goes around comes around. He added: Europe was the first to support terror in Syria, so you have to deal with your own creation.
Didn't you ever wonder how come all, I mean each single one of those terrorists who commit such crimes whether in Britain, France or the USA, are on the watch of the law enforcement forces in those countries?
The FBI goes as far as creating terrorists then trying to catch them moments before they carry out their attacks as if in red-handed, sometimes they fail to get on time.
You touched on the point when you said corrupt system, start fixing it. Unless you hold the war criminals accountable, those who lied your country into endless wars across the planet like Tony Blair and David Cameron, you'll never have peace at home.
Note that when it comes to supporting terror and wars both sides dominating your political system agree on it.