The creation of the noble Nur is Nur Prophet Muhammad SAW
Assalamualaikum best friend steemit. this opportunity I will convey a little knowledge that I know about the creation of Nur Prophet Muhammad is implied in various books' scholars ahlussunnah waljama'ah. Here is the story ... At the beginning of the creation of the noble Nur Nur Nabi Muhammad SAW. Allah created a tree called Syajaratul Yaqin / syajaratul muttaqin. there are four stalks. Then Allah SWT created Nur Prophet Muhammad SAW in a white gem jewel, like a peacock. Then Allah SWT put the peacock on that tree. Then Nur Nabi exalted into the presence of Allah Ta'ala 70,000 years. After Allah SWT put the peacock on the tree. Then Allah created a mirror that is placed right in front of him, Then the peacock mirrored in the mirror, he saw that very very beautiful and even good looks, Then the peacock was ashamed of Allah Ta'la. Then the peacock sweats 6 drops. From the first drop, Allah created Sayidina Abu Bakar R a. From the second drop, Allah created Sayidina 'Umar R a. From the third drop, Allah created Sayidina 'Usman R a. From the fourth drop Allah created Sayidina 'Ali R a. From the fifth droplet God created the rose tree. From the sixth drop Allah created rice. Then Nur Prophet Muhammad prostrated 5 times to Allah SWT. It is because of the 5 times of prostration that Allah obliges to the Prophet Muhammad, and to his ummah, prayed daily overnight 5 times.
Then Allah SWT look to the Nur, so that Nur is embarrassed. Then sweat out from various places. From the sweat that comes out of the nose, Allah SWT creates an angel. From the sweat of the face, Allah rivals' Throne, chairs, lauhul mahfudz, pens, sun, moon, clouds, stars, and all there is in the heavens. From the sweat of his chest God created the prophets, the apostles, and the 'ulama, the martyrs, and all the pious. From the sweat that came out of his back Allah created the Baital ma'mur, Ka'bah, Baital muqaddis, and all the mosques that existed on earth. From the sweat of his forehead Allah created all the ummah of the Prophet Muhammad who mu'min and muslim. From the sweat of his ears the Lord of all things the spirit of Jews, Christians, magi, and all who are unjust, and hypocrites. And from sweat 2 Allah created the earth.
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So and thanks .... may be useful.
Wassalam ...