for example... I am Italian and I was reading what you wanted to say about the history... I mean... I love history and I remember when I was in front of the TV watching things about the Ex-Jugoslavia war... of course years after the nazism. In this post I could read just a very very short summary but I would like to read more... if you were living at that time... if your parents were there etc etc... a bit more info that could create the post unique.
Thank you for your coments. I will try to write more
Could you please tell more exactly what you meant. How can I improve my work?
for example... I am Italian and I was reading what you wanted to say about the history... I mean... I love history and I remember when I was in front of the TV watching things about the Ex-Jugoslavia war... of course years after the nazism. In this post I could read just a very very short summary but I would like to read more... if you were living at that time... if your parents were there etc etc... a bit more info that could create the post unique.
Ok I will try to write more. Thank you for your comment