Tmutarakan - the most mysterious Russian Principality.

in #history7 years ago

In VI century BC by the Greeks lesbian on the Taman Peninsula, on the shore of the Strait of Kerch was founded the city of germonassa. At different times the city was a part of Bosporus Kingdom, great Bulgaria, Byzantium, Khazar Kaganate. In Russian sources the city is known as Tmutarakan.
In 965-966 gg (according to others in 968-969 years) Kiev Prince Svyatoslav made a trip to the Khazar khanate. According to historian Rybakov B. A., the purpose of this campaign was to clear and ensure the safety of one of the most important trade routes for Russia, which led from Kiev down the Dnieper to the Black sea, then through the Kerch Strait to the sea of Azov and upstream of the don. After the boat dragged been dragged to the Volga and went to the Caspian sea and then to Khorezm and the Arab countries. Confirmation of this theory can be the fact that as a result of the campaign Svyatoslav Khazar Kaganate was defeated, and Russia received several strong points on this trade route. In particular, the city Srakel (White tower), Korchev and Tmutarakan. Thus Tmutarakan falls under the influence of Russia. The city had an important strategic location, because who owned it, as well as located on the Kerch Peninsula Korchev, he could fully control the narrow Kerch Strait - the gate from the sea of Azov to Black and back. The composition of the population of Tmutarakan was very diverse, there lived Slavs, Khazars, Alans, Greeks, Armenians and others. The main occupations of the residents were trade and fishing.

The importance Tmutarakani shows and sending here in 988 Kievan Prince Vladimir I the Great of his son Mstislav as Governor, not every city had that honor. Mstislav, nicknamed the Brave, expanded ownership Tmutarakan Principality, winning 1022 year tribes kasogs and overlaid them tribute. There is a legend about the battle with kasarskis Mstislav Kagan Redada. However, in the year 1023, Mstislav is drawn into a stupid feud with his brother Yaroslav the Wise and leaves the middle of nowhere. Mstislav defeated Yaroslav, breaking his troops in 1024 near the city of Larch. However, to capture Kiev did not, and settled in Chernigov, where he ruled until his death in 1036.

Apparently it is due to Mstislav and formed a bond of Chernigov from Tmutarakani, because in the future the middle of nowhere has always been considered the lot of the Chernigov princes. So in the 60s of the XI century until 1069 the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise, son of the Chernigov Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, Gleb Yaroslavich ruled here. And 1076-1079 SG in Tmutarakani reigned brother Gleb, Roman Svyatoslavich. Tmutarakan Principality also attracted various rogue princes, that is, those who for some reason remained without a lot. Apparently played the role of remoteness from the main Duchy of the Russian land. Twice, in 1064-1065 and 1066-1067, temutarakan was captured by another grandson of Yaroslav the Wise, Rostislav Vladimirovich, expelling the ruling here Gleb Svyatoslavich. And in 1081-1083 gg here, expelling the Governor of the Prince of Kiev Vsevolod Yaroslavich boyar Ratibor, jointly ruled by two of the Prince, the outcast, Volodar ' Rostislavich and Davyd Igorevich.
But the struggle for darkness came not only between the Russian princes, control of the strategically important city and tried to regain Byzantium. For example, Tmutarakan Bishop was appointed not by the Kyiv metropolis as in other cities of Russia, but directly by the Constantinople Patriarchal Synod. And in 1067 to Tmutarakan Prince Rostislav Vladimirovich was sent Byzantine official-kotopan, who came to trust the Prince and poisoned him.

The most well-known Tmutarakan Prince is undoubtedly Oleg Svyatoslavich, known popularly Gorislavich. In the year 1078 Oleg of Tmutarakan was used as the springboard from which he tried to return to the land of his father, the Chernigov Principality. However, after being defeated by the troops of the Kiev Prince Vsevolod at the village Negatine the field, fled back to the middle of nowhere, where he was captured and sent to Byzantium. Back in Tmutarakan, Oleg was able to return only four years later, in 1083 year, and he ruled there for eleven years, until 1094, when made new, this time successful attempt to return the Chernigov land.

From 1094, when Tmutarakan left Oleg Gorislavich, information about Tmutarakan Principality no. Probably strengthening the Polovtsy, roamed in the black sea and Azov sea cut off ties with Russia Tmutarakani and it eventually came under the control of the Byzantine Empire.

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