Getting a little closer to reality yet always staying out of reach
If you fly too close to sun you get burned, you are better off on earth basking in the sun and maybe with some sun glasses.
Understand reality is a little like science fiction and a lot like logic.
We all have a body and we must tend to our own needs.
We say that reality is cold because the fact is if you stop eating you die…
There are no second chances here.
Reality has also another very subtle element which is closer in nature to philosophy or magic. (That which may be a contradiction or without any verifiable logical basis)
Many people around the world 🗺 all have different views on what reality is.
The fact is we, all of humans.we are all apart of this world. We are not separate from it.
Just as the bees and butterflies are not separate from the garden.
What we see, feel, say, notice, and experience is all apart of what reality is.
Unfortunately sometimes people have dramatically different experiences from each other.
Though diversity is important it allows us to be unique. It also prevents us from experiencing unity.
If people are insecure or feel strongly about their views they may try to impose them into others.
In an attempt to be honest, over the years people have come up with all sorts of ways to verify and validate reality.
The fact is it’s a matter of anyone’s opinion what anything they think or believe is real.
The line gets drawn when people get hurt…
If your beliefs get some else hurt, instantly you are judged by everyone else around you.
It’s important to understand here that no one really knows what all of this is. We all have our convictions.
It’s your nature to be an endless mystery to yourself.
Just as fire doesn’t burn itself. Knives don’t cut themselves. Your teeth don’t bite themselves.
That being said,
There is a practical purpose in philosophy and teaching that provoke you to question and understand things in a non linear way.
If we all only acted out of logic and tended to our physical needs only life would quickly become dull. This is not in nature’s design for us.
There will always be those who question why, provoking thought and fathom the unforgiving reality of contradictions.
Unfortunately this behavior taken to the extreme generates something very powerful. Powerful things can be dangerous and get people hurt.
The truth is History doesn’t repeat itself. We take into account history and take great measures to ensure our success and survival.
There are many people today who believe that the government is out to get them, or that they are being lied to. The truth is, everything in life is designed for a great purpose and highly motivated for the good of all. If you believe someone is out to get you, you are beating yourself up before they do.
You can take any bad situation and find some small thing which is a byproduct of it that is good. Try to focus on on that instead, you will be far better off…
Though it’s true sometimes bad things happen and people get hurt, it’s very important to trust nature.
Trust others reality even if you disagree with them.
Respect others and wish them well. Hurting others is a sure way to get yourself hurt.
After all we all answer to each other. No one is an island. And the angels are watching all of us with keen intent. Take interest in others views and reality. They may take interest in yours.
⬇️ 👇⬇️
Be blessed 🌺😊👌🌼🌸💐🎄 and have a beautiful day today
That's correct friend. 👍 You are quite right. Nice day! 🙌🌺🌻
So lovely photos, I love it. Thanks for sharing.
Excellent writing. Happy to sahre my blog. 🌸
Very nice...
The ultimate question has been asked here:what is reality?
Where do u go to find an anser?
As my spiritual teacher points out.... (the Name Krishna refers to the Supreme Being... the source of everything)

No problem for me. This is something I can do... naturally.
¡Excellent publication!. I love the reflections because they allow to connect oneselfwith oneself to digest what the teaching really contains.
We are part of a macro universe where we must understand our legitimate function and thus preserve harmony by being integrated within the parameters of that unbreakable universe. Blessings.
Yes! WE are distinct units , contained in ONE complex whole.
Thank you 🌸
Natural and Spiritual laws are SACROSANCT. They don't entertain deviations whatsoever.
On the other hand, Social and Philosophical REALITIES are very Subjective , difering from one object to another , all orchestrated by an Unseen FORCE to advance CORPORATE Interests as opposed to individuals'.
You explained it very well.
Thank you 🙏
There is a variety of thoughts and we have to respect each one without prejudice, since we live, participate and are connected with each other in this world.