10 unresolved mystery Of India

in #history7 years ago

Padmanabhaswamy Temple Of Kerala
Full of mysteries Temple: is there are many temples, where suppressing millions of tons of treasure vaults. For example, Kerala has pressed millions of tons of gold in 7 cellars of Sri Padmanabha temple. His 6 jackpot of nearly 1 trillion of the cellars have been evacuated, but on opening the 7th basement royalty has stayed the order of the Supreme Court. What is in the basement that feared the devastation from the opening, which is being shown this? Says the door to the basement is locked to a particular mantra and he will open the spells.
A temple of Vrindavan itself opens and closes. That Lord Krishna's bedroom at night Rangmahal set Nidivan campus says. As offerings today Rangmahal butter-sugar is taken daily. Bed to sleep is also levied. The morning when you see these beds, clean realize that no soy course here at night and Prasad has also assumed. So do not be dark as soon as the temple doors are automatically locked so the temple priest arranged beds and offering before the temple dark.
According to belief, there is no night time. Let alone humans, not animals. So come to see people for years, but the secret is to hide a little in front of true religious beliefs behind. The people here believe that if a person stops at night in the home he gets to die free from all earthly bonds.

Maha Bharat remembers ashwatthama you. It is said that the existence of ashwatthama even today. In fact, out to avenge his father's death, according to mythology ashwatthama lying side of his omission and Lord Krishna gave them cursed to wander the ages. It is said that you are wandering ashwatthama last approximately 5 thousand years.
20 km from Burhanpur town of Madhya Pradesh Fort Asirgarh. Is that Shiva is in the fort said temple in ashwatthama come to worship today. Local residents tell many stories of ashwatthama. They point out that ashwatthama to whoever saw went down to his mental state forever. Also said that even bathing in the pond located in the fort before ashwatthama worship.
Edge of Jabalpur city in addition to Burhanpur Madhya Pradesh Gurigat (Narmada) is a reference to wandering the ashwatthama. According to local residents, sometimes they also demand turmeric and oil to prevent blood flowing from a wound on her forehead. In this regard, however, is clear and authentic nothing to date found.

Dwarka under the sea
the face of Lord Krishna on the coast of Gujarat town or Dwarka. The religious significance of the place itself, the secret is not too low. It is said that he had rebuilt with Krishna's death city went submerged said. Even today, you'll find the remains of the city. However, the evidence could not be found until today what it is. Science does not build it Mahabartkalin.
The well-known researchers try to figure out the mystery of Dwarka described in mythology here for a long time, but based on scientific facts, there has not been completed by the act of learning now. The secrets of Dwarka in 2005 was launched for the unveiling. In this campaign, the Indian Navy has also helped.
During the campaign had cut-trimmed stones in the deep sea and about 200 other samples here were also collected, but today it is found not decide whether it was or not the same city that built by Lord Krishna. Even today, imprisoned in the depths of the ocean through scientific Scuba Diving are engaged in solving this mystery.

it is considered the largest mysterious mountain in the world. There may be good spirits. It is considered the center of unnatural powers.
It is the mountain pyramid shape. The earth is the center, according to scientists. This is a single center, which Axis Mundi ( Axis Mundi) is called. Axis Mundi that the world's navel or celestial pole and the geographical pole center. It gets to a point where the ten directions of the connection between heaven and earth.
Russia's scientists in the movement of Axis Mundi is the place where the supernatural power, and you can make contact with those powers.
Kailash is the stuff of four space points to mount structure compass and is located in a secluded location, where there is a no bigger mountain. Kailash climbs the mountain is prohibited, but Milarepa a Tibetan Buddhist yogis in the 11th century was against this. Russia's scientists report 'Yuenspeshiyl' was published in the January 2004 issue of the magazine.
Kailash four is surrounded by great rivers sources Sindh, Brahmaputra, Sutlej and Karnali or skirts and two tanks based. First, Mansarovar is one of the highest lakes in the purest water in the world and is the same as the size of the sun and the sea monster that is one of the highest lakes in the world of saltwater and is similar to the size of the moon. These reflect both lakes solar and lunar forces related to the positive and negative energy. When you see the south is a swastika can be really seen.
Mount Kailash and met religious leaders in his already studying the environment around Russia scientists temples when Tibet, he pointed out that the flow of a supernatural force around Mount Kailash which do Telepathic contact with the ascetic still spiritual leaders are. This mountain man-made is a giant pyramid, which is one hundred minutes of small pyramids. Ramayana is a reference to its pyramid.
Yeti the Snow continue discussions to see a human. Their habitat is in the Himalayas. People say that has seen the ghost and yogis with Yeti in the Himalayas, which are people who eat the dead.

Son stores Cave:
There are several caves in the country which has hundreds of hidden billions of tonnes of gold. Buddha was gold protection. Buddhist and Hindu kings Buddhkal had undertaken to hide the gold because this period has increased more friction and conflict in society. Rivalry kings went up. There were increases in the price of precious objects and took to hide all their treasures.
Bihar is a cave which has been the possibility of hiding millions of tons of gold and other treasures. The cave small town of Bihar Rajgir is located in the foothills of Vabrgiri hill. Ancient Mason City Bihar capital of Magadha Empire is a historical city. It was here that Buddha gave a sermon to King Bimbisara of Magadha.
Here is approximately 3-4 "Son stores Cave '(ie vast stores of treasures from the BC God made Buddha memory multiple monuments) Mystery and full of excitement. According to legends, Son stores filled cave gold and vast reserves of valuable treasures. So gold that India could become the number one in terms of gold in the world.

Aleya Ghost Light :
Aleya Ghost Light was known to have visited several times mysterious lights in the swampy areas of West Bengal. According to locals, this time the souls of those fishermen who catch fish were dying for some reason. People call these the lights of ghosts. It also appears that lights the fishermen called, they either do not live are astray or alive longer. The bodies of several fishermen in swampy areas were also found, but local authorities accepted to be unwilling to let go of the ghosts. According to him, is a frequent accident such as fishermen. Yet this mystery has not been solved mystery filled.
Scientists fear that makes frequent methane gas in swampy areas and they produce light when exposed to an element.

Roop lake:
it is located in the river Himalayan mountains. The beach has been found human skeletons. Over the past several years, India and various European scientists the mystery made many attempts to solve, but they failed.
India excavation of the National Geographic (Indian Division in the Northern Territory) has huge skeletons of 22 feet. This area is controlled by the military to be known as the empty area in the desert areas of the north. It was drifting Saraswati River in ancient times from the same area.
The skeleton of the Year 2007 National Geographic team had discovered in the region of North India with the help of the Indian Army. The effect of the news published in some newspapers on September 8, 2007. However, such has been no confirmation of the authenticity of the reports. In this case, as long as it is not issued any official statement, it is expected to be a lie.
It is said that tall, according to the Bhima of Mahabharata skeleton son get details Ghatotkacha is similar. Although the comparison is also being Bigfoot found in the United States whose average height is estimated at 8 feet. Compare this to the Yeti found in the Himalayas is being, which is similar to Bigfoot.
It is believed that such a giant human 5 million years lived on earth in the middle east 1 million to 20 million years ago, weighing approximately 550 kg was.
It shows at the skeleton that the giant was human in India anytime. Being considered can be kept the secret to this research now by the Government of India.
Notably, it was that no evidence anywhere to be such a big man could not be achieved yet. What was really the man so large? This is the first evidence that it proves that there were many high humans in that period.

Jatinga village :
Jatinga village in Assam village bird remains in the spotlight for the suicides. It is said that birds committing suicide here.
Just as people in the dense forest of Avkigohara Mount Fuji foothills of Japan come to commit suicide, right looming over the skies of Jatinga cumbersome night the same way monsoon black shadow of death. Flock to flock lights come yield up and are terminated at the time of the cheek.
This type of bird is the reason behind the mass suicide that address could not be determined until today. The thing I know there has been much research to find, but the esoteric nature secrets cannot be said to be still solid about. Assam's Cachar is important to know the secrets of the valley

Indian Caves:
There are lots of ancient caves in India, such as Tiger Caves, Ajanta- Ellora Caves, Elephanta caves and caves Bhim Betka. These caves who and when made? The mystery is not solved yet. Talk of a united India in the caves of Bamiyan in Afghanistan could also be involved. There are 750 caves at Bhimbetka which made Shailcitr 500 caves. Even the most ancient painting is regarded by some historians 35 thousand years old, some 12,000 years old.
Located in Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh at a distance of 46 kilometers from the caves Bhopal Purapashanik Bhimbetka. They are surrounded by the Vindhya ranges. Bhimbetka is located on the lower hills of Vindhyachal located on the southern edge of the plateau Mdhybart. Pre Classified mid Classified place the center of human activity.

Tibet Ymdwar:
used in ancient times called Trivishtp Tibet. The whole country was a part of. Tibet China has brought in its possession. The Darchen in Tibet is at a distance of 30 minutes door through.
Door through on the way to the sacred Mount Kailash. According to Hindu belief, it is considered the entrance of the house of death Yama, the god. It is the initial point of traveling around the Mount Kailash. Tibetan people have it known as Chorten Kong Ngyi, which means mound with two legs.
It is said that they do not live with even stay the night. There are too many incidents but disclosed its reasons behind it was not until today. At the same time it Mndirnuma door who and when made, there is no evidence. A lot of research, but they could not get a result.

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