Is History going to repeat itself?

in #history7 years ago


Ok so this post is one I have been wanting to write but haven't been sure exactly how to word it without offending anyone. Since everyone pretty much gets offended by everything I decided to just let it rip.

History..I am a proud 40 year old woman and we learned a lot in History class, slavery, the immancipation proclamation, memorizing the Gettysburg address, the holocaust along with a lot of other horrific events that happened in our world.

When these historical events started getting removed from history books in schools I started to wonder. If we are not teaching the future generations about what happened in the world could we repeat history and make the same mistakes again? Because these events are being erased from education would people out of ignorance of not knowing just do something similar?

This frightens me. Yes..the events that happened in our world have been horrific and yes they are tough subjects to teach and learn but if we are being taught and talk through these events aren't we in turn helping future generations learn from the events and bettering our world. Instead we are sheltering them from the events so they have no knowledge and in turn don't understand why certain things happened or why there may be hate in our world today,

I plan on teaching my children of these events, but not just the events themselves, we will have discussions we will look at it from both sides and understand why this happened and determine what small part we could play to make sure it doesn't happen again.


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