The Titanic did NOT sink because it hit an iceberg!

in #history5 years ago

My wife and I were talking about this event a little while ago because she is fascinated by them, and loves the historic stories and even tragedies.

So if anything it is cool to be writing this for her if for no one else.

As with most disasters, it seems this tragedy was more of a "Perfect storm" of events that collided in fact with each other to cause one of the most well known calamities the world doubt helped by the movie by James Cameron.


So just over a year and a half ago, researchers found some intriguing evidence that seem to point out that a FIRE was in fact to blame for the actual sinking of the "unsinkable" ship.

So in April 1912 over 1500 passengers lost their lives lost their lives as the RMS Titanic on route to New York from what was believed to be caused by colliding with an iceberg in the icy waters.

It's not as though the previous researchers did not acknowledge the possibility of a fire being on board the ship, but new analysis of rarely seen photographs prompted the researchers to blame the fire as the primary cause of the sinking and not the iceberg.
These photographs show huge 30 foot long black burn marks along the front right hand side of the hull, right where the ships lining was pieced by the iceberg!!

Journalist Senan Molony who has spend over 30 years researching the ship said "We are looking at the exact area where the iceberg stuck, and we appear to have a weakness or damage to the hull in that specific place, before she even left Belfast”.

Experts confirm that these marks were likely to have been left by a fire that was started in a 3 story high fuel store behind the ships boiler rooms.
Apparently 12 men battled to put out the flames which at the time were uncontrollable and raging at up to 1000 degrees Celcius.

It was through this fire that the hull had weakened sufficiently to be pierced so badly by the ice on that fateful night.

As per usual, those that were actually in the know, covered their asses by giving strict instruction to keep the fire under wraps.
Officers were given strict instruction not to mention it by the president of the company that built the ship, J Bruce Ismay.

And my wife likes donkeys too

This unfortunately is not the only lengths the company took to hide the PR disaster the fire would have created. Mr Maloney also mentioned that the ship was reversed into it's berth in Southampton to stop passengers seeing the damage to the ship made by the ongoing fire.

Of course it would not have stopped there. When the company 'investigated' the ships sinking, they in fact even then tried to protect the company by saying it was an "act of God" that caused the ship to sink, because it was in fact unsinkable.
The iceberg that hit the ship should never have pierced the hull, but it did, and that means only something divine could have caused it to sink!

But the truth is simpler than this....Mr Maloney said "It’s a perfect storm of extraordinary factors coming together: fire, ice and criminal negligence."

“Nobody has investigated these marks before. It totally changes the narrative. We have metallurgy experts telling us that when you get that level of temperature against steel it makes it brittle, and reduces its strength by up to 75 per cent."

“The fire was known about, but it was played down. She should never have been put to sea.”

I think if this detail was included in the movie, it would have fitting in extremely well with the narrative of the movie, and the class war that was happening at the time.
Lives often seem unimportant to the large business moguls of the world. In fact the currency of the world has in fact changed from gold and precious metals to something way more easy to obtain, discard of and a lot more valuable......that is LIFE ITSELF.

My personal belief is that most highly successful people in the world have uncovered the secret to making their fortunes, and it is the exploitation of life for those profits.
That could be keeping someone on a minimum wage in a 2x2 cubicle for 9 hours a day and raking in billions, slaving them away in a sweat shop, putting them at risk with products unfit for consumption, selling them for sex/labour, taxing them into poverty etc etc.

Yes, life is the currency of the day and it is evident in this story, where human life was not as important as was the success of a business venture with all the well-to-do's of the world.

Terrible to think that up until now this company and the decision makers were never truly made accountable for their decisions. In fact most of the blame was directed at Captain Smith, which I think was in some ways justified, but from what you can tell, he was the scapegoat in fact because only a portion of the blame was his to take.

In some documents it has been said that CPT Smith was in fact ordered by Ismay to make the crossing in record time, thus indirectly causing the collision as well.

And it was also the British government that allowed the boat to sail with insufficient lifeboats.

Cpt Smith failed in where he did not fill those lifeboats that were on the ship to capacity.


But like my wife also says, the truth almost always comes out....regardless of how you hide it.

I found this very interesting and viable, yet what a terrible tragedy. The human story is bound to be full of such instances.

Keep well all, and remember we are all better than this, and it all comes down to the little decisions in our lives that build us into our divine potential.

The below pictures have so much story to tell: Credit


Nice article, I wonder if this is the truth or not!!

thank you. It seems to be legit. I looked around and there are a few people referring to this study on the damage from the fire being the final cause of the actual disaster.

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