Top Mysteries of Ancient or Lost Civilizations

in #history7 years ago

Understanding our past is the thing that students of history and anthropologists try to do. Thinking back we will witness developments rise and fall, as mankind strolls down an extremely tedious way of development and decimation. All things considered, there are some antiquated societies that appear to be extraordinarily outsider to us, legends and bizarre experiences cast only shadow over some of these people groups. Some are said to be extremely best in class and peaceful just to vanish with some disaster and others, in spite of stories and records of experiences, never appear to have existed. Here is a rundown of puzzles encompassing antiquated people groups.

Age of the Pyramids and Sphinx


Most Egyptologists trust the Great Sphinx on the Giza level is around 4,500 years of age. In any case, that number is only that – a conviction, a hypothesis, not a reality. As Robert Bauval says in 'The Age of the Sphinx', "there was no engravings – not a solitary one – either cut on a divider or a stela or composed on the throngs of papyri" that connects the Sphinx with this day and age. So when was it fabricated? John Anthony West tested the acknowledged age of the landmark when he noticed the vertical weathering on its base, which could just have been caused by long introduction to water as overwhelming downpours. Amidst the abandon? Where did the water originate from? It so happens that this region of the world experienced such rains – around 10,500 years back! This would make the Sphinx more than twice its right now acknowledged age. Bauval and Graham Hancock have figured that the Great Pyramid moreover goes back to around 10,500 B.C. – originating before the Egyptian human advancement. This brings up the issues: Who fabricated them and why?

I'll simply call attention to that the general sphinx shape is a characteristic arrangement in that piece of the world, because of winds + sand. Egyptologists bring up that the Egyptians would have seen the feline like shape, and after that cut in the highlights.

The Nazca Lines


The well known Nazca lines can be found in an abandon around 200 miles south of Lima, Peru. On a plain estimating around 37 miles in length and one mile wide are carved lines and assumes that have confounded the logical world since their revelation in the 1930s. The lines run flawlessly straight, some parallel to each other, numerous converging, influencing the lines to look from the air like old airplane terminal runways. This provoked Erich von Daniken in his book Chariots of the Gods to recommend that they really were runways for extraterrestrial art. Additional interesting are the colossal figures of 70-a few creatures cut into the ground – a monkey, an insect, and a hummingbird among others. The confound is that these lines and figures are of such a scale, to the point that they must be perceived from a high height. So what is their noteworthiness? Some trust they have a cosmic reason, while others think they served in religious functions. A current hypothesis proposes the lines prompt wellsprings of valuable water. Actually, nobody truly knows.

Location of Atlantis

There are many, many, numerous speculations with regards to the genuine area of Atlantis. We get the legend of Atlantis from Plato who expounded on the excellent, mechanically propelled mainland estimated island in 370 B.C., yet his depiction of its area was restricted and ambiguous. Many, obviously, presume that Atlantis never truly existed. The individuals who figure it existed have looked for confirm or if nothing else intimations in relatively every edge of the globe. Edgar Cayce's popular predictions said leftovers of Atlantis would be found around Bermuda, and in 1969, geometric stone arrangements were found close Bimini (a.k.a. The Bimini Road) that devotees said affirmed Cayce's forecast. Other proposed areas for Atlantis incorporate Antarctica, Mexico, off the shore of England, perhaps even off the bank of Cuba (see beneath). The contention and hypotheses will probably proceed until the point that somebody reveals a sign saying: "Welkommen zu Atlantis! Eat at Joe's."

The "ever-inauspicious" Mayan Calendar


There's been a considerable measure of hoopla over the gathered predictions of the Mayan date-book. More individuals fear it, maybe, than dreaded the anticipated disasters of the year 2000. All the worrying depends on the finding that the Mayan "Long Count" date-book closes out on the town that compares to our December 21, 2012. What does this mean? The apocalypse through some worldwide upheaval or war? The start of another time, another Age for humankind? Such predictions have a long convention of not happening. Be that as it may, the main way we'll discover without a doubt is to sit back and watch. In the event of some unforeseen issue, in any case, in 2012 you should need to do your Christmas shopping early.

The Spirit Cave Mummy


In 1940, a couple archeological group, Sydney and Georgia Wheeler found a mummy in 'Soul Cave' thirteen miles east of Fallon, Nevada. After entering Spirit Cave they found the remaining parts of two individuals wrapped in tule tangling. One arrangement of stays, covered further than the other, had been in part embalmed (the head and right shoulder). The Wheelers, with the help of nearby inhabitants, recouped a sum of sixty-seven relics from the surrender. These ancient rarities were analyzed at the Nevada State Museum where they were assessed to be in the vicinity of 1,500 and 2,000 years of age. after 54 years in 1994, University of California, Riverside anthropologist R. Erv Taylor inspected seventeen of the Spirit Cave ancient rarities utilizing mass spectrometry. The outcomes demonstrated that the mummy was around 9,400 years of age — more seasoned than any already known North American mummy. Additionally examine confirmed that the mummy displays Caucasoid attributes looking like the Ainu (an Ethnic Japanese individuals), in spite of the fact that an authoritative association has not been built up.

Egyptian Treasures in the Grand Canyon


The April 5, 1909 release of the Arizona Gazette included an article entitled "Investigations in Grand Canyon: Remarkable finds demonstrate antiquated individuals relocated from Orient." According to the article, the undertaking was financed by the Smithsonian Institute and found curios that would, if checked, stand ordinary history on its ear. Inside a cave "slashed in strong shake by human hands" were discovered tablets bearing hieroglyphics, copper weapons and apparatuses, statues of Egyptian divinities and mummies. Albeit exceedingly captivating, reality of this story is in question just in light of the fact that the site has never been re-found. The Smithsonian denies all information of the revelation, and a few endeavors scanning for the sinkhole have come up with next to nothing. Was the article only a scam? "While it can't be reduced that the whole story is an intricate daily paper scam," composes specialist/traveler David Hatcher Childress, "the way that it was on the first page, named the esteemed Smithsonian Institution, and gave a profoundly point by point story that continued for a few pages, loans an awesome arrangement to its believability. It is difficult to accept such a story could have left thin air." Supporters additionally guarantee that the limited territories (of which even laborers at the Canyon) are proof of the conceal.

Mu or Lemuria


The unbelievable lost universe of Mu, infrequently call Lemuria is about as well known as Atlantis and without a doubt, parallels it intently now and again. As per custom among numerous Pacific islands, Mu was an "Eden-like" tropical heaven found some place in the Pacific that sunk, alongside the majority of its excellent occupants, a huge number of years prior (sounds well-known). Like Atlantis, there is progressing banter concerning whether it truly existed and, provided that this is true, where.

Voyages to the Americas


Christopher Columbus is said to have "found" America, obviously we as a whole know superior to anything this, as some time before him individuals/people groups had been there, even settled. Local Americans landed there numerous hundreds of years before Columbus, and there is great confirmation that travelers from different civic establishments beat Columbus here, as well. Antiques have now been discovered recommending that antiquated societies investigated the landmass. Greek and Roman coins and ceramics have been found in the U.S. what's more, Mexico; Egyptian statues of Isis and Osiris were found in Mexico and additionally proof of Egyptians in the Grand Canyon (see above). Old Hebrew and Asian antiques have likewise been found. Stories of explorers from inaccessible grounds in local myths and legends additionally propose likelihood.

In all actuality, we know next to no about right on time, far-voyaging societies.

Sunken City off of Cuba


In May 2001, an energizing disclosure was made by Advanced Digital Communications (ADC) who were mapping the sea base of Cuba's regional waters. Sonar readings uncovered something sudden and very astonishing 2,200 feet down: stones laid out in a geometric example that looked especially like the remains of a city. "Nature couldn't have constructed anything so symmetrical. This isn't characteristic, yet we don't realize what it is." said Paul Weinzweig, of ADC. An awesome depressed city? National Geographic demonstrated a lot of enthusiasm for the site and was associated with resulting examinations. In 2003, a minisub dove down to investigate the structures. Paulina Zelitsky of ADC said they saw a structure that "appears as though it could have been a huge urban focus. In any case, it would be absolutely flippant to state what it was before we have confirm."

Japan's Underwater Ruins


Off the southern shore of Okinawa, Japan, under 20 to 100 feet of water lie confounding structures that may have been worked by some antiquated, "lost human progress". Cynics say the expansive, layered arrangements are presumably normal in birthplace (which appears to be insane taking a gander at the photos). "At that point, in pre-fall of the next year," composes Frank Joseph in an article for Atlantis Rising, "another jumper in Okinawa waters was stunned to see a gigantic curve or portal of immense stone pieces wonderfully fitted together in the way of ancient brick work found among the Inca urban communities on the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean, in the Andes Mountains of South America." This appears to affirm that these are synthetic remnants. The design incorporates what give off an impression of being cleared avenues and junction, vast sacred place like arrangements, staircases prompting wide courts and processional courses surmounted by sets of transcending highlights looking like arches. On the off chance that it is a depressed city, it is enormous. It's been proposed that it may be the lost human progress of Mu or Lemuria (see above).



Exactly what I want to read about on steemit! Awesome, go on like this!

I'm also a history freak!


Love the ancient mysteries.

If you'd allow me to be a Captain Here.

A fascinating decoding of the Nazca lines, which then brings up more questions as to who and how:

The calendar being represented as Mayan, is in fact the Aztec calendar which is on display at the National Museum of Anthropology and History in Mexico City.

The Mayan calendar would look like this:

Edgar Cayce readings described Atlantis as a continent, where the Atlantic Ocean is today, before it began to be broken up into islands as a result of floods caused by the misuse of their crystal energy source. This process occurred over a span of 200,000 years. As an interesting aside, that same crystal energy source, still underwater in the Bahamas, is the cause of the Bermuda Triangle anomalies.

The Norse were also in North America at least thousand years ago, but probably more.

Very informative it

Awesome post

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