The Real King Arthur: The Truth Revealed

in #history8 years ago

Not Him!

Nearly everyone in the English speaking world is familiar with the legend of King Arthur. When we were kids we played Knights of the Round table. Books across the centuries bespoke the bravery of Arthur and his knights and of the nobility of Camelot. T.H. White's The Once and Future King told of the sword in the stone and the Lady of the Lake, as well as the tutelage of Merlin the Magician. Mallory's Le Morte D'Artur told in 1485 of the King and his exploits. Recent scholars and archeologists have searched in vain to find the mythical Camelot or other evidence of Arthur and his life. One "scholar" even posits that Arthur isn't really dead, only sleeping, waiting to come back and rid England and the world of such social woes as "the financial crisis, climate change and wars." (I shit you not!)

Those that know me know that I'm an assiduous researcher and never stop until I've uncovered the truth. Well, after watching numerous videos and checking many, many sources over the years... I've found it! They were all looking in the wrong place. Arthur wasn't even English.

When the Romans departed England in 410 or thereabouts it's assumed that they ALL boarded ships, waved farewell and left for good. However, this is incorrect. A Roman soldier, an Italian guy named Arturo Sovrano (literally translated- Arthur Sovereign, or King Arthur) stayed behind with a few of his buddies. He had staked himself out a little plot of land in Southwest England where nobody would come looking for him and after the other Romans had left, built himself a castle. He called it Castello del Mare (castle by the sea). The English scribes couldn't translate it so they drew a picture and said it was "a castle where he came a lot." Over the centuries it evolved into Camelot.

Arturo, his pal Lancillotto (Lancelot), Mago Smeriglio (Merlin the magician) and a few others stuck around fighting off Saxons and other undesirables. Proof lies in a tablet found at Tintagel, in Cornwall...
It clearly says "ARTO" which is short for Arturo and what his buddies called him. The next photo is the remains of Tintagel castle, actually Castello del Mare where the tablet was located...

I hope this has been helpful and cleared up any misconceptions anybody may have had.

Questa e la verita come lo so!



Makes sense- the Roman Empire controls everything.

Believe me... I left no stone unturned!

I think there may have even been a movie within the last 15 years (not sure which off the top of my head) that approached it from this perspective. I've heard and been familiar with this myself, but like you I read and research a lot. Oh and I also am a big fan of Medieval history. I like Arthurian stories, but I happen to be drawn most to researching things like the Knights Templar, and similar topics.

There was a movie King Arthur with Clive Owen, directed by Antoine Fuqua (who I really like)... Mine was just humor, I woke up in a crazy mood (not enough medication). I did watch this video that I really liked... it provides a completely new (to me) perspective.

I think the movie I was thinking of was called "The Last Legion" and it is not very accurate, and is obviously fiction. Yet, it is interesting it is closer to what was likely the truth.

For me the truly interesting person in the stories was not Arthur. I was more interested in the mysterious Merlin.

Smeriglio! The link I sent you is serious it comes from Welsh history and is the most believable evidence I've seen. They say there were 2 King Arthur's, both from Wales... Their documentation is good and their narrative actually makes sense.

Yeah I am watching it.

Let me know what you think!

Good stuff. Something worth thinking though not really surprising.

I have a King Arthur story forming in me 'ead based on Arthur as a Welsh (Briton) chieftain reclaiming England from the Angles and Saxons circa 900; a lot more to it than that but I don't want to spoil it.

Been too lazy to put it to keyboard, but several chapters are "complete"

That's Arthur II who lived in the late 6th Century... By the 900's the Saxons were the dominant force. I posted a video comment on here (Dwinblood). It seems an historic reality that Arthur was Welch.

my Arthur is a "alternative fact" king; just imagine if the Anglo-Saxon bishops rewrote history... ;>

Sounds like you already watched the video!

I'm a real lover of Arthurian stories, as you I read many documents and I watched many videos, searching the true all around me. So I can confirm that King Artur was Italian! Questa è la verità!
(I said this without personal interest, sure! lol :P )

Great minds think alike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree!!!!! ^_^

What would we do without you? Seriously, great investigative work.

Thank you... I do what I can lol!

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