in #history6 years ago

Indian history

If India's history is said to be one of the great chapters of the history of the world, it can not be said exaggerated. Describing this, the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, had said, "Born with contradictions but tied with invisible strings strong". The characteristic of Indian history is that it is engaged in continuous process of finding itself and constantly growing, so it seems elusive to those who try to understand it at once.

The history of this wonderful subcontinent is about 75,000 years old and its proof comes from homo sapiens human activity. It is surprising that 5,000 years ago the settlers of the Indus Valley Civilization developed an urban culture based on agriculture and trade.

According to the era, the history of India is as follows:
Stone Age

The Stone Age began from 500,000 to 200,000 years ago and recently the recent findings in Tamilnadu reveal the presence of human being in this area first. Weapons made by humans from 200,000 years ago have been discovered from the northwest part of the country.
Bronze Age

In the Indian subcontinent, the Bronze Age began with the Indus Valley Civilization of about 3,300 BC. In addition to being a historical part of ancient India, it is one of the earliest civilizations in the world, along with Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. People of this age developed new technology in metallurgy and handicrafts and produced copper, brass, lead and tin.
Vedic period:

Those who attacked India were the first Aryans. They came from north around 1,500 BC and came with a strong cultural tradition with them. Sanskrit was one of the oldest languages ​​spoken by him and it was used in writing the Vedas, which are of 12th century BC and considered to be the oldest texts.

The Vedas are considered the oldest treatise after Mesopotamia and Egyptian texts. In the subcontinent, the Vedic period lasted about 1,500-500 BC and in the same early Indian society, the foundation of Hindu religion and other cultural dimensions was found. The Aryans spread the Vedic civilization throughout north India, especially in the plains of the Ganges.
This period saw the second largest rise of urbanization in India after the Indus Valley Civilization. The word 'Maha' means great and 'Janapada' means the basis of any tribe. At the end of the Vedic era, many small dynasties and kingdoms began to flourish throughout the subcontinent. The description of this is also in Buddhist and Jain literature, which are earlier 1000 BC. Up to 500 BC, 16 republic or say that Mahajanapadas were established, such as Kasi, Kosala, Angad, Magadha, Vajji or Vraji, Malla, Chedi, Vats or Vams, Kuru, Panchala, Fishery, Surasena, Asaka, Avanti, Gandhara and Cambosa.

Persian and Greek victories:
Most of the subcontinent came mostly in the northwestern region, which is presently in Pakistan and Afghanistan, under the rule of Darius the Great of the Persian Achaemenid Empire in c. 520 BC and lasted for nearly two centuries. In 326 BC Alexander defeated the Asia Minor and the Achaemenid Empire, and then defeated King Porus by reaching the north-western border of the Indian subcontinent and captured most of the territory of Punjab.

Maurya Empire
The Mauryan empire of Maurya dynasty lasted from 322-185 BC and it was a very powerful state in the geographical form of ancient India and in political and military matters. Chandragupta Maurya established it in Magadha in the subcontinent, which is in Bihar in today's time and it became very advanced under the rule of the great King Ashoka.

Events of ancient Indian history

Prehistoric Era: 400,000 BC-1000 BC : This was the time when only the person collecting food discovered fire and wheels.

Indus Valley Civilization: 2500 BC-1500 BC : Its name came from the river Indus and it was advanced by agriculture. The people used to worship natural resources also.

Epic Age: 1000 BC-600 BC : In this period Vedas were compiled and separated from the characters like Arya and Das.

Hinduism and Transformation: 600 BC-322 BC : At this time, the caste system became very strict and this was the time when Mahavira and Buddha arrived and they rebelled against racism. Mahajanpadas were formed during this period and Magadha came under the rule of Bimbisar, the untouchables, Shisunanga and the Nanda dynasty.

Maurya Kaal: 322 BC-185 BC : Chandragupta Maurya was the whole of North India under this empire established by the Maurya and Pontsara extended it further. After the Kalinga war in this period, King Ashoka adopted Buddhism.

Attack: 185 BC-320 AD: In this period there were invasions of Bactrian, Parthian, Saka, and Kushan. Central Asia open for business, the trend of gold coins and the beginning of the era of the Sakas.

Deccan and South: 65 BC-250 AD: During this period, Chola, Chera and Pandya were ruled by the southern part and during this time Ajanta Ellora caves were built, Sangam literature and Christianity arrived in India.

The Gupta Empire: 320 AD-520 AD: In this period Chandragupta I established the Gupta empire, in the north, the classical era arrived, Samudragupta extended his dynasty and Chandragupta II fought against the Shakak. Shakuntalam and Kamasutra were composed in this era. Aryabhatta did amazing work in astronomy and Bhakti sect also emerged at this time.

Era of the small kingdoms: 500 AD-606 AD: In this era, the arrival of the Hunas in North India has seen migrations in Central Asia and Iran.

In the north, many of the smaller kingdoms were formed by mutual warring dynasties.

Harshavardhana: 606 E-647 AD: Famous Chinese traveler Hein Tsang traveled to India during Harshvardhan's reign. Harsha Vardhan's state was divided into several smaller states by the attack of the Hunas.

This was the time when Deccan and South became very powerful.

South Dynasty: 500 E-750 AD: Chalukya, Pallava and Pandya empires, Panapa and Parsi came to India during this period.

Chol Empire: 9th Century E-13th Century AD: The Chola empire founded by Vijayalas pursued the sea policy.

Now the temple begins to be a cultural and social center and the Dravidian language flows out.

Northern Empire: 750 E-1206 AD: At this time, the Rashtrakutas became strong, how Pratahar used to rule Bengal and Avatar and Palas ruled Bengal. This period saw the rise of Rajput clans.

Temples were constructed in Khajuraho, Kanchipuram, Puri and small paintings started. Turks were invaded during this period.

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