An ark in an ark.

in #history6 years ago

Noah’s ark was the pyramid, didn’t save animals, it saved math, the pyramids line up within 300th of a degree with true north not magnetic north, only way to build it was to know the earth was round and the radius of earth and your location on the earth, this can be learnt from looking at the stars, there was no tv in ancient times, everyone’s tv was the stars they looked up at as they fell asleep.

This knowledge had to be kept so we could use it to rebuild civilization after the flood, glacial melt from the Taurids asteroid crash in 12800BC. In less than 24 hours from eastern Europe to western America was hit by asteroids, wiped out everything and knocking so much dust in the air there were many years of night.

This left a charcoal layer down in the rock worldwide. It looked like stars feel out of the sky (as above so below). Taurids flyby every June and October, this is Lucifer and his buddy’s falling to earth. People thought the stars were gods or angles and they fell out of the sky and wrecked the place. The asteroid cloud was a comet, when comets come close to large sources of gravity, like the sun they break apart. Ancient pictures of planets around a sun is a broken-up comet coming from the direction of the sun.

Lots of ancient stories of comets being evil omens. Lots of ancient sites tracked the sun, they will have a rock that lines up with the sun. Gobekli Tepe is dated to the same period. As the year goes by the sun moves, it rises and sets at a different place on the horizon. The wise men that lived at these sites would watch for June and Oct (Taurids are called Halloween fireballs today, the ones in June are in the daytime and can’t be seen with the naked eye) and tell people the gods are mad, and the shit is going to hit the fan, people would go live in caves underground for these times. The pyramids have 100s of kilometers of natural tunnels under them. Taurids are still happening but are getting further from earth with each cycle, we are on the edge now and eventually, they will be gone. Tunguska was the last impact.

Ice melting from reentry makes asteroids explode it’s called an air burst. Religion and the gods were very real for ancient people. North America and northern Europe had 2 mile high glaciers at the time.

They melted from impacts and flooded the earth, sea levels are 110 meters higher now because of that. Lots of ancient cities are found off the coast of the modern world, cities were built on the coast because boats and the oceans were the ancient highways. We have amnesia of our past because it’s underwater.



This has been kept secret by secret societies because they are a secret society, keeping secrets is their deal. Also telling religious people lucifer was an asteroid would get you killed until recent times. And even present times in some places.

No mummies were ever found in the pyramids in Egypt (they were in the valley of the kings). Pyramids were for astronomy and encoding math in a form that would last, they had no iCloud for backups.

The tomb of birds (near Giza pyramids), is about civilization starting, birds represent the female trait of self-sacrifice for the good of the group, staying home and raising kids/coming together as a city. Birds mean civilization. The opposing male trait is selfishness, it allowed them to conquer and take other people’s stuff, sending lots of people to die in war is not something the feminine trait of compromise could do. Testosterone gives drive and ambition to conquer, testosterone is a male hormone.

Tower of Babel falling was the loss of triangles and arches required to build tall buildings, math was the universal language humans lost, and we needed rulers and stone masons to build things from then on. Stone mason secrets in ancient times were how to build stuff out of stone, the secret handshakes would show what level you were at. Architects at the top and laborers at the bottom. The handshakes had to be secret, so no one faked it and designed shit that wouldn’t stand up. The Gnostics learnt all this, and their library got burnt to the ground.

The serpent in the bible gave people knowledge and freed them from the jail of Eden, we were naked animals before we got the knowledge to start building iPhones.

Challenge them uncomfortable thoughts that instantly pop into your head, there is treasure in those mountains. Climbing mountains and challenging your thoughts is both hard and rewarding.

Every religion since forever has had deeper meanings and secrets only obtainable by the few at the top.

Science is slow to adopt a new idea, that’s how they verify their ideas. They don’t take money to tell you things that make you feel good, they are trying to be correct, it takes time.

There is also one of the pyramids was rebuilt, like it fell over and had to be put back together, might have been Babel.

Also the ark of the covenant would have fitted in the stone thing in the pyramid, 2 arks in one.( dimensions are mentioned in the bible somewhere)

Also, people think both Moses and Joseph might have been Egyptians. Hebrew stories have been stolen from them.
Akhenaten and Imhotep. The Egyptians already had polythiesim by the time moses came along. Aten.

I think the ark of the covenant was a radio receiver.
sorta like this.

You get 2 charged wires close together and you can receive radio in the sparks.
The bible says trained priests could hear the words of god coming out of the ark of the covenant.
Look at those wings in the picture above, they are really close together.

You don't need much power, you can power a radio receiver from oranges or beer.
They had batteries like this
Doesn't make enough charge to light a light bulb but does have enough charge to do electroplating.
electroplating is the only way they could have made this, electroplating can work with tiny amounts of electricity.

So yeah they had electricity (tiny amount though).
Those wings were a radio receiver.
Depending on the distance between the wings you can get musical notes. like the voices of angles.
I think the origin of the radio signals was electricity in the atmosphere during storms, and people thought they could translate the sounds they were hearing to language.

Bam done.


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