To William Wilberforce; Heroes of our past!
Slave trade in Africa was a booming business for the British High ranking officers and some parliament members. Although Slavery is not a new thing when the European Slave Trader came, it dated back to the beginning of time in the Mosaic Era, as far back as 1860 BC.
Sadly, slavery is not abolished totally-presently its in modern form of Trafficking, sex slave, child labor etc. Looking back to those dark days, the total population of this unfortunate slaves soars high.
By Calculations, British ships carried approximately 3.4 Million or over in African slaves to the Americas- Professor David Richardson; Historian.
Thousands of Africans were made slaves every year by the British Empire before the Abolition in the year 1807 the year the slave Trade Act Bill was passed.
Difference in Africa Slavery and European Masters Slave Traders
Rich Africans owns slaves too, but not molested or abused. They have respect but treated with cruelty or Kindness depending on their behaviors. No rewards for their hard labors, but they are fed and clothed courtesy of their masters. The ratio of slaves to the freemen is 3:1- three to one!
The goodwill to this slaves own by African Rich men and monarchs does not extend to slaves captured from war and those bought with money. A slave given birth to in his/her masters house has more freedom than the rest. This brings us to the different from of slavery model in Africa back then, though the African Style is nothing compared to the harsh treatment of the European Slave masters which is the bone of contention together with the general elimination of this appalling inhuman act. Some of the System of Slavery in African culture are:
SACRIFICIAL SLAVES: Human sacrifice still a prominent act then, slaves in this category are kept and bred for this purpose.
WAR SLAVES: slaves acquired and trained in military skills to service their masters need of invasion and bounty hunting.
PAWN/DEBT BONDAGE SLAVES: This are group of people used as collateral for payment of loans and debts. A very common practice in West Africa, former President of Nigeria; General Olusegun Obasanjo was pawned as collateral by his father to build a church!
CHATTEL SLAVES: This form of African Slavery is happens when a slave is considered the property of the owner based on servitude relationships.
DOMESTIC SLAVES: This group of slaves have a little bit of freedom compared to some others, but still works in their masters properties . They get earnings from their hard work and own lands too which their children could inherit when the die. Many more system of African slavery exist but this are the once relevant for this purpose.
Before William Wilberforce became a Christian and was convinced to join in the fight against slavery in Africa, he was an Active member of Slave Traders with high pedigree as an English Politician, but his latter life made a different the reason for which we are free today!
For 300 years and over, countries in Europe transported African Slaves forcefully across the Atlantic Ocean. Portugal was the fore-frontier in the 1400s to be involved in Transatlantic slave trading. One thousand two-hundred(1,200) slaves were captured over the period of six years by Captain John Hawkins, the first British sailor to venture Slave trading in Africa. This slaves were sold as goods to Portuguese and Spanish- The Grand masters of Slave traders.
In between Captain Hawkins first Slave exploration and 245 years later when slave Trade Abolition was passed, about Ten Thousand(10,000) slave voyages was embarked on. The accurate number of British sailing ships involved in this human trade business remains unknown, but for a fact; Six thousand Seven Hundred(6,700) slaves were taken from Africa each year in the 1660-s by the Brits.
Majorly, their main benefits from this human tradings are: large profits by Ship owners who never embark on any voyage but ends up making huge some of pounds. The merchants also gained from selling and buying this African Slaves, West African Rulers gained too from selling their kinsmen with increase in Weapons, Tea, Cloths etc. Factory owners and large farm owners gained extremely as they have no reason to pay for labor from the captured ones. Banks also made huge profits from interest on loans invested on each successful Voyage, then the ordinary British folks too made enough profits from goods sold to this slave Adventurers which they buy in Bulk and shipped to the Greedy Kings in Africa.
The most notable names in the fight to end slavery trading crusade were many, but William stood out. After his conversion to an Evangelical Christian, he devoted his life to the reforming of the British Trading Prowess in Africa.
Hannah Moore, Thomas Clarkson, Charles Middleton and Granville Sharp catalyzed Wilberforce quest, for 20 years the struggle went on till the passage of the Slave Trade Acts of 1807. This led to the Total Abolition Act of Slavery in the year 1833 before he died few years later.
His morality changed after he was educated Religiously on the importance of freedom to humanity irrespective of the Race. He took the quest to end Slavery upon himself partly because of his earlier involvement perhaps, his motives to lead this campaign remains a mystery but was never wary till the end.
To Read More on Slavery and the Abolition Act Go to my sources below:
UPVOTE, RESTEEM, FOLLOW AND MAYBE DROP A COMMENT.....It's your friendly Neighbor and the Newest Godfather and Uncle @oluwoleolaide for Steem-Lagos-Nigeria-Africa-World!

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hiii dear @oluwoleolaide, informative blog you shared anout slavery, also introduce the hero of past william wilber force who faught against slavery in aftica. awsome written.i praise your skills.
Thank you my dear friend, see me in your blog...
Dear @oluwoleolaide , I will add that slavery is a curse on humanity... and the people of africa are mostly affected by it. Slavery is created by man and it can only be completely abolished if all the humanity end. This menace will remain... and it will pollute our environment.
You say that without hope...
A very good post. With photos, writing style, and useful of course. I am very pleasant. Your post matches with many upvote
Excellent piece there man and a very sensitive topic, I want to add one category of slaves that you did not mention and its currently happening in most parts of Africa and Caribbean...I term it "Economic Slaves", an economic slave is one that accept loans from its masters at ridiculous interest rates, putting him/her self or their people at disadvantage compared to the pairs... we have quite a few of these politician in the Caribbean that go on capital market an accept commercial loans at 12% compared to loans that offered to much more developed countries at 3%. I am not to sure what the data is in Africa but i suspect this is the main reason for the chronic high debt economy similar to most Caribbean countries. In summary, this is probably a post by itself but its an important point to note and one must rally the awareness needed to create capital markets and emancipate ourselves from that economic slavery. Most of the times, these countries gladly take these loans because they are desperately needed and demands of population out-grow the government ability to provide opportunities. I would summarize an say its a modernize form of slavery that we continue to struggle with and with these natural disasters in the Caribbean ultra rich groups would be jumping on board offering these credit facilities to these countries creating a long-term economic disaster.
Yeah, i didn't mention it cos it's not System of Slave in Africa Back then. That is a 19th century slave system not practised in the 17th and 18th century.
I added it to give an extra layer of breathe to the discussion...a little bit off topic but interesting enough Hurricanes travel the same route of some of the Slave ship...
You are very correct, i was this close to do a vol 2 and start with the Economic Slave
Thanks my friend.
No problem man Steem on
Hello @oluwoleolaide
This for certain is an educative masterpiece. Daily I learn new things on this platform, thanks to steemit.
Most welcome dear brother.