Interesting Historical Photos

in #history8 years ago (edited)

A Nazi DJ spins records at a radio exhibition in Berlin, 1932
The Nazi booth at a radio exhibition which started in Berlin on August 19, 1932. The booth was designed as propaganda of the Nazi gramophone plate industry which produced only records of the national socialist movement.
it took me alot of time to collect them but totally worth it. because history is awesome.
if you're too busy/lazy, favorite the album and come back later.
you won't regret it.

A German child meets her father, a WW2 soldier, for the first time since she was 1 year old, 1956
The event this famous photo was taken on is part of what’s known as “Die Heimkehr der Zehntausend” (The Return of the 10,000), as they were the last German POWs in the Soviet Union to be released.

Lina Medina, the youngest confirmed mother in medical history, 1939
Lina Media is the world’s youngest documented mother in medical history. At the time of delivery, she was 5 years, 7 months and 17 days old.In 1933, Lina Medina was born in Ticrapo, Peru. At the age of five years, Lina was brought to hospital by her parents who complained of abdominal extreme growth. The girl’s parents initially thought their daughter was suffering from a massive abdominal tumor, but after being examined by doctors in Pisco, Peru, they discovered she was seven-months pregnant.

Medina has never revealed the father of the child nor the circumstances of her impregnation. Escomel suggested she might not actually know herself by writing that Medina "couldn't give precise responses".Although Lina's father was arrested on suspicion of child sexual abuse, he was later released due to lack of evidence, and the biological father who impregnated Lina was never identified.Medina's son grew up healthy and died in 1979 at the age of 40.

1991: Princess Diana shakes hands with an AIDS patient without gloves
a profound gesture that made her a gay hero. "It is hard to find words to express the aching loneliness and rejection I have found them experiencing as they approach the end of their lives...How will we treat them?"

The London milkman, 1940
The appearance of German bombers in the skies over London introduced a new weapon of terror and destruction in the arsenal of twentieth century warfare.

Happy French Girl And Her Cat, 1959

A girl who grew up in a concentration camp draws a picture of “home” while living in a residence for disturbed children, 1948
A girl who grew up in a concentration camp was asked to draw “home” and what she drew was scribbles. It shows how the horrors of the concentration camp warped her mind. It’s a mystery what the lines truly mean to her, probably the chaos or the barbed wire.

Hitler reacts to kiss from excited American woman at the Berlin Olympics, 1936
Shortly before the finish of the men’s 1500 meters free-style swimming, a woman in a red hat, whom Black Guards repeatedly prevented from photographing Hitler at close range, broke the cordon during the excitement of the finish of the race, shook Hitler by the hand and then kissed him, while the crowd of 20,000 rocked with laughter. Hitler, who was in high spirits, joined in the fun, clapping his hands as the woman returned triumphantly to her seat.

Man eating rice, China, 1901-1904

Splatter mask worn by British tank gunners during WWI, 1918
A British tank crew splatter mask, designed to help protect the crewmember's face from shrapnel when looking through the view ports. The eye covers were metal, the mask was leather and there was a chainmail skirt to cover the mouth and chin.

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