This is a cornerstone concept in my view of history.
Similarly, you will recall to how Orwell said, “The war is not supposed to end; it is meant to be perpetual.”
This is why I say World War III commenced right as World War II concluded. Most of us conditioned as we are by the media, believe we are living in fear of something to come that in fact, has already come and gone.
There is an abundance of evidence for this position, including the placing of top Nazi scientists in prominent positions under the aegis of Operation Paperclip, as well as the establishment of the CIA and Mossad and the state of Israel … and so much more.
As McLuhan suggests here, this new “4th Generation War” is on the civilian population, and it has only gotten much more focused in that way since then.
Transhumanism is an extension of that war, as it implies the total control of human awareness through technological means.
The era of biometric surveillance, which began in 2020 with the Covid announcement, signalled the end of World War III, which was largely a strictly analogue war, and the commencement of World War IV, which is primarily a “5th Generation War” war on the human psyche, the human biology and the human soul - largely inflicted by the people upon themselves, in a dark ritual of self-destruction.