German Atlantikwall headquarters Belgium

in #history7 years ago (edited)


Build in 1943 in a park, called 'Ten Brandt', a complex of 8 bunkers, on the outskirts of Antwerp, Belgium, with the Führungsbunker, Sonderkonstruktion 1 as headcommandbunker over the Belgian Atlantikwall defences.

A peacefull lane in the park, some bunkers lie buried one after the other along this lane...


Command would have reached from northern France to the Dutch border, along the coastline.


LXXXIX. Armeekorps was stationed in the complex and the surrounding Antwerp area.




German Generalfieldmarschall Erwin Rommel visited the complex on 2 occasions.

The Park 'Ten Brandt' bunkers were abandoned on august 29th 1944, after the Normandy landings. Set to be destroyed in 1947, which never happened, they are now a 2nd World Warmuseum and a historic monument.



hi @nin0000

Hey, I have to say something about the year of these pictures without hurting anyone but it's really hard for me to see them especially because of their years because when these things were created my people was murdered there so brutally and inhumanly, I'm from Israel and I'm a proud Jew, We went through that I will not forget the scars my grandfather had on my back because they were whipped like a horse and even worse or my grandfather when the Germans came and robbed them and tore the earrings off their ears. I'm really sorry but I had to write this down, but all the best for you on the post maybe someone else will be interested and we'll be happy to see other things too I wish you a lot of success wherever you go
Follow me and I will follow you

Thanks Ravivshachar, terrible period, my grandfather(and was half beaten to death before during questioning.) had to do labour in Germany and my father was one of the only survivors of a schoolbombing. I have another post with warcorrespondance between my grandparents and Canadian and English pilotes, my other grandparents had a bar and hid a few crashed pilotes during the war. Some letters from befriended soldiers describe what they found when liberating Germany and the horror.

Dark times indeed!


Thanks for a little introduce of these kinda bunkers .

So much pains aroun these walls :(

Cheers for post !!!

I love exploring old building
and old military installations are like treasure trove!!!! love it
thanks for the upload

Welcome Pennystockhelp

Thanks, I didn't know there was still that much of the stuff left around Antwerp.

Most are, all around Antwerp, in defense of the city, just impossible to blow them up. Here and there they did, but you find them strewn around in fields, mostly like 10-15 km from the city.

Must have a look sometime. I've only been in the Dutch ones overlooking the beach and the ones in Normandy.

Yes, i venture to that part of history from time to time, but as described above in another reply, dark times, i also went to Normandy and more, ofcourse a lot of WW1 expeditions, Verdun, Somme, Ieper etc
A lot of history in these parts.
