Sejarah teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh yang ditulis dalam bahasa inggris

in #history7 years ago

Teungku M. Daud Beureueh was born on 15 September 1899 in a village called "Beureueh", Keumangan area, Aceh Pidie district. Beureueh village is a hometown of Islamic heroics, just like Tiro's village. His father was an influential cleric in his village and got a title from the local community as "Imeuem (imam) Beureueh". Teungku Daud Beureueh grew and grew up in a very strict religious environment. He grew up with Islamic values in which almost every Sabbath Hikayat War Sabil was echoed in every meunasah (kampung kampung). He also entered adulthood in the shadow of his father's keenamaan keulamaan inspired his later life steps. His parents gave the name of Muhammad Daud (two names of the Prophet given by the book of the Qur'an and Zabur). From this naming is already visible, what his parents really want is when big then he can replace his position as a cleric and mujahid ready to defend Islam.
In this center of education, David is forged and educated in studying Arabic literature, Islamic religious knowledge (such as fiqh, hadith, commentary, tasawwuf, mantics, etc.), knowledge of Islamic history, including the history of statehood in the Islamic world in the past , and other sciences. From this educational background, it is undoubtedly the capital for his keulamaan later.
Teungku M. Daud Beureueh Although not getting Dutch education, but with his intelligence and speed of thought, he was able to absorb all the knowledge given to him, including the Dutch language. His habit of consuming fish, which is a habit of the people of Aceh, has made it a quick-learner (able to learn fast).
This extraordinary ability, largely because he felt that studying is mandatory. So learning about everything, perceived almost the same as "establishing prayer". At a very young age, 15 years, he has mastered the sciences of Islam in depth and practiced it consistently. Soon he became the great orator, "the lion of the podium." He achieved widespread popularity as one of the scholars in Aceh. Therefore, he got the title of "Teungku in Beureueh" which then people do not often mention his real name, but the name of his village only. The fame of a figure in Aceh is always attached to his village charisma. Kampung is a political entity whose influence is characterized by resistance figures. From this fact, a person born of a resistant entity, will never stop fighting before the goal is reached. Although the opponent uses all the power and effort to silence the resistance.
Teungku Muhammad 0061.JPGDaud Beureueh was widely known as the Aceh Military Governor during the years of the revolution. But when his post as Military Governor of Aceh, Langkat and Tanah Karo was repealed by Prime Minister Mohammad Natsir, he lived peacefully in his village - apparently like retirement.
After Aceh entered into the Communist Indonesia Republic (RIK) under the banner of Pancasila, Daud Beureueh was granted Honorary Governor and was asked to stay in Jakarta as an advisor to the Ministry of Home Affairs. He did not receive this honor. His only important public interest was at the time he presided over the Medan Ulama Council, April 1951. After the deliberations, Daud Beureueh toured Aceh briefly, giving provocative lectures to support the idea of the Islamic State. He then returned to his village, and - to the amazement of the already developed inhabitants of Medan - built a great wall and a real mosque with his own hands. Daud Beureueh looks more like a retired military officer than a religious scholar, even though he holds a teungku title.
Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh is the "Father of the Acehnese" who remain tough despite being disappointed by the fasiqun in Jakarta. With his thin but strong posture, he is the ideal human type. As Compton notes, from underneath his cap, his short-gray hair is trimmed in short contrast to his youthful face and reddish brown. Speech is straightforward, even his statements are a lot blunt. For example: "I wonder if such a government is able to overcome the problems of Aceh right now?" Yes, take the water for example, during the time of Iskandar Muda, a channel made of river that is fifteen kilometers from here to the sea Pidie Area became very prosperous. Another channel was created by the clergy, both of which were done by the ulama, and, unlike today's clerics, the leaders of that day were not afraid of their gloves with mud, but now they were damaged, and the rice yields declined. war, Aceh usually exports rice for the needs of the entire Mardhatillah region of East Sumatra Now we import rice from Burma.
In his dreams, he saw a prosperous Aceh under the leadership of the clerical group that was reappeared. In that golden age, only really knowledgeable people can become scholars. While in this modern age, almost everyone with a capitalized "tablecloth wrapped around the neck" can claim to be entitled to be called a scholar.
Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh speaks with passion and sincerity about the need for renewal. After all the possibility of the formation of Islamic political system disappear and the promises of Sukarno will make Indonesia as an Islamic State has never been fulfilled, then the soul of jihad Teungku Daud Beureueh was turbulent. He then made Aceh a "State of Aceh-Islamic State of Indonesia" (NBA-NII) and fought until 1964 in the mountains of Tanah Rencong. Sukarno, though notoriously famous in the eyes of the Acehnese, but because of his deception against the Acehnese, Sukarno's name is identical with the idols that must be subverted.
Compton can understand why people compare Teungku Muhammad Beureueh with the brilliant Soekarno as a mass orator. Had they both delivered a speech at a similar event, it was said that Soekarno would become the second winner if the audience was Acehnese, especially if the "Aceh Lions" were getting angry and angry.
While he continued to talk about the Islamic government in Aceh, Compton felt that the various whispers he had brought from Medan ahead of the 1955 elections had greatly misled him. When Compton asked whether this attitude did not contain any kind of contradiction, Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh insisted, as a democracy, Indonesia must be subject to the will of the Muslim majority. He believes the Islamic parties will win big in an election.
Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh sees three groups in Indonesia today: the communists who want the Marxist-atheistic state, the Muslims who want the Islamic State, and certain nationalist groups who want to revive Hinduism-Java (Pancasila State). He worries that the Hindus and Marxists are rooted, but they are afraid that elections are held, because they must be defeated. For this reason, according to Daud Beureueh, they will endeavor to prolong the election. At that time Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh still wished with the election, but after he himself was knocked down by a Prime Minister who was the output of the electoral system, he then harbored hope only on the physical struggle. Islam has been defeated diplomatically by the victories of the Islamic Party which do nothing to the Islamic political assertions.

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