in #history7 years ago

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George Johan Albert Webb. Dia dilahirkan pada tanggal 23 Juli 1861 di Batavia, dari pasangan Samuel Arthur Webb dan Johanna Charlotta Geertruida Alexandrina Muller Kruseman . Pada bulan Desember 1884, dia diangkat menjadi letnan pada pasukan infanteri Koninklijke Nederland Indies Leger(KNIL). Pada tahun berikutnya dia dikirim bertugas ke India.

Di tahun 1887 dia ditugaskan di Aceh di dalam Batalion Infanteri ke-12. Pada tanggal 12 Oktober 1887 di pertempuran dekat Kuta Pohama dia menunjukkan keberanian yang luarbiasa yang memuaskan pimpinannya. Karena prestasi dan keberaniannya di setiap pertempuran dia dianugerahi medali Gouden Kroon (Mahkota Emas). Pada pertempuran di Samalanga dia pun menunjukkan prestasi yang luarbiasa sehingga pada tanggal 23 Oktober 1901 dianugerahkanlah medali Militaire Willems-Orde kelas IV kepadanya, oleh Jenderal Johannes Benedictus van Heustz.

Medali ini adalah medali paling bergengsi di kerajaan Belanda dan tidak diberikan kepada sembarang orang. Webb kemudian ditunjuk sebagai komandan Divisi Ketiga Marsose dan kepala administrasi sipil di Lamnyong. Kapitein Webb memang bukan orang sembarangan. Namun sehebat apapun Kapitein Webb, dia harus bertekuk lutut di hadapan kegigihan dan keberanian pejuang Aceh.

Pada bulan Januari 1902, Kapitein Webb memimpin langsung pasukan Marsose dalam pengejaran terhadap Panglima Polem dan pasukannya di kawasan Leubeue Minyeuk (Lhok Sukon). Ketika melintasi hutan yang amat lebat dan rapat itu, tiba-tiba sebatang kayu besar terayun dengan deras dari atas, dan menghantam kepala Kapitein Webb serta beberapa orang anak buahnya. phak luyak ule kaphe budok .Kepalanya hancur lebur dan otaknya tercerai-berai. Dia tewas seketika. Jebakan batang kayu itu telah diasiapkan oleh para pejuang Aceh.

Karena saking mengerikannya kondisi jenazah Webb, istrinya sendiri tidak diperbolehkan untuk melihatnya. Pada nisan Webb terukirlah sejarah bisu, betapa gigih dan kuatnya perlawanan kaum muslim Aceh terhadap invasi kaum kaphe.Webb dimakamkan di keerkof dan dibuat sebuah tugu unt menghormatinya.belanda bertemu lawan yg sepadan dalam perang kolonial nya dari nanggro ujung pulau sumatra.

George Johan Albert Webb. He passed on July 23, 1861 in Batavia, from the pair of Samuel Arthur Webb and Johanna Charlotte Geertruida Alexandrina Muller Kruseman. In December 1884, he was appointed lieutenant to the Koninklijke Nederland Indies Leger (KNIL) infantry troop. The following year he was sent to India.

In 1887 he was stationed in Aceh within the 12th Infantry Battalion. On October 12, 1887 in a battle near Kuta Pohama he showed great courage that satisfied his boss. Because of his achievements and his bravery in every battle he was awarded the Gouden Kroon (Golden Crown) medal. At the battle of Samalanga he showed great feats so that on 23 October 1901 was awarded a fourth-class Militaire Willems-Order medal to him, by Johannes Benedictus van Heustz General.

This medal is the most prestigious medal in the Dutch kingdom and is not given to just anyone. Webb was later appointed commander of the Marsose Third Division and head of civil administration in Lamnyong. Captain Webb is not indiscriminate. But as powerful as Captain Webb, he must bow his knees in the presence of the persistence and courage of the Aceh warriors.

In January 1902, Captain Webb led the Marsose troops directly in pursuit of the Polem Commander and his troops in the Leubeue Minyeuk region (Lhok Sukon). As it passed through the dense forest and the meeting, suddenly a large log swung out from above, and hit the head of Captain Webb and several of his men. phak luyak ule kaphe budok. His head was crushed and his brain was scattered. He died instantly. The trunk of the log has been foisted by the Aceh warriors.

Because of the horrible nature of Webb's corpse, his own wife was not allowed to see it. On Webb's gravestone is engraved the history of mute, how persistent and strong the resistance of the Muslims of Aceh to the invasion of the kaphe.Webb was buried in keerkof and made a monument to honor him.belanda meets the opponent match in his colonial war from every country sumatra island.


Halo, apa kabar @muhammadtegar? Sudah kami upvote ya..

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