Articles About History: Social Darwinism and The British Empire

in #history5 years ago (edited)


Part Two: Social Darwinism

The British empire used science and philosophy to justify its imperial ego. In other words, the scientific rationale for tyranny has always been attractive for any power structure because it creates a convenient excuse to treat fellow humans lower than animals.
Every empire and leading oligarchy knew to man has had these undertones of justifying a state of natural hierarchy and of stripping humanity of their true destiny to be free. One concrete example is Aristotle that propagated in his book Politics on behalf of the ruling class of ancient Greece, that ‘’slavery is something natural’’. (see Thomas Stanley, History of Philosophy, sida 265. and or Aristotle Politics I.3)

One of the most famous scientists the British Empire produced is this man, Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin wrote the world renown work, ‘’Origins of Species’’, in this book he argues that the evolution of man is due to a natural selection process ever-present in nature. In basic terms, one species evolves into another species due to small changes in individuals within a species.

In mainstream channels of learning, we are taught Darwin’s theory to be one of the most significant discoveries in the scientific world. However, to make sense of any philosophy or scientific ideology one must first put it into it’s historical and political contexts. In other words, without the ad hominid, we can not understand what ‘’the survival of the fittest’’ and ‘’natural selection’’ mean in a political and economic context?

Following the zeitgeist of the time, Darwin and his ilk believed firmly in a world ruled by the British establishment. With this understanding, it is not strange indeed when Darwin himself said in the ''Origins Of Species'' that, ‘’Elite status is prima-facie evidence of evolutionary superiority’’.

Charles Darwin was not the first scientist to express the idea of natural selection and or the struggle for life. However, he gained worldwide stardom through the promotion from the British scientific establishment. People like T.H Huxley and the X-club, a scientific reading society during the height of the British Empire was making sure that Darwin’s theory would become the most prestigious and well known.

To understand the underlying political agenda with this new science and it’s poster child, we need to first go through an endorsement made by Darwin in his introduction to the origins of species.

‘’The struggle for Existence amongst all organic beings throughout the world…inevitably follows from their high geometrical powers of increase….This is the doctrine of Malthus, applied to the whole animal and vegetable kingdoms. As many more individuals of each species are born than can possibly survive; and as, consequently, there is a frequently recurring struggle for existence, it follows that any being, if it varies however slightly in any manner profitable to itself…..will have a better chance of surviving, and be naturally selected’’.

(see Charles Darwin, Introduction To Origins Of Species, Page 29)


It is interesting to read that Darwin accredited his discoveries not to a fellow naturalist but to a political economist working for the British East Indian Company his full name was Reverend Parson Thomas Malthus.
Malthus was the chief economist of BEIC, in 1805 he was appointed as the first professor of political economy at Haileybury college actually in the whole world. , and there Malthus trained students who aspired to become administrators of the BEIC.

In 1798, Malthus published his book called Essays on The Principle of Population. The book was mainly a plagiarised version of previous work from a Venetian operative named Giammaria Ortes.

In it, he states; ’’Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio. Subsistence increases only in an arithmetical ratio. A slight acquaintance with numbers will show the immensity of the first power in comparison of the second. By that law of our nature which makes food necessary to the life of man, the effects of these two unequal powers must be kept equal. They multiply by two every thirty years or forty years, and that the ability of the land to sustain these populations producing food, increases arithmetically’’. Through this calculation, Malthus stated that ‘’there was a limit to growth for the land around the globe in terms of population.’’

(Principles on Population, page 4-5 Robert Malthus)

Looking back at the famines artificially created by the BEIC in the 1700s against India. Malthus concluded that the problem was not imperialism, artificial scarcity, poverty, or unequal distribution of resources. The problem was overpopulation and according to Malthus population increase outpaces food production, in other words, philosophy and science can’t prevent genocide. Meaning that when there is not enough food for everyone people need to die to restore the balance of nature. This is referred to as a ‘’Malthusian catastrophe’'.

Thus in an apologetic sense, he justified the empire while subtly alluding to the fact that there was no need to leave the Indian civilization to themselves because the dominant culture had all the right to accumulate what was not theirs to take, preventing a catastrophe for themselves. This gave rise to an economic model based upon the survival of those that could withstand continuous Malthusian Catastrophies. Or in other words ‘’the survival of the fittest’’.



Subsequently, the politicized scientific theories of Darwin and Malthus gave rise to a new science namely Eugenics. Eugenics was a crackpot science that tried to prove the hereditary, superiority and inferiority of certain genes and ethnic groups — and making them even more fit to survive.

The definition of Eugenics is, ''the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population, especially by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits.’’

The name Eugenics was coined by the cousin of Charles Darwin, Sir Francis Galton; he derived the term from Greek meaning ‘’wellborn’’. In 1869, Galton had just finished his book ''Hereditary Genius’' in which he argued that the aristocratic families of the British Empire were in fact, a superior race. That mental quality is biologically inherited; and that the white race is the biologically best endowed to dominate the world.

‘’Eugenics is the study of the agencies under social control. That improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations either physically or mentally.’’

(See Sir Francis Galton, Hereditary Genious.)


Another institute that was in favor of Eugenics was the Royal Society. The Royal Society aimed at improving natural sciences, and being a creation of the Monarchy they were very much in favor of the idea that genetics could prove racial superiority, with other words a scientific justification for the divine right of kings.

Some families amongst the British ruling class were so obsessed with the idea of producing a superior race through selective breeding that they became guinea pigs for their theory. Families like Darwin, Galton, Huxley, Cadbury, Wedgewood all intermarried, the reason for which was to produce a superior form of human.

The whole idea of Eugenics was to find proof that the British elite was the fittest for survival. The fact that in the struggle of life, they had made it to the very top of society proved that they were the very best that humanity had to offer. It also made it easier to justify atrocities against groups of people whom you consider to be inferior.

This is what the co-founder of Eugenics W.R Greg said in his book Enigmas of life in 1872.

‘’Britain owes her world-wide dominion and…wide diffusion of her race over the globe, to a daring and persistent energy with which no other variety of humanity is so largely dowered…At all events it is….the strongest and the fittest who most prevail, multiply and spread and become the largest measure the progenitors of future nations.’’

So, when we read the Darwinian theory of evolution, we might perceive it as a scientific study, but history tells us that we can't be naive and forget the Ad Hominid and the underlying political and financial interest that was fuelling the British Empire. Think about it: what happens when we apply natural selection on a global political scale? You are dealing with humans, not plants and animals!

The sophism of the British empire still echoes in the chambers of power by those that want to justify a divided society between the have’s, and the have not’s. Poverty in a world of plenty is a sign that the ghost of Malthus and its expressive extension ‘’social Darwinism’’ is still very much present today. In other words, progress and development is directly proportionate to population density; when there is progress there are more people, more people means fewer resources for the elite, so for them to live you must die, natural selection in practice.

Except, what you can use as a resource is already defined by the technology you have. So, if we expand our technology, you can also define other areas in the natural world as available resources far beyond the horizon of what we can see. A simple fact proving Malthus to be wrong, with progress in science in technology food production outpaces population growth however, by doing so, we need to elevate our awareness about our individual and collective moral nature - with that said, any scientific discovery must be ruled by an idealistic ethical atmosphere because without technology going through this ethical filter, it can be used for destruction by those seeking power.


An empire the size of the British was not merely a king or queen sitting on a gold-plated throne giving orders. Through the enactment of the Magna Carta, the British monarch became a representative for the oligarchy made up of feudal barons, further into our time it is made up of bankers that eventually became institutionalized in the City of London and blossomed through the BEIC who united the Empire into a highly efficient systemic machinery.

What we call Globalisation today is the natural outgrowth from the world that the British empire builders envisioned, organizations such as the City of London and the Royal Institute of International affairs and through people like King Edward the VII Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner. Globalization today is an empire by asset management firms, investment banks, central banks, global banks and private multinational corporations.
Where the vision is to perpetuate and finalize a world company limited. Based on the model proposed by the British East Indian Company, in other words, a world where privately owned corporations and banks without answering to sovereign nation-states their citizens and or our constitutional rights gains full spectrum dominance over the livelihood and the destiny of humanity.

The modern state gives us a welfare constitution, and it prohibits slavery when the first nation-state came forth during the reign of King Lous XI of France and through King Henry VII of England and to eventually become universally accepted after the Peace of Westphalia. The idea of a constitution above the rulership of either the clergy or the king was to slowly but surely transfer power from feudal nobility, back to the people.
The reason being, why organizations such as The City of London and or other organizations promoting neo-feudalism such as the Bilderberg Group and or the aristocracy of Europe is the enemy of the modern state. Because, the modern-state means progress, and progress is the demise of empires.

When one percent of the world population owns 90% of the world's wealth, when the organizing principle of the 1% on the expense of the other 99% of the world population is being fulfilled it is not done through democratic processes. In other words, the word democracy is not interchangeable with how the world is ruled. Today, giant cartels and a world oligarchy control the necessities of life in much of the same way the BEIC controlled the economy of India. Based upon the interlocked ownership in stocks and directorship - these cartels create an unbreakable chain of commerce sitting on top and above the nation-state.

As an example of what I was just saying, ''British Petroleum shares an interlocking directorship with Royal Bank of Scotland, and HSBC, Akzo Nobel, Unilever, Roche Pharmaceuticals and Goldman Sachs, Rolls Royce, General Electric, Bank Of America, Lloyds Bank, KPMG, and GlaxoSmithKline pharmaceutical company. Royal Dutch Shell another large oil company shares an interlocking directorship with the Dutch ING bank; Akzo Nobel, Unilever, Rio Tinto, Boing Lloyds Bank, UBS, and AXA.''

(Dr Daniel Estulin, Transevolution, page 27.)


Another great example is private food companies like, Unilever, Cargill, Monsanto, Nestle, Du Pont Chemical, Syngenta, Dow Agro Sciences, BASF plant science, Bayer CropScience, Daniels Midland, people are starving in many places in the world, but private companies like these privatize basic foods like grains and to maximize profit and artificially create scarcity to prop up prices.

Even thou the headquarters of a select company is located in a specific country, they exercise their sphere of influence on a global multinational scale. Striving to control resources, form monopolies, subjugate nation-states and to mold and shape the world according to their liking.

It is a system, a methodology which is being maintained through the Inter-Alpha Banking Network, the IMF and the World Trade Organizations six economic zones. Here the markets of the nation-states are deregulated and privatized; in other words, people in a select country that takes part in the World Trade Organization has no say. Which means that democracy is nonexisting, many times, the selection process of a potential leader participating in these corporations and or an established political party takes place in secretive organizations, such as Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral Organization, Royal Institute of International Affairs, these organizations are formed to perpetuate the privileges of oligarchs, their ownership, and the cartel's position in society. These organizations originate in the British Roundtable Group and represent policies by the global polycentric oligarchy and address these to national politicians that attend these meetings. In other words, many times your politicians do not represent you, but the financial system controlling your life.

Observing the second decade of the 21st century, we have enough clean technology that can provide food for all; we know today that wars and famines are a systemic problem. The sole reason for survival is not the law of the jungle, but cooperation, with it, everything is indeed possible, the distribution of food, medicine, necessities, compassion and a society based on the elevation of awareness in accordance with natural law is entirely possible with the right political, economic, philosophical and scientific will. The problem is that we rarely possessed it!
All too many times your prime ministers and presidents are bought and paid for and render their power useless, in the hands of profiteers, that is to say if they do not work for the betterment of their people, the nation-state and humanity at large.

Part Three: Max Muller

Many times history is written by the conquerer at the expense of the conquered. The year is 1870, imagine living in Victorian London, the capital city is now the center of the greatest colonial empire the world has ever known, not even the sun would set on her holdings. An empire infested with their strive of becoming a new Roman Empire. This is the age of, Eugenics, Malthusian economics, and Social Darwinism.

This was the intellectual environment of this man, Max Muller. Max Muller was a German-born philologist and Orientalist. With deep connections to the East India Company the Imperial ego of the empire, he traveled to India and began to study Indian religion and culture.

Müller devoted himself to the study of the Sanskrit language, becoming one of the significant Sanskrit scholars of his day. With the help from sanskritists based at Oxford University eventually led to a career in England. His original belief was that the earliest documents of Vedic culture should be studied to provide the key to the development of pagan European religions, and religious belief in general. To this end, Müller sought to understand the most ancient of Vedic scriptures, the Rig-Veda.

In 1786, a man by the name of Sir William Jones occupied the position as the British judge at the High Court in Calcutta. Through his stay in India, he became one of the pioneer Sanskritists, after diligent research on the subject he began to notice to his great surprise that there are striking similarities in the vocabulary and grammar of Sanskrit, Persian, Greek, Latin, Celtic, and Gothic. The following table shows the striking resemblance between keywords in these languages.

This discovery led scientist to group these languages into one group using a collective term ‘’Indo-European’’. It was also hypothecated that all Indo- European languages derive from a much older Proto-Indo-European language and when scholars such as Max Muller began to reconstruct not only the puzzle of the protolanguage itself, but it started to dawn on them that there must be a culture behind the language also. From further research, the essential question was raised, who were these people? Moreover, from where did this culture group originate?

Max Muller investigated this mystery thoroughly, and from equating linguistic communities with ethnic groups, his conclusions were, that the reason behind the significant similarities between Sanskrit and the languages of Asia Minor and Europe, was to be found not in East Asia despite that most ancient civilizations were located there.
Following the spirit of romantic nationalists of Europe, placing the origins of these people in a much older eastern-central European and or central Asian ethnic group living before the advent of most of the nations of antiquity - Max Muller blew even more wind in the sails of Britannia's Empire.

These prototypical peoples were given the name ‘’Aryans’’ a term borrowed from Sanskrit. Aryan means noble or cultured and or the ones that would transmit the knowledge of the Vedas. The original word did not particularly refer to a language or a race but moreover to a moral quality or a mental disposition, another meaning could be ''those from a noble birth’'.


Heavily inspired by Max Muller's writings another organization which promoted the Aryan narrative was the London based organization, ''The Theosophical Society''. It’s founder the infamous Helena Petrovna Blavatsky an occultist and a promotor of spiritualism wrote many volumes, but one book stands out in her collection it is known as the Secret Doctrine.

After extensive research and numerous journeys to India, and Tibet, Blavatsky concludes that she received a form of secret knowledge from spiritual masters about the evolution of man and the creating process in the universe. Through these interactions, and with the help of these masters she wrote down what she had learned. Subsequently, this became the groundwork for her Occult volumes.

Blavatsky postulated a version of world history that was cyclical, where humanity was the produce from previous spirit-evolutionary processes. The present state of man, she said, was due to an evolution that went from one race to subgroups and further to subsequent groups. Either spiritual kinds or else transmuted itself into other material forms of being or vice versa. She called these ethnic groups ‘’root races’’.

There were four previous root races before the present one; they lived on lost continental distributions, such as mythical Polaris, Hyperborea, Lemuria, and Atlantis. Blavatsky used the term Aryans in referring to the present race of man. She also concluded that the Aryans originated from the previous root race, namely the Atlanteans.

Moreover, according to Blavatsky and not Plato, by the way, the actual source of the Atlantean story, this white ethnic group would eventually spread out into the world and founded the society we are accustomed to today. Sounds familiar? Well, This is where the Thule society found their occult source to formulate their race theory.

Following her own attempt to justify elite status it is not strange indeed when Helena Blavatsky called for in her earlier volume Isis Unveiled that ‘’the British Aristocracy should organize itself into an Isis-Priesthood’’. Blavatsky did not only give rise to obscurantist and Satanists such as Alistair Crowley, but she also fuelled the dark intentions of the British establishment with occultism and the belief in the resurgence of a new golden age of man seeded by the Anglo-American race.

Let us not forget that Queen Victoria partook in spiritualist assemblies she used widgie boards and for the last forty years of her life, she ran a death cult around her dead husband Prince Albert while living as a recluse in Balmoral castle. Also, many well-known scientists such as Darwin and Galton took part in spiritualists seances. So the connection between the elites of the British empire and spiritualist societies such as the Theosophical was at that time very close.

The belief that knowledge should be possessed in secret only by those that are privileged to understand have always enticed elites to form secret societies. To keep others in the dark while being in the light of understanding oneself. The act of being a possessor of knowledge that others do not have can be a state of false security and power. This sense of being in control of everything comes from the privilege of a kind of knowledge others do not have.

Part Four: Aryan Migration

The origins of the Proto-Indo European speaking communities had to be located somewhere on this planet. However, on what grounds was their homeland placed in Central, West, North or East Europe? Being biased and scarce of facts the theory about Europe being the cradle of Indian civilization was based on political motives rather than solid scientific fact.

However, this did not stop Max Müller to perpetuate this theory. He wrote: ‘’The Aryan nations, who pursued a northwesterly direction, stand before us in history as the principal nations of northwestern Asia and Europe. They have been the prominent actors in the great drama of history, and have carried to their fullest growth and all the elements of active life with which our nature is endowed. They have perfected sodomy and morals; and we learn from their literature and works of art the elements of science, the laws of art, and the principles of philosophy. In the continual struggle with each other and with Semitic and Turanian races, these Aryan nations have become the rulers of history, and it seems to be their mission to link all parts of the world together by the chains of commerce and religion.’’

(See Max Mueller: The Man and His Ideas Page 6)

Due to no archeological proof of a civilization before 1500 BC in India, in the mid 1800s it was assumed that in the advent of the Aryan migration Indian culture was primarily primitive. The story goes that Aryan peoples migrated to India from the Northwest through the mountain passes of Afghanistan around the date 1500 BC. It is also postulated that when this great motion occurred the Aryans weren't met with any opposition, mainly because India according to these historians were occupied by creatures closer to beasts than anything else.
Portrayed as blue-eyed and blonde, Aryans were ruthless and merciless, basically subduing the native tribes of the Indian subcontinent with their artillery. The sole reason why the Aryan tribes decided to migrate was that of the search for new pastures to feed their cattle.

This Aryan race also brought with them a new socio-economical system that was foreign to the native peoples there. Agriculture was also known to these migrating forces and was firstly introduced by the Aryans to the primitive tribes of India. According to the Aryan migration theory, perpetuated by nationalist Germans and imperial Britons, Aryans also brought with them religion and the form of belief we have come to identify as Hinduism today.

In other words, Sanskrit, Hinduism, Jainism, Mathematics and Indian culture, in general, was not native to India, but due to a genetically and culturally superior white race that through its migrations from central Europe to the East inspired hegemonically the rise of Vedic culture in India. In other words, they were the progenitors of the great cultural background that we have come to identify as Indian today. If this does not reek of British Eugenicist propaganda, I do not know what does.

One other factor that is essential to understand is the religious background of the British empire. The British were followers of the Catholic church. Like the Moghuls before them who were Muslims, the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam considers all other religions in the world to be Heathens. Heathens meaning, ‘’a believer in false gods’’ a derogative term used to justify their own supposedly religious superiority.

It is a shame that other world religions do not understand the similar nature of their faith and the religions of the East. One thing that we forget is that Hinduism also believes in one God. Hindus celebrate the multiplicity of God’s creation as gods, with that said, Hindus are fully aware of that the gods are secondary forces in Nature answering to one great power, law, existence, life or principle, etc.

One example of the Abrahamic influence in India is the view of sexuality, in the ancient world sexuality was celebrated as something sacred and through spiritual practices such as Tantra and Kama Sutra - but the British and partly the Moghuls before them changed this approach. The British turned the Indian view of sexuality into a Victorian morality, which perceives sexuality as something shameful and sadly enough this view still holds prominence today throughout India.

What I have been trying to convey is that there is ample evidence to show, that when the British conquered India, they already had an imperialist ideology that emanated their actions. This ideology developed through time into Eugenics, Social Darwinism both of which tried to justify the supremacy of the Anglo Saxon Master race over India and other colonies.

Max Muller and Blavatsky had deep connections to London, and it’s machinations. Being the chief promoters of the Aryan myth this should be a red alert for anyone that tries to makes sense of these ideas. Max Muller wrote about Indian philosophy, culture, and religion but did consider Christianity to be superior and Blavatsky wrote about it from an obscure perspective - both it seems to have had the imperial policy of the British in mind.

So to conclude, if you put Eugenics, Darwinism, Aryan migration theory and the Occult Aryan theory together, what do you have? Nazi propaganda originating not in Germany but was full-fledged British imperial beliefs that was consciously created to move Indians away further from their religion and their native’s belief that tells a different story than the British empiricist.

Conclusions and New Findings

Despite the lack of evidence, the Aryan migration theory continued and was sustained for a long time. Even today it is being perpetuated with another name. There might have been migrations into the ancient Indian subcontinent at some point, I will not deny that fact, but not to the cataclysmic extent most of the 19th-century historians wanted to convey.
Following this excursion into the dimly lit world of the Indo- Europeans, and Proto-Indo-Europeans, We will now move on to something that would change the way European historians would view the origins of Indian civilization and culture forever.

In 1826, Charles Masson a French archeologist stumbled upon the most significant archaeological discovery of the last century. The large stone mounds of Harappa in Pakistan close to the river Ravi, for some time prior to this event it was commonly known that the site concealed an old town, further, it was assumed that the Town probably dated back to the Mauryan empire - an empire founded after the invasion of Alexander the great around the 320 BCE.

However, it was not until 1921 when further excavations were done by Daya Ram Sahni when archaeologists discovered substantiated proof that Harappa was far older than previously assumed. A year after Daya Ram's evidence that Harappa pre-dated the period of the Maurya empire, R. D Banerji discovered the trenches of Mahenjo-Daro, which was an additional site that provided evidence for another ancient city.

Through a scientific survey, they found that these two sites were culturally correlated with each other and subsequently both Harappa and Mahenjo Daro were dated back to at least 3000 BC.
A pattern emerged that indicated that a lost civilization that was lay buried there but until then long forgotten on the rubble heap of history.

Sensational finds indeed as they became the nail in the coffin for the Aryan migration theory. Indian archeologists now possessed substantiated evidence of an advanced civilization located in India at a time placing them in the same period as Sumer and Egypt. Proofs of the missing link between the Vedic age and a civilization that predates and or concurred the age of the Vedas were beginning to be unveiled. New questions arose about the origins of Indian culture, religion, statecraft and much more.

The earliest remains were found close to the banks of the Indus River, deciding to name it after that, archeologists called it The Indus Valley Civilisation.

The newly discovered site ''Rakihgarhi'' located in the state Haryana of India has now pushed back the earliest development on the Indian subcontinent. This site dates back to around 10000 BC and is considered to be the oldest archaeological site in India to date. Until now a small fragment of this site has been excavated, but archeologists say that they believe it to be bigger and far more ancient than Harappa and Mohenjo Daro.

What we know today, the Indus River Valley Civilization was centered politically, economically and spiritually around the urban areas known today as, Mohenjo Daro and Harappa. Naming it after what archeologists believed to be one of the more important cities; historians began to refer to the mature phase as the Harappan civilization. Other cities such as Lothal and Dholavira were also important political and trading centers.

Both Mohenjo Daro, in southern Pakistan, and Harappa, some four hundred miles to the north, were huge, more than three miles in circumference, and housed populations estimated at thirty thousand to forty thousand. They were both defended by great citadels that towered forty to fifty feet above the surrounding plain.

Stretching over 1000 hectares the Indus-Sarasvati valley river civilization was the biggest ancient civilization in the world compared to ancient Egypt and or ancient Mesopotamia. Over 1500 excavation sites and over 300 towns, villages and cities have been found in the area from what we refer to today as western India and eastern Iran, from Afghanistan in the north to the southern part of Pakistan. Archeological excavations have revealed that the citizens inhabiting the land of The Indus valley civilization were a unified ethnic group, sharing a common language, religion, commercial and political system.

During expeditions that took place in the 1980s, a mysterious wooden board puzzled the archeologist, filled with inscriptions of strange carvings and ancient symbols and being absent of concrete evidence that would give them any indications about the language this culture spoke archeologist began to speculate that these icons are probably letters from their alphabet.

Proving this to be the case; the Indus valley civilization was a literate civilization like Egypt, Sumer, and China. In very close correlation to Sumer, they imprinted on clay seals the language they used for communication. However, what these signs, symbols, ideograms and or petroglyphs mean is still a great mystery. The constitution of this mystical language remains one of the greatest secrets to date.

Numerous archeological expeditions throughout this vast land area, on which, this ancient culture blossomed, revealed similar petroglyphs on multiple if not most of these places. Conclusions were drawn about the language based on these archeological finds, being unified and used throughout the Indus-Sarasvati civilization.

Understanding these symbols might give us the key to unlocking the door of a forgotten past. Until now nobody has been able to fully comprehend what these signs carved into this enigmatic board mean, and until we have a clear answer, we might have to patiently rest with the idea that it most probably is a Pre Sanskrit language. Which not only gives us a key to the mystery of ancient people on the Indian subcontinent but might also give us an answer to the earliest development of the oldest remaining language in the world!


The Indus Civilisation, Irfan Habib.
A History Of India: Hermann Kulke Och Dietmar Rothermund.
In Search Of The Cradle Of Civilization: A New Light On Ancient India. Georg Feuerstein
Subhash Kak And David Frawley.
India: The Ancient Past A History Of The Indian Sub-continent From c. 7000 bc to ad 1200.
Burjor Avari.
Cambridge History of India, Mortimer Wheeler.
Enigmas For Life, William Rathbone Greg.
Max Müller, “The Veda," Chips.from a Gemían Workshop, vol. I
History of Philosophy, Thomas Stanley.
Politics I.3, Aristotle.
The Ancient Indus Valley: New Perspectives, Jane Mcintosh.


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