Medieval India
Book Fee Tahfuk Ma Lil Hind Min Maqbala Maqboola Phill Akhl-i-Marjula
"My book is a historical record of facts. I will present the principles of Hindus in front of the readers exactly and I will present them with the principles of the Greeks which are similar to the Hindu doctrines so that the relationship between them is exposed. Could ... .. "
"Before rendering our subject, we have to think properly about what it is that makes it particularly difficult to reach the origin of any topic related to India. The realization of these difficulties will either facilitate our work, or if there is any error in our work, then the cause will be proved. "
"The first difficulty is that they differ from us in every thing that has similarities between us and the Gentiles. First take the language ... ..If you want to solve this problem (i.e., want to learn Sanskrit) then it is not easy for you to do this because it is very wide in terms of both the word store and the inferiority complex. "
"Not only this, Indian writers are too careless and they do not work hard to present accurate and composite details ... ..
The second difficulty is that they are completely different from us in religion too. Anything that touches a foreigner with fire or water considers it to be impure ... ... "
"The third thing is that they are different from all kinds of ethics ... our rituals and our customs ... ..
There are other reasons ... (as) the features of their caste character ... .. "
"So this is India's reality. This is the reason why despite having immense interest in my subject, I found it difficult to penetrate into it ... and even when I did not take any effort to spend money or money to collect books of culture. "
Al-Biruni was born in 973 AD in the Khwarizm area, which was then ruled by the general lineage of Turan and Iran (874-999). Kharavism, modern day, which was the kingdom of Turkistan in Central Asia in the nineteenth century. It is now a part of Uzbekistan. Though al-Biruni was born in Khavarism, however, his parents were of Iranian origin and considered to be a foreigner in that place, for this reason he was given the Persian nickname Biruni (outside). His birth was not in the city but in suburban area, due to which he was named Al-Biruni and today he is known by this name instead of his real name. 'Biruni' is a Persian word meaning 'outside'; In the context presented, it means the marginal territory of the city called Khawarism.
Some ancient texts in Arabic related to the life of al-Biruni say that Birun was the name of a city of Sindh and since he was born in the same city, his name was Al-Biruni. But this is a misconception that may have arisen because of this because there was a city named Nirun in Sind and by mistake of copyist he read it, and then the place was considered as the birth place of al-Biruni. 1 Al-Biruni Intense interest in Indian culture may have only been considered as an introduction to Indian origin.
Al-Biruni was a Muslim of Iranian origin. More information about her early life and upbringing is not available. 2 But she seems to have got enough opportunities to read and write in her childhood. Self-study remained a lifelong interest. There is a legend in this regard that at that time while he was taking his last breath and a friend came to meet him, Al-Biruni asked him about his solution to mathematics, which would have been referred to him by a friend before. His friend was surprised and said, 'It is strange that you are also worried about these things in this situation.' Al-Biruni said, while removing his surprise with great difficulty, "will it not be desirable for me Rather than knowing the solution of the solution, I know him instead of killing him, and then I will die? On this, the friend gave him the desired information and he had come out of the room that he heard people moaning at the death of al-Biruni.
Al-Biruni was a great linguist and he had written several books Apart from his mother tongue Khwarizmi, which was an Iranian dialect of the northern region and which had strong influence on the Turkish language, it was also known for Hebrew, Syrian and Sanskrit. He did not have any direct knowledge of Greek language, but through the Sarani and Arabic translations, he had studied the texts of Plato and other Greek teachers. Where so far Arabic and Persian are concerned, both of these languages
had intimate knowledge and most of the books in which 'Book-ul-Hind' were written in Persian, because that was the international language of that era. In it, the scientific literature of all the civilized world was stored and the same was the medium of valuable contributions available in different branches of science and literature.
The early life of Al-Biruni was spent in an era during which there was a lot of political changes in Central Asia and very large political changes, and some of them had the effect of its changes on life and works.
Prior to this, it was in the preservation of the local Dynasty-Mumbuni-who had thrown the gamble of the Asapas masses of 995 AD. It had an adverse effect on the life of Al-Biruni and he left the Khwarjism and went for some time in Jurjan (which was located in the southeast region of the Caspian Sea) in the court of Shamsul Maily Kabhab bin Vasamgir, whom he named as his' Ul-Baqiya 'un-il-kurun-al-Khaliya 1 which he was considered among the oldest and most important texts. It seems that when Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi (999-1030) invaded the state of Khwarajm in 1017 and got him into his kingdom, al-Biruni Khawarism returned. Al-Biruni was also among the prominent men of the court of Khwarjism, who was taken to the conqueror capital Ghazni. After that he mostly lived in Ghazni and continued to live and lived 440 years. (1048-1049) 2, at the age of 15, he died there.
It is not clear whether the Sultan of al-Biruni was in Mahmud's court. Perhaps he was in the form of a mortgage; But due to his accomplishments as a scholar and especially as an Astronomer and astrologer, he must have been a respected hostage. But in spite of this, his relationship with Sultan Mahmud was not very close and friendly. His famous treatise on India was built in the reign of Sultan Mahmud (around 1030), but there is mention of Sultan in only a few instances and that too in a nutshell. In contrast to Mahmud's son, his attitude towards Sultan Masood (1030-1040) was cordial, which he had dedicated his great work 'Al-Qaunun al-Masoodi Phill Hiya-Vallunujum' and praised his gratitude. The end of the life of al-Biruni, who had lived in Masood's court, would have been rich in material prosperity and wealth.
This is the period of his stay in Ghazni since his interest in India and Indians started. As we have known, many major texts written in India on astronomy, mathematics and medicine have been translated into Arabic much earlier than the beginning of the Abbasi period. Some of this may also have been with Al-Biruni. This thing itself becomes clear from 'book-ul-Hind', in which al-Biruni has mentioned the manuscripts of the culture which he had seen and some of them, the mistakes of the copyists etc. During his Ghazni-Migration, Al-Biruni will have more opportunities for India-based studies.
Ghazni city was the main political and cultural center of Islam in the eastern region and it has attracted skilled people in neighboring countries, including India. There were also many Indian prisoners of war, skilled crafts and scholars who were brought after Mahmud's invasion of India. Apart from this, Punjab, which had a huge majority of Hindus, became a part of the Ghazni kingdom. Ghazni and in some other cities of India where he would have gone 1 Al-Biruni would have been contacted by many Indian scholars and scholars and with whom as S. K. Chatterjee has indicated that he would have learned al-Biruni through the dialect of western Punjab or established a scientific relationship through Persian which some Indians would have learned.
North Gupta dynasty and Malwa
Indian history of Guptur carpet was a period of transition to many new trends. These new trends equally influenced the political and cultural history of the 6th century AD to the twelfth century AD, resulting in epochal changes. In this period, the tradition of 'Asmur Kshitishon' was over. Empires of Guptas and Wakatsa With the dissolution of power, many regional states emerged on the political horizons of India and the majority of small local dynasties came into existence under the feudal system. He never failed to expand the state by establishing his independent power when he got the opportunity. Thus, this period is seen in the whole of India, in view of the rise and fall of the majority local dynasties. In general, the local dynasty's strategic power and economic status were weak in both of these views, compared to the sovereign states of the ruling dynasties. They were also mutual struggles with the desire of expanding their own state capitals. He adopted a bizarre lifestyle to cover his internal weaknesses.
To embellish themselves by the Vritta Vedas, the creation of the diverse tier of the feudal pillars below, some of the major traits of luxury and luxurious life, feudalism in the construction work, which in turn have weakened the power of power and on the other side of the people The economic situation also shattered. It is noteworthy that in the absence of universal authority, the trade routes became vulnerable and trade activities were disrupted. As a result, the development of industries along with trade and commerce also got blocked. The lack of circulation and use of currencies in Baalil is clearly indicative of the degradation of the civil and commerce economy. Economy primacy: got settled on agriculture Consequently, the condition of the farmers in this period has also become miserable. Obviously the disorder created in the political arena also influenced contemporary economics.
In the era of political and economic poverty, North India had to be defeated and humiliated by foreign invaders. It is noteworthy that the first invasion of the Hunas took place during the reign of Gupta Emperor Skanda Gupta, in which Han's invaders had to be badly defeated. But during the expiration of secret power, Hun's attackers were re-activated. Under the leadership of Torrman and Mihirakul, the Hunas presented the scene of invasion and destruction from Gujarat and Malwa to the valley of Ganga. Later, the Hunas also established their small states in Punjab and Central India. After the suppression of the flames of Hunya invasion, invasions of Arabs started in Sindh, Gujarat and Malwa region in the eighth century. Although the Gurjar pratahars of Malva successfully tried to stop the flow of Arab power, however, the region of Sindh went into the political ascendancy of the Arab invaders.
Shortly after this there was a crisis of Turkic invasion from northwestern direction. The pressure of the Ottoman invaders gradually increased in the west to the coastal regions of Gujarat and to the Ganga valley in the east. First, the Turks took control of western Punjab (modern Pakistan) and after that the unstoppable typhoon of his invasions began to stop, the mutual Indian rulers of mutual jealousy and warring regional states proved to be utter failure and gradually their independence. Lost sitting The erosion of political history of India ended not only in the era of political history but the fall of the dynasties like Shakhaman, Gadhwal, Chalukya, Chandel and Parmar etc. also came to the forefront of cultural traditions, which gave an unimaginable turn of history. Although the South of Narmada's India remained free of external attacks in this era, in this area, the local dynasty also suffered from mutual struggles and communist tendencies due to its pride, pride and ambition of the expansion of the region.
It is worth mentioning here that due to the rise of centrally sponsored powers, the country's cultural and political unity weakened, while the diversity of the cultural life and prosperity also increased. In this period, various styles of sculpture and architecture were developed, which gave rise to many excellent architectural structures and artifacts. Various local languages, bids began to develop and many masterpieces were created in the preservation of local rulers. In this way we see that political and cultural scenario was largely depressing but not totally undemocratic.
North Gupta dynasty
The era of the well-known Gupta Dynasty took place in 550-51 AD and simultaneously with the vacuum in northern Indian politics as well as an atmosphere of instability and chaos. Under the Gupta emperors, many local dynasties who ruled various regions of northern India were engaged in the promotion of their power to fill this vacuum. As a result, the competition was created, which gave birth to mutual conflicts. Some Samyanta dynasties dreamed of becoming imperialist powers by establishing their rights over Magadha and its lateral areas, and in particular the name of the Pushybuti dynasty of Uttar Gupta, Mokharhi and Thaneshwar is particularly noteworthy here. Although abundant information is not available in the context of all the dynasties playing an active role in North Indian politics in the latter part of the 6th century AD, there are relatively more information available in the context of answer Gupta, Mokhri and Pushybhuti Dynasty from archaeological and literary sources. Therefore, historians have tried to present the history of these dynasties in a credible manner, in the context of the available evidence. While presenting the details of Guptto-era history, this article is also presenting the history of the Uttar Gupta dynasty respectively.
The archaeological records of Aditya Sen and the Deviant record of the living Gupta II are particularly noteworthy in the records that have been published in the history of North Gupta Dynasty. Apart from this, two records of Aditasen's time have been received from places called Shahpur and Mander and a record of the era of Vishnugupta from a place called Mangrao. But these particular information from historical point of view is not feasible. It is important here that all these articles have been received from the state of Bihar. For example, the Afsarh records were found in the district located in Afsad, which refers to the historical events of the era of the first ruler of this dynasty ranging from Krishna Gupta to Adisen. This leads us to the knowledge of the Gupta dynasty of the Guptas, and to Adityasen, there is also interesting light on the noble connection to the noble relatives. Devarnaika's records are from the place called Devvarnakak in Shahabad (Ara) district of Bihar province.
Cunningham is credited with bringing light to this record. He received it in 1880 AD. From this record, the information about the history of the last three rulers of the Gupta Gupta Dev Gupta, Vishnu Gupta and Jeev Gupta II is received. In this way, keeping in mind the records obtained from Afsad and Devavarnak together, we get an indefinite history of eleven rulers of this lineage. Since Krishna Gupta was the first ruler of this lineage and alive Gupta II was the last ruler of this lineage. Therefore, the entire history of this dynasty is known temporarily, however, there are still many such information that remains controversial in relation to the history of this lineage. It is difficult to express any conclusive opinion on the basis of which information is available in relation with it.
Origin and state of india
The founder of the North Gupta Dynasty, Krishna Gupta is said to be born in the 'Abdavn' in the Afsarh Records. It can only be concluded that it was associated with a high school. More answers than this, we do not get any information regarding the origin of Gupta. The word 'secret' is associated with the names of most rulers of this lineage. Therefore, some scholars have expressed the possibility that these Chakravarti have been related to the Gupta Dynasty. But this possibility seems to be quite unlikely. Because if these Chakraborty were associated with the Guptas, it would surely have been mentioned in their articles that this matter was proudly mentioned. It is also noteworthy that in the end of the names of all the kings of this lineage, there is no secret word.
It is important that Aditya Sen gets the name of the most powerful ruler of this lineage. Probably the North Gupta dynasty was a feudal dynasty ruled by monarchs. Because the first ruler of this dynasty, Krishna Gupta, has been conferred only the nuptial title, and with the name of Harsh Gupta, his successor, only the use of the word 'Shri' with respect is found. It is noteworthy here that for separating from Chakraborty Gupts, historians have addressed this lineage as the later Guptas or North Guptas. Some historians have also objected to this nomenclature. Sudhakar Chattopadhyay suggested that this lineage should be named after the name of his founder Krishna Gupta and should be called 'Krishna Guptavansh'.
The Gupta Dynasty or North Gupta Dynasty has now become mostly accepted and popular among historians. Answer: What was the original area of
Gupta Gupta? This topic remains controversial today. Recognition of the later rulers of Adityasen, Vishnu Gupta and the living Gupta II of this dynasty have been received from Magadha region only. Which indicates that the rule of these three rulers was prevalent on the Magadha region. Hence Fleet etc. scholars have expressed the opinion that the original area of
this dynasty would also have been Magadha. On the contrary, D. C. Ganguly, R. K. Mukerjea, C. B. Many scholars of Vaidya, Harnle and Rayachodhuri etc. have the idea that the people of this lineage were originally resident of Malwa who became ruler of Magadha in the Harsha period. 2 The main argument of the scholar who considered the Malwa as the original area of
the Gupta Gupta is that in Harshacharit Madhav Gupta has been mentioned as the son of the son of Malvaraj. In the Afsarh records, Madhav Gupta is said to be the son of Mahasen Gupta. In both sources, Madhav Gupta has been called Harsha's friend.
According to Harshacharya, she had been a child of Harsh while according to Afsarh records she was hoping for Harsh Dev's continuous companionship. Seeing these two sources together, the uniformity of Mahasen Gupta, the grandfather of Harvacharitra Mahavaraj and Aditya Sen, is authentic. It is also worth mentioning here that according to the Declarative Record of the living Gupta II, Magadha had the right to first omnipotence and avativarma, which was contemporary of the ruler of the Guptas of the Guptas and Damodar Gupta of Gupta and Mahasen Gupta. There is also a strong possibility that the area of
Magadha was also under the rule of all-earth's father Ishwanavarma, which was a contemporary of the Gupta Gupta of Uttar Gupta Rishi. Because Ishwarvarma has been described as the winner of the elephants, the Shooliks and the Gaudas in the Ishwaravarma's horizontal record, and the victory of Gaud does not appear to be possible without the authority of Magadha region. Keeping all these facts in sight, keeping the area of
eastern Malwa seems to be the original area of
the answer secret.
Krishna Gupta
According to unconfirmed records, the first ruler of the North Gupta Dynasty was Krishna Gupta. Reign of Krishna due Atathik records secret can not be set to ensure, however, allows us to Hdha record Ishanvrma in this direction, which date 554 AD. The rule of Eishvavarma North Gupta Vishneshi Naresh Kumar Gupta can be grossly fixed between 540 AD and 560 AD. Since Kumar being placed between the secret pre-living the secret first, Harsh Gupta and Krishna secret these three rulers of the state and if you got to determine the average twenty reign of the year for each ruler Krishna Gupta rule 500 AD to about 480 AD Could.
Afsdh Krishna records secret has been conferred with the 'Nrip' title 0.1 The Secret Emperor Mercury was secretive regime whose political influence was certainly spread to the region. In the reign of Mercus Gupt, the Hun king Nars Torom was attacked in western India. The first year's record of Torah's rule was received from Aryan. From this it is known that sometime between 490 AD and 510 AD, the right of thermodynamics was established on the Malwa region. He appointed Anuj Carnavishnu of Samantha Matruvishnu as Administrator of the region who ruled the Aran region of Mercury. But this power of the Hanas in Malwa region was not uninterrupted. Because the records of Bhanu Gupta from 510 AD are found only from Aryan that Bhanu Gupta, who was a great warrior, did a fierce battle in Aran, in which his friend Gauravaj Veergati had received and his wife was dead Together had become sati.
The contemporary political situation concluded by keeping historians vision that Bhanu Gupta and Gopraj it will be the same against the war Hun King Torman. Clearly, the political scenario of the Malwa region was changing with rapidly, due to which Swamishtha was becoming looser and suspicious towards the secret monarchs of feudal clans like Parivrajak, Highakul and Arnav region. Probably taking advantage of those circumstances, Krishna Gupta established his small kingdom in eastern Malva. Although it is said in the Afsarh records that there were elephants in the number of thousand of his army and he was the winner of innumerable wars and he was surrounded by scholars, but it should only be considered formal appreciation.
Harsh Gupta
The successor of Krishna Gupta was his son Harsh Gupta. Its reign ranged from approximately 500 AD to 520 CE. It is said in the imperial inscription that it had conquered many of the Dudhash Wars. Its rule was also a period of turmoil due to the invasion of the Hanes. This was a contemporary of Hunan Akrata Toroman and her son Mihirkul. At this time, the secret king Narasimha Gupta Baladitya was involved in the conflict with the hunts. Some scholars believe that the rule of Narasimha Gupta was confined to the Magadha region, whereas in the Bengal region, perhaps the Vaña Gupta had established its independent state and possibly in Bhavn in the Malwa region, he was struggling against the secret hunts.
In the afasdar records there is no use of any title used for the independent ruler for Harsh Gupta. Therefore, it appears to be a general in his position. It is difficult to say that it was ruling under the then Gupta king Narasimha Gupta Baladitya or Bhanu Gupta or he had accepted the authority of the Hunas. It is also possible that it was also contemporary of the advent of Malwa. But there is no information about the mutual relation between the two. Her sister Harsh Gupta was married to Mokhri king Adityavarma. Thus in the reign of Harsh Gupt, the mutual relations of North Gupta and Mokhri princes appear friendly. In fact, these were both Rajkul development oriented. To fulfill their political ambitions, become ally colleagues and seek refuge in the marriage relation to strengthen friendship.
First secret
The successor of Harsh Gupta was his son's living secret. It ruled from approximately 520 AD to 540 AD. The available instructions from the imperial record indicate that it proved to be more powerful than his father and father. It has been distinguished by the title 'Kshitishchudamani' in the record. Referring to its political influence in the Afsarh record, it has been said that 'it was similar to an inflammatory fever for the enemies of the coastal green states and the Himalayas in the winter cold conditions.' 1 It appears that the invasion of the Hunas on the Gupta-Empire As a result of the Digvijay of Malwa ruler Yashovardhana, the horrific situation of political disorder had arisen in North India.
The glory of the Gupta emperors - Sun was going down and the effects of secret power had ceased from areas of north Bengal, along the Himalayan border areas. It is not possible that the living secret first did this campaign to suppress the revolts in Eastern India as a feudatory of contemporary Gupta Emperor, who was possibly Kuma Gupta III. It appears that the contemporary Moksha king, Lord Varma, supported him in this campaign. Because in Jaunpur inscription it has been said that God Verma had conquered the regions of the Himalayas (Pralayadri) in the direction of the north. As a result of these triumphs, the political influence of North Guptas increased during the reign of the Gupta Gupta. Therefore, it is said in the aforesaid records that 'His feat was inhuman like Pawan son Hanuman, like the sea violation.
Kumar Gupta
The successor of the living secret is his son Kumar Gupta. Its reign is believed to be from approximately 540 AD to 560 CE. In the medieval period (550-51 CE) of his reign, Gupta king Vishnu Gupta died and the Gupta Dynasty was completely destroyed. In order to take advantage of the decline of the Gupta Dynasty, both the North Gupta and Mokhri dynasties got active. As a result, the mutual friendship of these two princes ended. The impressive record gives clear information about hostility and conflict between the two clans. According to this record, there was a fierce clash between Kumar Gupta and his contemporary Mokari Naresh Ishwanavarma. Perhaps the purpose of this struggle was to establish a right over the area of
Magadha, which was a symbol of the empire's power.
The only source to inform about the struggle between North Gupta Naresh Kumar Gupta and Mokhri Naresh Ishwanavarma is Afsarh Records. According to this inscription, Kumar Gupta churned like the 'King of Kshirsagar', which was the instrument of attainment of Lakshmi, in the form of a moon-like powerful eishthavarma in the kings, like the monkey hill. There is considerable differences among the scholars regarding the implied meaning in this verse. Raychowdhury thinks that in this war Kumara Gupta has won and the eighth is defeated. Because there was no claim of victory in this war by the Mokhriyas. It is noteworthy that there is no description of this war in the eighth letter of Ishwanwarma's 554 AD. Therefore, there is a strong likelihood that this war may have happened sometime after 554 AD. It is said in the verse in front of the Afsarh Records that after this war Kumar Gupta had finished his life by breathing in Prayag. Scholars like Nihararjan Rai and Radhakumud Mookerjee believe that Kumar Gupta was defeated in this war And he had committed suicide in Prayag due to the loss of defeat.
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