Islam Has Nothing To Do with Terrorism

in #history8 years ago

Islam Has Nothing To Do with Terrorism 

A Response to the On-going Attack of Abu Sayyaf Terrorist Group in the Philippines

Meanwhile ago, Mindanao, southern part of the Philippines, has been struck by the suspected Abu Sayyaf Group, a geographically local but claimed to be international Mindanao-based organization having claimed to be a Muslim group with Islamic ideology. They hit Zamboanga areas, west part of Mindanao, and bombed a market place in Davao City, the capital city of Mindanao and the hometown of the Philippine President.    

While the authority is still investigating the cause of the attack, the pre-conclusion of the people that it is a destruction framed up by the Muslims to fear the public and to control the Mindanao island has already spread widely throughout the Philippines, and possibly, to the world. It is quite dangerous and is needed to be corrected. The rumor can bring any danger to the Muslim people, and it must be stopped before it can harm any innocent Muslim living peacefully in any place of the world.    

Islam has really nothing to do with any terroristic act. Muslim terrorists have only used the religion to legitimize their terrors and hide their own motifs so that the people and the media would get confused and would think that it is part of the Islamic faith. Just like the ISIS and the old Al-Qaeda groups, they falsely interpret their own evil deeds as part of their faith in Islam, but the truth is that they are securing the Middle East's oil reserves and other natural resources available in the area. In Mindanao, Abu Sayyaf has existed for how many years stealing the wealth of the island using force to fear the inhabitants, which are mostly Muslims.     

Backed by a Giant Boss 

The Abu Sayyaf group has already been suspected as a CIA-backed terrorist group. It may sound ridiculous but it has solid evidences like what happened in 2003 when a CIA agent was caught planting a bomb in a hotel in Davao City, Philippines following to the war declaration of the Abu Sayyaf Group against the government. But before that year, there were already solid evidences of the connection between the two organizations in the 90's.    

In a critical investigation, the US imperialism has a longtime interest to the natural resources in the Philippines. In fact, it once colonized the country and has remained to be active today. No doubt why the US government has a lot of agreements and treaties with the Philippine government such as the Visiting Forces Agreement that enables the American troops to enter the sovereignty in any time and, indeed, have already been in a partnership with the Philippines in the free trade system and globalization.   

On the other hand, Mindanao was chosen to be the base camp of the terrorists since it is where the Muslims are residing, making them easier to hide their identities. Mindanao is also one of a good sites for their plan to hijack the neighboring countries such as China and Japan. In order to make it realized, they form the terrorist group in disguise of Islamic principles just to hide the true American identity. The group is their eyes and instrument to make the penetration of the island more smoothly and problem-free.    

The Muslim race has already been negatively labelled in Mindanao as well as in the world due to some historical alienating teachings to the people against them, making it as the reason why the Muslims are being used and recruited in terrorist groups. Thus, it would make it easier for the people to blame what is behind the killings and attacks. And speaking of alienation, those invited and recruited Muslims are not informed of the real purpose of the establishment of the group. They are not only taught that it is a good job with high payment and it is for the sake of the religion. The Muslims are only used for the advancement of some self-interests.      

The Counter-attack of the President's War-on-drugs Advocacy 

The authority has also suspected the attack of the terrorists as a revenge for the killings of drug addicts and for the broken drug businesses. The Abu Sayyaf terrorist group is said to be paid by the big time drug lords and personalities who want to beat the President. The analysis was made amid the bombing of a market during the "night market" sale in Davao City such that why it was planned in Davao, in the town of the President and not in other places.    

At least 4 people died and many were injured at the bombing. Many have questioned it and formulated the idea that it was a call for attention to the President. The national government was alarmed and is currently sending troops to the heated areas for an offensive against the terrorist groups.   

No announcement about the agenda of the terrorist group has been revealed as of the moment, but bad rumors, as mentioned above, have already dominated in the minds of the people. The terrorist group consists of Muslim and non-Muslim members, but this fact was ignored by many, and instead, Muslims were blamed and labelled generally as terrorists.    

As one can observe in the preceding readings, the Abu Sayyaf Bandits are not really religious in orientation in contrast to what they label to themselves. The group is economic in nature. Their extremism is an act of immorality that is forbidden in Islam. They practice beheading, kidnap for ransom, looting from small industries in the localities, massive killings all with the purpose of profiting for personal advantage. 


The Muslim people are just the victims of terrorism, may it be local or international. Their identity is being used for terrorizing the people. What is happening in the Philippines is only a reflection to what is happening to the global context that the Muslims have a bad reputation globally. The Middle East is thought by the outsiders as a dangerous region in the world just as similar to the bad connotation of Mindanao with the Muslims living in the island for many centuries.   

A deeper and critical understanding and study of the orthodox teachings will help us understand the true cause of terrorism because if not, some innocent lives may be put into risks from just the false statements. 

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Ok I am sorry foolish on my part but the bible do all the above mentioned I don't think all are accurate like I said the Torah and the bible have been tempered with but u still find similar violence verses like the Quran. So I hate when some Christians just make Islam to be evil.

As I have pointed out to you many times, all the archeological evidence shows that the Torah and the Bible have not been tampered with. Yet Islam claims the opposite of the essence of Christianity:
Believing Jesus saving death and resurrection as the only way to Heaven.
Islam denies all this and thus causes all who accept Islam to lose Heaven.
What could be more serious than that?

The King of Kings bible actually UNITES the three books:

First of all let me apologize to u and all who read my first comment on this post, I made a huge erro even though I clearly said, aparantly the bible and Jesus said x y z, I was wrong to include Jesus! May Allah forgive me for my sin. But the Torah and the Old Testament, aparantly do say such things.
My dear friend you tell me. is it Paul who said "he who believe in Jesus, P.B.U.H, as messiah in a flash. Is a true Prophet! and prophet Muhammad, P.B.U.H, believe in Jesus as a messiah and a great prophet of God. but we also believe he did not die for our sins.
Let me ask you a question my friend,

  1. If you believe he died for our sins and u believe the Holy Spirit. Is in you! how come u and many Christians who have "Holy Spirit " in them still sin.
  2. And why must one go to a priest, and say forgive me father I have sinned, and then confess they sin to a human, who's also a sinner. Why not just confess your sins to the "Holy Spirit" since u have Holy Spirit in you?
  1. Receiving the Holy Spirit does not guarantee we cannot sin. We must pay attention to His voice, and we often "grieve the Spirit" and "quench the Spirit" by our thoughts and deeds. This limits our usefulness to God. This affects our heavenly rewards, not our salvation. That is purely a function of belief in Who Jesus is and what He did for us.

  2. You do not need to go to a priest. Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man. You can and should deal with Him directly. It is His Spirit that is within you to guide you into all truth. But it is still guidance, not possession.

Muhammad denied what Jesus did and Who He is (i.e. that Jesus is the Son of God who died instead of us for our sins.)

Who is the liar, if it is not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son can have the Father; whoever confesses the Son has the Father as well. - 1 John 2:22

For many deceivers have gone out into the world, refusing to confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. - 2 John 1:7

Jesus explained it to Nicodemus this way:

Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.' John 3:5-7

Jesus also told Nicodemus this:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. John 3:16-18

Delete borders and religions and peoples dont have more reasons to fight...

People fight because of human nature. Borders and religions are manifestations of that, not the root problem. The same instincts drive other primates' behavior:

We should work to curb these tendencies and acknowledge that they exist. Attacking their symptoms does neither.

Killing the rape victim
"If within the city a man comes upon a maiden who is betrothed, and has relations with her, you shall bring them both out of the gate of the city and there stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbors wife." - Bible (Deuteronomy 20:10-14)

Islam has a ton to do with terrorism. There needs to be separation of religion and state or all goes to hell.

says who Islam as a ton of terrorism?

read the bible and koran side by side. i dare you. islam is being used as the weapon, because it is suitable. they would not be a threat on their own. the wielders of the weapon are the threat.

Give me the bible verse please.

the holy bible, new testament, chapter all verse all

Funny that you could not even give the verse. Its alright. Thanks for commenting.

EVERY SINGLE ONE. is that clear enough? sorry if i don't think comparing the prince of peace with a self avowed child rapist and mass murdering warlord is is an accurate one. good day!

I can give u verses In ur own bible where aparantly jesus says rape a women and then marry them. He also says kill the women and children so don't just tell us where he says. Love ur enemy.

No you can't give us such verses.
Jesus said no such things.
Think about it a minute.
If your teachers are telling you such things
How can you trust them to teach you anything?

if you can do so then do. i've read the bible 11 times. the old testament has some gruesome crap in it. i'm pretty sure i never ran across jesus saying rape women and kill children. so, tell me, where? i'm waiting. listen, it sounds like you are angry. the bible is the most printed book in the world. if you can find 1 copy that says what you say, that you didn't make up, i will apologize. ready, set, go. the koran on the other hand, well, go ahead and read it again. you have read it, right? u kan sortof spell wurds so i asume u kan reed rite?

The problem is due to willing ignorance of the biblical scriptures.

In the situation(s) you refer to there were specific reasons that God gave the commands He did, and they were one time commands for each instance. For example, there were people that made stone statues and heated them to high temperatures and then burned their children alive on them to their "gods" a sacrifices.

Another misunderstanding, due to willing ignorance, is the penalties for sins. In many cases the penalty given is death. What needs to be understood is that these were the maximum sentences allowed and not mandatory sentences. Look at most existing legal systems - the judge determines the amount of penalty after the trial, and it is rarely ever the maximum allowed by law. Jesus gave us a good example of this. The woman that was caught in adultery was not stoned to death, but warned to discontinue her sin.

I find it interesting that when a Christian does something wrong that other Christians publicly condemn the act. When Muslims do something wrong other Muslims are silent. If a Christian shares their beliefs with another person and the other person rejects what they are saying they go their separate ways. If a Muslim shares the Quran with another person and they reject it he can kill him.

My scriptures tell me that Satan came to steal, kill and destroy. I don't see a personal God of love in the Quran, I see Satan.

still waiting.

I will look into what Jesus P.B.U.Him allegedly said, with all due respect we don't believe everthing in the bible to be the exact words of jesus himself, but of what mark, Mathew John and luke, Paul, say what they think JEUSU said, and most of they saying contradicts each other.

you will find no contradiction that has anything to do with jesus saying kill or rape anyone. keep making up stuff. i can do this all day. i'd rather see christianity in charge of the whole earth than see islam in charge of a can opener.


funny how it seems you can type but you can't read.

I did not type that I copy and paste
That is what the bible teaches no different to what u claim ISIS is doing right know

Did Jesus P.B.U.him say I have not come to change the laws of Moses P.B.U.Them. But to up hold them so it makes no difference if he said it or Moses said it. Since he agrees with it, since it makes no diffrence to me what Islam teaches. I am 100% behind Quran. and Who ever thinks prophet Muhammad P.B.U.Him is a tarriest and all the names they attach to him and Islam, I say so I'm I.

then i guess there is no point. i was just doing this for fun. i told you i'm not a christian, but i'd rather be a dingleberry on a diseased yak than be a muslim

he said, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." fulfilling the prophesy of the coming of the new covenant is not condoning under the new covenant what was done in the old. it is only not condemning it. he did not come to condemn what was done in the past but to give salvation to the future. that is the doctrine. he was trying to walk a line so the people he was speaking to wouldn't kill him for blasphemy then and there.

What I said and what u said is the same thing. The only difference is u say he came with a new covenant which is not true he did not come with nothing new. watch this

I am not telling you to be a Muslim and even if you wanted to be a Muslim you would not be able to be one. as God chooses who he guides and who he misguide. did u chose to be a male/female or did God chose it for you?

now we're on the road to froot loop logic. what you just said makes no sense at all, even in the self referencing, circular logic of religion. try again and this time with more feeling.

As the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Peace be upon his Soul, stated and Fact, every "Religion" except Islam has a Date...!! Fact! Reference the Islam chapters of the Book:Message to the Blackman... And don't think, Prophet Muhammad 500 AD was the founder, NOT..!! Just the writer of the Quran...

With all due respect I don't no u to say anything bad about u or attack u personally! but elijah Muhammad is a devil himself and louis far khan including the Nation of Islam. They call white people as Devils in reality they and they Masonic cults are the devils. Please get out of the Nation of Islam and come to the true religion of Islam my brother or sister, follow the foot steps, of the beloved Malik el shabaz aka Malcolm X
May Allha rest his soul, if u die believing that evil cult u will take ur place in hell.

that is a lie

What is a lie?

Islam was founded by a child rapist who was educated by a heretical christian monk and jewish caravan traders. He was nothing but a warmongering murderer.. and if truth be told.. Islam is just a heresy of the Christian and Jewish religions.. and nothing more.

The sooner Islam dies out.. the sooner our world will find peace.

If prophet Muhammad P.B.U.Him. Is all the above u accuse him to be. I would also love to be apart of all he did and be more than happy to follow all or some of his teachings. If I am able to do some of the above it would be not only an honor but my greatest achievement in this life.

The terrorists CLAIM to be muslims
The scream 'aloha snackbar' when they do their evil deeds.
But what do they know?
They are not really muslims are they?

They're just kidding.

They are muslims but not islam.

By the way, are you joking about the "allah snackbar"?

We could not say that all muslims are terrorist because there are also other races that are terrorist. This is the problem because everytime there is a terrorist attack people will automatically conclude that its the muslims.

Its unfair to the other muslims around the world who wanted to live in peace.

"everytime there is a terrorist attack people will automatically conclude that its the muslims."
What's the percentage of correct conclusion?
not Allah (goodness)..I said A LO Hah. It's hawaiian. It mean hello. So Aloha Snackbar means "come to dinner bay bee"

it's a Texas thing.
are you disrespecting my ethnicity?

No im not, in fact im thankful to this new found term.

It's a joke.
There's a word. sarcasm
I are sarcastic a lot of times...and cynical.
aloha snackbar is a joke. Mildly dispectfull.

I quite agree - Here you can read more about how true all this is, especially Chapter 10:

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