Vatican City And The Obelisk

in #history8 years ago

Go look around on the net for pictures of The Vatican and see if you can spot the tall monument in the very center of the grounds. Have you seen it or one like it before? Do you know what that form is called? Do you have any idea why it is there? Two other City States have this same monument prominently displayed, Washington DC and the Inner City of London.

I am unable to tell you why the obelisk is in those places or why it is an important Masonic symbol. I can only tell you what that monumental symbol represents. For me, the great question is; of all places on earth where this symbol is displayed, why is it central to the Vatican, the capitol of the Holy Roman Church?

Wikipedia defines an obelisk as "a tall, four-sided, narrow tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape or pyramidion at the top. These were originally called "tekhenu" by their builders, the Ancient Egyptians. The Greeks who saw them used the Greek 'obeliskos' to describe them, and this word passed into Latin and ultimately English." Again I ask why professed worshipers of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit have an important symbolic structure in a prominent place for all to see in the capitol of their religious sect?

Wikipedia goes on further to say "The obelisk symbolized the sun god Ra, and during the brief religious reformation of Akhenaten was said to be a petrified ray of the Aten, the sundisk. It was also thought that the god existed within the structure." According to Catholic dogma any belief in a deity or no belief at all that is not orthodox Catholoic is pagan and heretical. If we were living in the age of the Inquisition we could have been tortured and burned to death for worshiping or possessing false idols or even owning a book. Not only is the obelisk a symbol in ancient Egypt but also in pre-Christian Rome.

If we delve a little deeper and look to Egyptian mythology we might learn something about our own modern existence. Again from Wikipedia "Osiris was at times considered the oldest son of the earth god Geb, though other sources state his father is the sun-god Ra,[3] and the sky goddess Nut, as well as being brother and husband of Isis, with Horus being considered his posthumously begotten son." Further, there is a direct connection between the God Osiris and the obelisk. Keep in mind that Osiris is the son ( Jesus is the son ) of the god of the earth or the sun and the husband (and brother) of Isis.

In Egyptian mythology there is a version of the life and death of Osiris which essentially encompasses the following; Osiris was murdered by his evil brother who chopped Osiris into several pieces. The pieces of Osiris were widely scattered and buried. Isis, Osiris' wife was so distraught and without a child, ordered a search be made for the parts of Osiris to be found, brought back and reassembled so she could be impregnated by Osiris and have his child. The only problem was that though parts of Osiris were found, the penis of Osiris was the only part that couldn't be found. Isis decided to make a golden penis to be and attached it to Osiris' body. Isis briefly brought Osiris back to life and was successful in her attempt to become pregnant and had a male son. The Obelisk represents the lost or golden penis of Osiris.

I leave you to ponder why the obelisk is at the Vatican and other questions of history, myth, and mind control. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


The reason these obelisk's are In those three cities Is because the Illuminati Cabal Is: The Vatican ( Jesuits ) Spiritual Center, located In Rome, The Rothschild's ( Zionists ) Financial Center, located In the City of London and Washington D.C ( military Industrial complex ) Military Center. These groups all got together at the beginning of the century and formed the Cabal. They are responsible for both world wars and the war on terror. Their plan Is to bring In a New World Order. These are Dark forces who wish to trap mankind In a Matrix system, AI construct.

You are mostly right, but the New Word Order is already here, and the "matrix" is already established. The trick is that most of us are still waiting for it to happen, when in fact,it already has.

Do not agree that this Is Inevitable, the world Is what we make for ourselves. They have a smart grid system up and running but their trying to steal peoples Consciousness via Hollow Fibres, Nano Tags.
Magnetism can help protect us from this, there Is a spiritual element to this that most people are missing and we will win this war. The Light Is Infinitely more powerful than the Dark.

Thanks for your comment. In the future I intend to show some of what you linked but under-stated began only one hundred years ago. I think your time line is off by at least 500 years. It is a complex and ancient association or "rule" that I find evidence of back to the 14th Century. I'm scratching the surface of so many aspects of what caused the world and especially the Anglo/Western Culture to become what we are now living through that just a rough outline of the all the information I have would take years in a format like Steemit. Stay tuned to the next post of mine which will be "Who or What Owns England and Ireland".

Yes you are right this goes back to Egyptian times and earlier, but the Cabal agreement Is more recent than that.

You will notice that many churches also have obelisk.... only they are called "steeples". This is no coincidence. I could go into more detail, if you like.

Sure, go for it!

The steeples on churches are officially known as Obelisk. Obelisk are associated with Baal worship. Their are large obelisk at Washington DC and at the Vatican. Baal, in Hebrew, which is the original language of the bible means "Lord". This is a title in both languages and not a proper name. However, it is most often associated with a pagan deity. the Bible states that people would forget the name of God for Baal. Notice in most any bible the name of God has been replaced with LORD in all caps. Baal worship has supplanted YHWH worship.

Thanks for your explanation.

It probably seems like a small thing to most people, and most people say "God understands I'm talking to him when I use other names".... But careful study of scripture indicates otherwise. Sure, He knows what your intent is, but he makes it clear He doesn't expect to be called outside of his name.

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