An enigma called Venezuela. Historical facts.

in #history4 years ago
To understand the Venezuelan state in its context, we have to analyze everything from the beginning, and those traces have been made since April 19, 1810. As children we learned that they give the brushstrokes of independence, from a balcony where Vicente Emparan looks out and says "You they want them to continue to send "and a priest behind making negative signs. What is the path that the country has traced to make this process a national holiday, where this painting is drawn by Juan lovera. Let's see all the pictorial stories to know what happened?

It all started in Europe.

We have to chart a course for ourselves, everything is a logical consequence of a process that was lived from the fall of Louis XVI until the arrival of the France of terror that causes great struggles the return of the monarchy again and all this to the Napeolonian wars or coalition wars. All this war unleashed a process of great revolutions in Europe that led Spain to Ferdinand VII to lose power, which led to Napoleon's brother, Jose I de Bonarparte being the King of Spain, as it will be known we were a little viceroy of Spain This led to great changes that were brewing in the intellectual circles of the country and the classes of power.

With this process through an interesting feat of history we see how the process of what is called restitution of the rights of Fernando VII evolves, something that was not at all exposed, as will be seen through the course of that historical newspaper.


The fall of Spain into the hands of Napoleon's army caused the ties that bound us to Spanish soil to be severed since many of the Mantuan concept attributed to the ruling classes of Venezuela gave rise to not paying tribute to a usurper king, of course all This came with the background of monopolizing all trade and not giving gifts to Spanish soil. Trying to be faithful to a King in reality being true to themselves, because history later showed that the king no longer mattered whether he was Spanish or French, he was already preparing the seed of the revolution for complete freedom.

Let's see, Miranda, that exiled target.

General Miranda came with withered skin, his face wrinkled with experience, the force undermined by so much walking and walking around the world chasing a dream and fighting so many battles, he came first hand with the ideal necessary to liberate the Venezuelan soil, but his famous proclaims "Bochinche, Bochinche these people are pure bocinche" as a prophetic sentence that gave him reason and strength throughout all the falls of the trials of the first republics. A man brought to be the absolute power to be one of the list of those betrayed by the country by men who want to command and not be sent. Mirando was exiled and forgotten as a traitor without seeing or studying his complete work, he died in crisis and twisting his arm because the forces were not enough for more.


This was born with the only apparent purpose of restoring the rights of Fernando VII was peaceful since Emparan had the power to call weapons and did not in fact generate a democratic process to listen to the people together and leave power peacefully something almost not It is seen in those who held power at that time.

  • Blue revolution.

The beginning of the civil war is evident with the successor of Juan Crisotomo Falcon where the same members of his party begin to give him space for this maneuver so that his resignation would lead him.

  • April revolution or the yellow revolution.

It intensifies the caudillismo and is a bulwark of Guzman Blanco where he arms a people to remove Monagas from command, this is a logical consequence of power for power.

Just to name a few since we have the Revolutions such as the restorative, the liberal, the Goths, the federal and many more that lead to a common goal to obtain the power to leave hundreds of dead and then be overthrown by the next generation ... Leaving more dead than life and projects for the future. A town where everyone wants to send and not be sent is a perfect title to see the development and events that led to all this implausible act of what we call independence.

One of his great retractions was his disciple, it is where we see in history that perhaps poor communication generates tragedy.

That has been seen in the history of Venezuela Bolivar with Piar, Paez or Sucre, we also see it in the middle of the period in the case of Gomez and Castro, perhaps the distance and the lack of communication generate the betrayals that occur. The fall of the first, the second and the third republic makes us remember the phrase of miranda again ...

Upon learning of the military disaster, Miranda pronounces his famous phrase in French: "... Venezuela is wounded in the heart"

A dream called independence.

Very late I read the true story called Venezuela this due to historical facts that have always been there but I never thought about it, we can understand this case as the wars of independence, in Venezuela it seems incredible infinities of revolutions have occurred one more disastrous than the another in terms of death toll. Among them we can name.

  • Revolution of April 19.


They were civil wars.

I listened to this in an interview with the intellectual Arturo Uslar Pietri, then over time I forgot until a review fell again, studying history and reading the wonderful work of Vallenilla Lanz that makes a systematic study of who they were. They fought for the Spanish forces, it is a forceful if, if it was a civil war since the same ones that fought on one side or the other were only paid by the forces on duty, without knowing or confirming what benefits it would bring to the future, but in the momentary interest.

The town has the same that it produces.

This work must be viewed with a magnifying glass. What is called democratic caesarianism is an orange in the brazier, especially for the time when it saw the light, the work had the smell of leather. This study was not repeating the same thing, since for me repeating the same thing is almost an intellectual sacrifice to write books ... Without innocence but with the magnifying glass light that determines their intellect. Spending the years of life studying a systematic work is interesting, above all, it is the food one needs to know.

Let's reflect.

Let's go to the root of that darkness to put the flashlight in. An example of this is the figure of Boves, always seen as a terrible man, at the time a pulper who staggered the republic with his caudillismo and a great ally of the royalist forces in our land, nevertheless looking for the historical needs of the Why? the man behind the legend .... We see that he was a simple land man, who only wanted to make his fortune like many others and that being a man who was stained by his caste for his old prison and for envy, he was not taken taken into account by the republican forces being this main source of will to help at the beginning with their economic forces to the cause of the republic, but for misunderstandings and for envy of former enemies this for revenge takes another ideal. Boves was a national hero and one of the most important. Let's keep watching.


There are a multitude of historical facts, let's see how we are right and the truth is that it was a civil war.

Prolonged armed struggle between two or more nations during which various battles occur.

How many cries of rebellion were not given manifesting in the figure of a leader and this in turn in the figure of a revolution. Trying to exalt an idea that has already been lost in time, such was the case of Arismendi, Piar, Zamora like so many others, who called to arms the insurrection killed so many brothers, who made life in this wonderful land, where words were worth nothing but the strength of the spear, gunpowder, and machete. The battles of General Morillo, the battles of General Castro were not isolated cases due to the historical distance or the time they lived; they were civilian deaths against civilians who were mostly poor and naive, who needed to fill the stomach more than with ideas, but with food. Only what he paid was war. Let's see in what sense.

The Negro is first a hero of our land, but it must be understood that he fought first because of the realistic forces, but that his leader was exterminated and that for reasons of force rather than will he passed on to the patriotic forces, where he literally expressed When Bolívar asked him why he had done it, he said; Those who went to war came with nice costumes and well fed because this was fortune or you won or had nothing to lose but a battle or perhaps life.

Like Landaeta conquered Guyana, the battles of Arauca and the viceroyalty without being of the king or the homeland of patriots.



Gallegos says that one was born at the time and has to forge his history with facts, but not all of us are at war with nothing, since these civil wars only led to the construction of old and new politicians that in the end did not lead to nothing, there is always disagreement, but from here to take to arms for later blood that runs in the streets and then exonerate yourself from responsibility is terrible, we have to know our history, that is done by reading, investigating going to the primary sources to analyze and compare These facts with other international facts, read philosophy, politics, economics, have a calm opinion of all the facts, not having the last word, but having the last opinion, an accomplished intellectual in history to understand this enigma called Venezuela.

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