
in #history4 months ago (edited)

Saturn and the Purple Dawn Environment

The oldest reliions on Earth were astral in nature, i.e. people were worhiping things they saw in the sky. Now you would thinkk that the majo;r dieties of any such system would be the sun and moon but that was not the case; the two chieftain dieties of every one of those old religions werethe two erstwhile dwarf stars, Jupiter and Saturn, Zeus and Cronos.

There are no exceptions to that rule. Bible scholars claim there are two discernable traditions in Genesis, I.e. Jahvist and Elohist. Jahveh is the same word as Jove (“By Jove, I think she’s got it”), another name for Jupiter. El was the most common name for Saturn around the Med basin and you can convince yourself of that by doing internet searches on “El Saturn Babylon” and you have too include the word ‘Babylon’ to weed out the hits on the old GM Saturn dealerships.
Immanuel Velikovsky claimed that Earth had been a satellite of Saturn in recent prehistoric times and David Talbot published a book on the subject in 1980:


Videos put out by the thunderbolts.info organization expand on the subject, e.g.

Human origins and solar system origins have to be studied together, i.e. there is no making sense of the one or the other separately.
1. The most major pieces of evidence involved are planetary axis tilts, and the relative eye sizes of creatures liviing on the planets in question.
2. Older Wiki pages and likely most astronomy books give the tilts of Jupiter and Venus as 3.13 and 177.3. Most pople would just glance at that and never give it any thought; what you had to realize was that you needed to view tilt as the angle distance from a perpendicular to the plane of the system. Viewed that way, Jupiter and Venus have the exact same tilt to within less than half a degree and newer Wiki pages give the tilt of Venus as 2.64 degrees.
3. That, of course, brings up the subject of Immanuel Velikovsky, who claimed that Venus amounted to material that had been ejected from Jupiter [as a means of relieving electrical stress]. The thing about axis tilts likely would not shock or surprise him...
4. But the story about axis tilts gets better starting from all of that. Uranus and Pluto, two of the three bodies in in the outer reach of our system, have oddball tilts and the best idea seems to be just to ignore them; they likely have some kind of separate little stories of their own.
5. But the other major bodies divide into two distinct groups:
6. The sun, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury all have tilts less than ten degrees, which is more or less what you’d expect to find.
7. But Saturn, Neptune, Mars, and Earth have tilts ranging from around 23 to around 28 degrees. That suggests that those bodies had been a separate system early on, and had been captured as a group, probably recently.
8. The idea is this: those bodies, still in a linear alignment leftover from the formation of the system as a Herbig/Haro string, flew into the plane of the Sun/Jupiter system at a roughly 26-degree angle and, as the individual bodies were captured and began to orbit as they do now, ordinary gyroscopic force caused them to retain that roughly 26-degree angle of approach in the form of axis tilts.
That would make Earth part of a dwarf star system just a few thousand or a few tens of thousands of years ago. According to British scholar Troy McLachlan, this is what that would have looked like:


Aside from everything else, that was the reason for the huge dark orld eyes of the Neanderthal and other hominids.

Vendramini Neanderthal reconstruction (note the eyes):


Rob Gargett ("Subversive Archaeologist") notes that even if you try todraw a totally anthropomorphized/yuppified Neanderthal with the eyes and nasal areas as large as fossil bones indicate they would have to be, what you get is still outlandish by our standards:


A few Resources

The Ganymede Hypoothesis (on Amazon.com)

Paperback: https://tinyurl.com/2vbeatuc

Kindle Ebook: https://tinyurl.com/bd3yd56r

Intro Videos and related info videos:




Saturn Theory, Plasma/Electric Cosmoloogy



Purple Dawn and Related Topics


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