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RE: The History Of Vaccine Series

in #history7 years ago (edited)

This is a list with roughly 10000 scientific publicaitons that discovered links between vaccination and disease. The papers are from 1928 to 2011. It's is an extensive guide and only includes references with names such as for example: Duverne J, Volle H, Gogue Y. Hyperergic accidents
of the Sanarelli­Shwartzman type caused by DT­polio vaccination in children. Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphiligr. 1966 Mar­Apr;73(2):221­3.

Study it for yourself you can access many of these papers from the University of Tel'Aviv or from any University provided you are a student or staff member enrolled so you can access scientific journals.

This is a list that contains 144 research papers published in scientific journals and or private research groups such as Envion (a private company based in Denmark that is a policy advisor to governments in the health care sector).

The research in this document is conducted by researchers from several American Universities, but also UK (Imperial College London), or Egypt or Asia. Anyone who claims these are 'junk' institutions, or junk scientists, or junk journals is retarded. All of this is peer-reviewed science in peer-reviewed journals from reknown institutions such as La Belle Vie Research Laboratory in Japan or the University of Kairo, Bejing, Bristol, Toronto, etc. The list is figuratively endless.

Even the CDC is aware of this: an excerpt from a conference they had in 1999 on vaccine damage stated: This analysis suggests that high exposure to ethyl mercury from thimerosal containing vaccines in the first month of li!e increases the risk of subsequent development of neurologic development impairment. From: CDC (Center of Disease control) Conference about Vaccination and its danger 1999.

Yeah, this shit that Merck got sued over and had to award damages for because it made people retarded. The judge obviously only filed the claim because the science showed that vaccines are perfect and would never harm anyone. . no sarcasm Judges just hate Big Pharma. All bias.

Anyone, who reads the scientific literature or classics such as Bechamps theory of diseases compared to Pasteurs theory of disease, or even Crookshanks view of vaccination compared to those of Jenner would know that vaccination is a horrible idea and self-harm.

Just to break it down real quick: Jenner (the 'inventor of vaccines') was a mentally retarded piece of shit who vaccinated his son which turned him into a wheel-chair vegetable for the rest of his life. Jenner then went on to claim that vaccination was succesful and healthy because it worked in another case (a black slave whom he 'vaccinated' against cow pox, which was basically a lie). Crookshank then wrote a book about why Jenner is in fact mentally retarded and should be locked up because he is killing people or making them either physically handicapped or mentally sick. He did that by, for example, interviewing the slave woman whom Jenner had claimed to have vaccinated, which again, turned out to be a lie. Ergo, it is exactly the same as it is today. Pharmacists lie to people to sell them poison, which also creates repreat customer who buy other poison to get rid of the 'side-effects' of the initially injected poisons.


Omg, a mentally retarded piece of shit....haha, thanks for an awesome reply and data base!

You are welcome. I really dislike Jenner since he is responsible for at least a dozen deaths personally and then approximately hundreds of thousands preventable deaths that are caused by his rancid unscientific ideas based on conjecture on how things should work according to him. Sadly, nature does not bow its head to the whims of an insane lunatic and so natural selection took care of him because he managed to mutilate his own offspring into an early grave by vaccinating him.

If this isn't irony I don't know what is. He is celebrated for his achievements for public health and has streets names after him (even here in Amsterdam) and yet he has accomplished nothing but hubris and his insanity even ended his own biological lineage.

We have a bunch of scientist and allopathic doctors blogging on steemit. I read the horrible things Jenner did to his son and so many other children who didn't live very long after he experimented on them. This is still happening today with modern vaccines. I know about the vaccine court here in the USA. I haven't posted on any of our modern vaccine programs because I am focusing on this history so we can understand what is happening today regarding our rights and mandatory allopathic medicine.

Yeah that's great.
Sorry I am not active on Steemit to often.

I think it's great that you are doing this because people need to know. I am against mandatory vaccination also, but I live in Europe and to me it seems that you still have a lot of options in the United States provided you are able to move through the court system.

You also have the largest population of home schooled children so in that case you as American really have a lot of freedoms that are not as common here in Europe.

Ah, I miss the US. Maybe I'll move back the US once I am done with my degree in Amsterdam.

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful information @reddust!

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