Ancient history of the American people. Pre.columbus
Younger - dryas meteor impacts and the floods of the Pacific Northwest.
Raise of sea level and carving of the underwater falls out to sea from the mouth of the Columbia river.
Prehistory of mounds and astronomical knowledge.
We have been here since before history. Every account I'm seeing recently is just pushing the ancient time line back even further.
Humans adapt well to the limitations of the environment.
Well the oldest bones of humans here are dating at 14,000 for the accepted theory.
And besides that copper mining in the great lakes? And other signs of. Mining. And yes copper. Tools and other stuff.
The 1500s seen Spanish mining in Oregon. Let alone across Mexico and south America.
My ancestors knew more about the world and lands they inhabit than you know about the world. They were just as intelligent as we are if not more so.
They didn't just live in caves. And the sudden collapsed Society? Well comet impacts could do that. And as well a dieoff of nearly everything on the north America?
More questions. And let alone how about those floods rushing out the Columbia and filling the Willamette valley and other areas.
You have no idea about the rich history beneath your feet. I'm still learning about all of this. And this is years.
My theory? Based on what I see the ice caps locked up so much water you could walk across the world. The shifting weight moved the crust. Let alone floods. Over and over. Looking like up to 30 different floods from here.
And any others across the globe?
Again. You have yet to learn who you are. Let alone where we came from. Or the first writing.
And yes we had writing and history. As much as it was destroyed by the invasion. The dehumanization of boarding schools.
Medical experimenting on native women and yes my mother was affected. So yeah I know first hand. The destruction of boarding schools upon our culture? And it's lasting effects upon the families.
I know the truth behind the real history.
Many people renounced their way and heritage. Or it was assimilated.
Only a proud few stood tall. Those are the few remaining upon reservation or honestly prisoner of war camp? Oh yeah. Concentration camp model that Hitler and of course the british during the Boer war used... American as apple pie.
How about a bounty upon men women and kids?
1830 Andrew Jackson singed some great laws. Eviction for 25 million acres. And all the natives. Which included massive tribes. But the illness and horrid personal hygiene helped spread disease to the natives.
Legend of our history's talk of these times. Where up to 90% of the people were fatally afflicted.
Let alone targeted attackes in the later 1800s here in the Oregon area. Oh yep invaders used murder and biological weapons. Poisoned water and shot game and left it to rot. Maybe if taking only the choicest cuts of meat.
Kill the food and starve the savages that live in the shadows... Untold amounts of animals were destroyed only to deprive the natives of food shelter and a resource. But we have that written. We have the gold bounty paid for scalps. And the tags? Made with expensive brass and of course financed from the states. Oh yeah your government.
History of my family is known and we stood to keep our ways preserved.