Old dog (1915) with new tricks
Blast from the Past
When I was younger, the local supermarket would have photographs of the town from back the 1950's as the wallpaper decor and I would lose my mind just gazing at them, wondering what life was like back in that era. So, when I see photographs from such a long time ago, I think it's so special to capture them and afterwards I find myself studying the people's facial expressions, clothing and surroundings, trying to see the world through their eyes. There are photographs of old, dotted all around the world, often used to remind people of what a place was like many years before, so I'll try and capture as many as I see on my travels. I have started with my favourite, which is a photo of what looks like a German Shepherd, and as much as I like seeing people in these old photos, I love seeing the animals from all those years ago, so heartwarming.

Look at their faces
As you can see, times have really changed and I wonder what this lot would have thought of Steemit and crypto at their time of living? Remember, there were no televisions, Internet, mobile phones, nothing that we all take for granted today, those were the horse & cart days.
Thanks for stepping back in time by viewing this post.

That was a great idea that the supermarket had. I really enjoyed looking at these old photos and of course, my favorite was the German Shepard. I do the same thing as you @flatrider, looking at the clothes people wore back then, etc. A blast from the past. I bet if you told them what the future would hold, they would have said you were crazy. : )
Thanks @whatisnew and it's a super idea when businesses do that for their shops and observing is what I love to do, so I love looking back in time with those golden oldies. I would have definitely been "horse & carted" off to the "Funny Farm" for sure @whatisnew! ;-D
HaHa! I love your last sentence. Thanks for the laugh! : )
What a great post with old photos and full of style and cultural change. I love to see old pictures!
Me too dude, glad you liked them. ;-)