Nostalgia Review Contest, just in TIME!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #history6 years ago (edited)

Ads, ads, ads, it's everywhere an ad. Except on Steemit. No ads here. But even that may change soon. As Steemit Inc. is collapsing under the weight of the collapsing crypto prices people are begging for the addition of ads to save our dear platform.


I have mixed feeling about ads. As a free market economist I am okay with ads. I'm okay with businesses doing what works for them, as long as it isn't abusing or oppressing others. I do take issue with firms like Fakebook and Giggle for using our information in ways we would not approve(though, we do approve. By clicking "I Agree").


And roadway ads have certainly abused the natural landscape. Some of us that take and share landscape photos have noticed this. Seeing an interesting or lovely view, only to delete the image later because of the corner of a billboard or the web of an electrical line obstructing nature.

I guess, in a world where people are sorely disconnected, ads are necessary. Word of mouth doesn't work if people don't talk to each other. Then we are left with our friend, The Screen, to share useful tips and suggestions with us. Tip: to win the contest you will need to add "Click...I Agree", "It's the Illuminati" or "Ads ruined my marriage" to your entry. 😜

Nostalgia Review

In my new collection of antique TIME Magazines I have found some of the most interesting content to be the nostalgic ads. Also, the patterns of which ads are most common or prolific.


  • Read this entire post.
  • upvote at 100% (or give at least a $0.05 upvote if you are a dolphin or whale)
  • Then guess and state which item or topic is the most common for the back cover ad in these TIME magazines from 1938-1959.
  • follow all the prescribed directions and good luck!!

First person with the correct Comment wins 1 Steem and 5 - 100% upvotes!


Three more people will win 5 - 100% upvotes for following the directions! 😊

Please follow my series: Nostalgia Review as I share from my new collection of 20 TIME magazines spanning THREE decades (1938-1959).


Please comment and share your attatchment to or thoughts on antiques and nostalgic items.

Is there anything special you would like me to highlight from these magazines?

These TIME magazines will be available for sell following the completion of the Series. Save them....otherwise I will probably be cutting them up and using them as wall art!!

Thanks so much for Following, Liking and Playing!!

Good luck,



i will get in on your contests next time.
i love to win


Maybe cigarette ads? That's what I would imagine on the back of TIME magazines!

Winner winner, chicken dinner!!

Tobacco money it is indeed. In all three of my representative issues 1939, 1949 and 1959, and on most of the others.

'Even doctors approve!' ha.

I feel bad because @mineopoly guessed it already, but he didnt choose just one. He guessed Coca-cola and cigarettes: which is an excelent guess. He'll get a prize as well!!

Thanks @ironshield
I knew I had a smart bunch of readers!!


I don't know what it is, but if there is anything dark behind it, I am sure It's the Illuminati.

Maybe fashion ads!

Haha...nicely done! Thank you for the entry. Cigarettes is the correct answer.

You didnt win the Steem, but you followed the directions, and will be receiving 5 - 100% upvotes!!

Thanks for playing!!

Okay, thanks for the contest!!!

Too bad it was cigarettes. They are very bad for your health!!

I would have to guess coca cola or cigarettes would be on the back cover because that's the only way to get through the war.

Click: "I Agree"


then prove you are not a human!

all the squares have lizards. 6 are invisible with the use of perception filters. 6 squares have small terrestrial lizards. and 4 squares have the worst lizard of all.

I think you are probably right with either tobacco or coca-cola. but booze is probably just ahead of coca-cola. My guess. Good luck!

Comeon @mineopoly! You made me give the prize to another contestant. You guessed correctly, but messed up by adding Coca-cola as a second guess.
Therefore, @ironshield takes the win by soley correctly guessing: cigarettes!

Thanks for entering!! You did win 5 - 100% upvotes!! And I'm going to treat you with a 0.10 steem tip!



Sorry I messed up the game.

That was a good question.

Thank you for the tip.

I have been bumping into @ironshield ever since I joined Steemit. Congratulations. He is a good man.

lol mark Zuckerlizard weirdcat ;p

Probably booze. Alcohol of some form is always big money in advertizing. Unlikely to have changed in 100 years. And the back ad is always the biggest/most costly!

and Ads ruined my marriage.

SO I think I would know. ;-D

There are lots of alcohol ads in these TIME issues, but @ironshield takes the win by correctly guessing: cigarettes!

Thanks for entering!! You did follow directions and win 5 - 100% upvotes!!


Very cool! i am not surprised at all! it is always fun looking back on stuff like this!!


I totally agree that old ads are fascinating, exaggerated windows into a reflection of the past that never quite was, but through those exaggerations possibly telling even more about the way things actually were

Right @carlgnash,
Sometimes ads reflect closely to how things are, just trying to sell their product into a niche that is already present.

But often ads are trying to sell you up. To convince you that you need this or that in order to have a better life or more fun or something.

Ads are never a perfect reflection of the way things are....if they were, there would be nothing to sell.

Thanks so much for stopping by!! I hope you are doing well my friend!!


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