Hello stemian day I told the history of the origins of West Aceh and Meulaboh This spirit has given birth to the soul of recording ancestral footprints in Meulaboh City and West Aceh District

in #history5 years ago

Hikayat Aceh Barat and Meulaboh
This spirit has given birth to the soul of recording traces of ancestors in the City of Meulaboh and West Aceh Regency, regions that have a long and winding history in Aceh and Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to put together fragments of history, figures, traditions, cultural customs, economics, politics, etc., into a literature that can be presented in the realm of public reading so that it can be a reference for all levels of readers, from students, students, researchers, the government to the people.
West Aceh's past is a memory as well as learning as well as showing how the journey of West Aceh was strongly influenced by central policy. Community portrait
tempoe doeloe is a reflection of present and future life, because knowing the origin of the nation is a form of appreciation for the ancestors and wisdom of the past and can determine the steps of vision and mission towards a better future.
West Aceh from Aceh Selatan to Geurute, this was the beginning and now has been divided into many districts. In the colonial period,
the entire Aceh Residency area is divided into 4 (four) afdeeling, one of which is Afdeeling Westkust van Atjeh or West Aceh with its capital city Meulaboh.
Afdeeling Westkust van Atjeh (West Aceh) is an administrative area that covers the area along the west coast of Aceh, from Mount Geurutee to Singkil and Simeulue islands and is divided into 6 (six) spare parts, namely:

  1. Meulaboh with the capital Meulaboh with Landschappen- (six) onderafdeeling, namely: 1 Meulaboh with the capital Meulaboh with Landschappen-
  2. Calang with the capital Calang (and before 1910 the capital was Lhok Kruet) with Landschappen Kluang, Kuala Daya, Lambeusoi, Kuala Unga, Lhok Kruet, Patek, Lageun, Rigaih, Krueng Sabee and Teunom;
  3. Tapaktuan with the capital of Tapak Tuan;
  4. Simeulue with the capital of Sinabang with Landschappen of Teupah, Simalur, Salang, Leukon and Sigulai;
  5. Zuid Atjeh with the capital city of Bakongan;
  6. Singkil with the capital Singkil.
    And the year 2002 was the final division with the founding of Nagan Raya and Aceh Jaya Regencies. This is West Aceh in question, a parent district that has a long history and beautiful nostalgia.
    Meulaboh City is a very important part of the development of West Aceh Regency, Meulaboh is not only Johan Pahlawan but includes Johan Pahlawan all over Meureubo District and a esmall part of Samatiga District.
    With twelve sub-districts, Aceh Barat has many treasures to explore and document, from dances, places, figures, cultural customs and so on. This is documentation of the origin of naming, figures, education footprints and so on.

An area has traces of its past that need to be remembered:
Kaway XVI Nanggroe Tuha That
Disinan Pon Lahee Aceh Barat
16 Uleebalang Sajan Meusapat
Tandjung - U Seune’am Sinan Meuikat
Awak Meureubo Jak Keumawe
Yang Keurja BW Ureung Peunaga
Ranto Panyang Cop Tudong
Ujong Tanjong Peugah Haba
Johan Pahlawan di Ujong Kalak
Di Sinan Jitimbak Pahlawan Bangsa
Kubah Pahlawan di Bineh Suak
Diba Plueng Keudeh U Meugo Raya
Sungai Mas Na Kapai Kroek
Tambang Marsaman Sinan Keureuja
Pocut Baren Meuikayat
Disinan Gobnyan Kubu Mulia
Samatiga, Sama Lhee Nanggroe
Lhok Bubon, Bubon ngon Woyla
Bineh Pante Ceudah Meubagoe
Teumpat Jep Kupi Beungoh Teuku Uma
Ie Krueng Woyla Ceukoe Likat
Engkot Jilumpat Jisangka Ie Tuba
Seungap Di Yub Seungap di Ateuh
Meureubok Barat Buka Suara”
Woyla Barat Buya Lhee That
Teungku Di Karak Disinan Teuma
Rapai Deungong ngon Galah Masen
Piasan Awaknyan Ceudah Lagoina
Woyla Timu di Bineh Krueng
Paleng Tulot Jeut keu Kecamatan
Gulee Cakok Cukop That Harom
Gue Awee Puleng ngon Eungkot Panggang
Pante Ceureumen Krueng Indah That
Sinan Pengikot Habib Seunagan
Batee Biosolar Ceudah Lagoina
Ban Sigom Donya Ka Habeh Hawa
Arongan Lambalek Meugah Lheeu Bak U
Peuninggai Nek Tu Masa Beulanda
Ureung Dum Makmue Hase Meulimpah
Keureuja Siegeutah ngon Peugot Kopra
Daerah Bubon Meugah That Kasab
Ija Geuturap Lee Aneuk Dara
Inong ngon Agam Keureuja Teutap
Disinan Teumpat Bubee Dipuga
Di Panton Reu Na Qur’an Keuramat
Ureung Peuleuh Hajat Keunan Di Teuka
Makam Teuku Umar Sinan Meugah That
Saboh Sejarah Aceh Mulia
Meanwhile, Meulaboh's portrait was previously recorded and enshrined with expressions of short songs by the public, we try to collect them and modify them so that they become more complete and illustrate what happened at that time. The following saga:
this saga in aceh language

Kota Meulaboh Peut Sagoe Timang
Bak Teungoh-Teungoh, Lapangan Bola
Bineh Lapangan Na Kulam Lido
Di Pasar Baro, Bank Negara
Gampong Likoet Jalan Meuwet-wet
Di Sinan Na Gampong Jawa
Gampong Mancang Pabrek Padee
Keutapang Wangi Lheu That Jirat,
Rumoh Saket di Padang raja
jinoe Kajeut ke Ujong Baroh
Sinan Teuduk Lhoung Aneuk Aye
Teumpat Perahu Meubanja Banja
Umpung Kengkeng di Ujong Kareung
Di Sinan Kanto Marsaman
Trang Teuma Dek Lampu Suar
Teumpat Ureung Simeulue Tamong Beulanja
Di Ujong Rundeng Na Umpung Cem Pala
Teupat ureung simelue tamong beulanja
Di Sinan Kuta Nibong Tempat Syaikuna Geuprang Belanda
Gampong Rundeng Tulak Geurubak
Di Sinan Krueng Cangkoy Teumpat Meusenda
Ujong Kalak Gunteng Kepala
Di Sinan Na Rumoh Raja
Suak Ujung Kalak Ampon Teutimbak
Teumpat Ureung Kalak-Kalak
Ranto Panyang Cop Tudong
Ujong Tanjong Peugah Haba
Awak Meureubo Jak Keumawe
Keureja BW Ureung Peunaga
Padang Seurahet Tarek Pukat
Kubu Nek Rahed Punya Nama
Meureubo Rundeng Keunan Keureuja
Jino Ka Meusaho U Beurandang Raja
Gampong Darat Na Kurok-Kurok
Sinan Meutumpok Bak Meuria
Breuh Lhee That Bak Gudang Dolog
Moto Jak Cok Angkot Uluwa
Seuneubok Teumpat Si Geutah
Bineh Pasi Tagun Sira
Di Lapang Ka Disok Jengki
Kuta Padang Sipak Bola
Di Panggong Na Lestrek Swasta
Di Sinan Na Megaria
Dikeu Nyan Na Peukan Gambee
Tempat Ureung Krueng Sabee Ramee Beulanja
That is Meulaboh and Aceh Barat.
Meulaboh SPECIAL Meulaboh is nostalgic at the same time
the beauty in it, the landscape reminds many things one of them is Pantai Kasih with its Socio-Tank. Ditingkahi the morning sun that broke over Love Beach, orange-red enveloped the fishing boats that came out of Babah Krueng Cangkoi, the yellow color of the Socfindo tank lit up, the black shadow of the boat
fishermen with a dark background in the village of Kuala Tuha doused with lazy rays broke the morning sun that was still peeking, Meulaboh's charm that still remains today. Even though the tsunami was engulfed, the view was always a morning comrade of Meulaboh City, West Aceh. Now Meulaboh has changed, changed because of development and changed face because of the tsunami that came in 2004. It grimaced and made me sad to imagine Meulaboh's face be sentfore the tsunami, many pleasant things had been lost, but this loss was not only by the tsunami but also the changing times. The yearning of those who were born in the 50s to the Megaria building will no longer exist, once in this cinema was screened Indian films with shining stars when it was like Amitabachan, Rajesh Kana, Hema Malini, Anjab Khan. Films with roles that have to be exchanged with the National Building, Trikarya plays Indian films such as Maa, Sholay. The audience is amazing, dan


Esta publicación ha sido seleccionada para el reporte de Curación Diaria.

final de post.png¡¡¡Felicidades!!!

Panee bahan nyou?
Keujeut teukoh meunan artikel jih

Bahan bak buku lah... Memang susah ta ketik bak steemit maklum Baroe bergabung 😁😁😁

Harus sertakan sumber jih syit.. nyou lagee copy paste..translate ngen google, saweub na kata2 yg hana nyambung dan tinggai.

Miseu nak peugot lagak dan mangat dibaca, peugot mantong dalam bentuk series. Miseu lageenyou.. antara gamba dan cerita tidak kompak

Hana masalah Pue? Nyoe ta Peugeot sumber...dan Nyan memang beutoi loen translate ngoen google... memang Hana that mengerti lhoem ngoen steemit... Ku posting2 laju Nyoe Baroe uroe Nyoe jeut posting loem

Aceh memiliki banyak sekali budaya dan lirik syair yang sangat indah yang bisa memukau dunia

Iya... Tapi saat ini kita sedih sudah banyak yang hilang budaya Aceh... Aceh menggunakan syair-syair nan indah sekaligus syiar agama.bukan hanya menampilkan syair yang enak, musik yang indah.

Menampilkan cerita tentang Aceh itu salah satu upaya yang terbaik untuk saat ini

mantap bang. terima kasih sudah berbagi. sudah lama tak baca konten seperti ini di steemit. konten tentang keacehan.

Iya sama-sama tapi mohon maaf jika artikel kurang bagus dalam pengetikan disteemit karena terbilang masih baru saya di steemit... Terima atas kunjungan... Semoga kita semua sukses di steemit

sudah mantap itu bg

Boh meuria, mangat ta peh ngen asam kana . He he

Beautiful history

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