( historia magistra vitae est ) # 64 Woman warrior grave 2000 years old found in Russia
Women warrior is famous topic , almost without real understanding . Period of matriarchy lasted longer them patriarchy , hard to compare them . All matriarchy culture was opposite to patriarchy , hard to understand or imagine matriarchy like the system .
Women were rulers , priestess , sometimes a warriors . The whole culture was based on brotherhood , friendship , cooperation . Men had their part in society , with great honer . Matriarchy was divided in few periods , but ginecocraty was the same all the time .
Amazon women warrior were regular army during one period . Brave , smart , strong women soldiers had great respect , left in mythology and legends . Few years ago treasure from woman warrior intact grave was found in Russia , 2000 years old , from the 1th century ad . She was born in the kingdom of Sarmatia on river Don . Archeologist are very happy to find sealed burial mound , with many artifacts inside
author : Maja Jovanovic
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