The mysterious traces of Gucci fled in Aceh

in #historis7 years ago


One time research on the temereuhoem tomb of his name Sultan Alaiddin Riyat Syah, an old graveyard located speedometer thue distance from the road Banda Aceh Meulaboh, precisely in Lamno district, Aceh district, Aceh province.
Po temereuhoem the figure of commander and cleric, he is the ruler of indigenous Aceh during the young Iskandar kingdom until now ,. "Adat bak po temereuhoem, hukom bak Syiah Kuala, kanun nibak Putro Phang, reusam bak admiral Keumala Hayati" This word is named with Hadih Maja (tutoe ureung jamen).
Grave po temereuhoem very beautiful because of being at the foot of the mountain and on the coast, certainly who visited the place, enjoying a very beautiful and open nature.
Several interviews and studying his historical manuscripts, we saw a unique Gucci beside the tomb. Continue to try to approach the Gucci, it turns out there is a clear water, we are welcome to drink it with a sip of vessel, the water is cool and fresh, like there is ice in it ,.

Suatu ketika penelitian di makam po temereuhoem nama beliau Sultan Alaiddin Riyat Syah, sebuah kuburan lama yang berada jarak 2 kg dari jalan Banda Aceh Meulaboh, tepatnya di kecamatan Lamno, kabupaten Aceh jaya, provinsi Aceh.
Po temereuhoem sosok panglima dan ulama, beliau adalah penguasa adat Aceh dimasa kerajaan Iskandar muda sampai sekarang,. "Adat bak po temereuhoem, hukom bak Syiah Kuala, kanun nibak Putro Phang, reusam bak laksamana Keumala Hayati" kata ini dinamakan dengan Hadih Maja (tutoe ureung jamen).
Kuburan po temereuhoem sangat indah dikarenakan berada dikaki gunung dan di pesisir pantai, pasti yang berkunjung ketempat itu, menikmati alam yang sangat indah dan terbuka,.
Beberapa wawancara dan mempelajari manuskrip sejarah beliau, kami melihat Gucci yang unik disamping makam tersebut. Terus mencoba mendekati Gucci itu, ternyata di dalamnya ada air yang bening, kami dipersilahkan meminumnya dengan sedeguk bejana, air itu sejuk dan segar, seperti ada es didalamnya,.
After drinking it we tried to trace the origin of Gucci, Tengku place that explained that the first Gucci there are two, but now there is only one more, this Gucci if not padlocked he runs, if the first time he often run. But when at night only, firmly Teungku ..
But this story is almost the same in Aceh weaving, primitive societies still believe in mysterious things and convince that the water in Gucci becomes an antidote in pain. This story is not blaming history. But it reveals the reality of historical fact ...

Setelah meminumnya kami mencoba menulusuri asal muasal Gucci itu, Tengku ditempat itu menjelaskan bahwa pertama Gucci itu ada dua, tapi sekarang tinggal satu lagi, Gucci ini kalau tidak digembok dia lari-lari, kalau zaman dulu sering dia lari. Tapi ketika pada malam hari saja, tegas Teungku tersebut..
Tapi cerita ini hampir sama di berenun Aceh, masyarakat primitif masih mempercayai hal misterius dan menyakinkan bahwa air dalam Gucci menjadi penawar sakit dalam. Cerita ini bukan menyalahkan sejarah,. Tapi mengungkapkan realitas fakta sejarah...


Jak cok beurkat keunan ya..
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Terimong genaseuh Tgk..
Sang Brat Nyoe di ek berkat vote dronh heehe..

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