history of the hero of aceh
Pocut Baren was born in 1880 in West Aceh District. She is the daughter of an uleebalang Teuku Cut Anmat Tungkop a settlement in Sungai Mas subdistrict, West Aceh district.
Like other Acehnese, he studied religion. Pocut small to the scholars, both brought home and mengaji in meunasah, dayah and mosque.
Pocut was raised in a war-torn Acehnese environment. This situation shaped him into a woman of strong, courageous, and militant personality. His young soul churned with a fervent spirit to drive the Dutch caphee. He was determined to join himself with the Aceh fighters.
As an adult, Pocut married a Keujruen who later became Uleebalang Gume, West Aceh District. The one who was later killed in the battle of Dutch council. The battles he participated in were also there. But her husband's death did not dampen her spirit to continue fighting. After her husband died and then Pocut Baren succeeded her husband as uleebalang, In Pocut Baren fighting always accompanied by a kind of bodyguard, consisting of approximately thirty men. Everywhere he always wore a sharp peudeueng (sharp sword), a kind of bent twist
Resistance against the Netherlands
Pocut Baren has been fighting for a long time. Since young he plunged into the battle scene. Pocut Baren also fought along with Cut Nyak Dhien. The brave struggle and resistance of Pocut Baren is vividly described by Dutch writer Doup. Pocut Baren has been fighting against the Dutch from 1903 to 1910. Cut Nyak Dhien was captured by Dutch troops on November 4, 1905. That is, Pocut Baren once led his own troops against the Dutch, although Cut Nyak Dhien is still actively struggling alone. Thus, at that time in the Aceh region there were two women fighters who led his forces against the Dutch, namely Cut Nyak Dhien and Pocut Baren.
As a result of the Dutch onslaught, Pocut Baren once pushed into the interior of the forest and decided to be based in a cave in Gunong Mancang. The Dutch have difficulty tracking the existence of this cave. Until one day, the existence of the cave is known. The Dutch troop attempt to reach the cave was foundered in the middle of the road because while climbing the mountain, hundreds of rocks were rolled down by Pocut Baren's men so many Dutch soldiers were killed. Finally the Dutch got the sense to drain 1200 kerosene cans toward the cave and then burned. Many fell victim because of this attack. Pocut Baren himself was hit by a bullet in his leg so that his resistance was forced to stop. He was then detained in Kutaraja, but his men continued to fight.
Pocut was arrested and made captive by the Dutch. Pocut was brought to Meulaboh. This event occurred in 1910, the year of the end of the Pocut Baren resistance, the brave warrior of West Aceh.
Pocut legs are infected quite badly. The team of Dutch doctors in Meulaboh could not afford to treat it. Finally Pocut was brought to Kutaraja (Banda Aceh) to get better treatment. The more the wound infection in the leg of Pocut getting worse. To save his soul, finally the team of doctors take the decision to amputate his legs.
After Pocut Baren was declared cured of his illness and believed by the Dutch not to fight again, he was returned to his hometown of Tungkop as an uleebalang.
But Pocut's resistance does not stop there. Although he can not fight directly but his soul panglimanya continue to burn. He continues to encourage his men. Through poetry and rhymes he encouraged his followers to keep up the fight against the Dutch caphe. Their popular and impressive characters are still unforgettable
Fake Foot Prize
What a great and intelligent srikandi from Tungkop this. Besides being valiant on the battlefield he was also smart in the fields of government, agriculture, and literature. No wonder the people are very respectful and loving. Under his leadership Tungkop became a prosperous region.
The glaring change of the insurgency-prone poor area became a safe and prosperous area made the Dutch government in charge of the area happy. Is Lieutenant H. Scheurleer, Commander Bivak Tanoh Mirah who also concurrently civilian rulers in the area. He reported to his superiors in Kutaraja that Pocut Baren had been working diligently to create order, security and prosperity. As a token of his thanks, Veltman once again showed his kindness to Pocut Baren. He presented a forged leg made of wood for the woman. The fake legs were imported directly from the Netherlands
Pocut Baren died in 1933 and was buried in his hometown, Tungkop, river Mas District, West Aceh District. As a reward, the government named one of the roads in Nanggroe Aceh under the name Pocut Baren