Pablo Escobar Firts Part!!!
The Colombian drug trafficker, Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, known worldwide as the most fearsome man in the decade of the 80s, who built an incalculable fortune that until now has been indecisive both in luxury properties and in money.
Escobar put on his knees his native country Colombia, due to the persecution that the current government at that time had him and his big mafia and company called "El Cartel de Cali", although it was known that the riches of Escobar were From the illicit business of cocaine, it must also be made clear that the vast majority of people in high positions in the government, profited from Escobar's money, after that the hatred of Pablo was unleashed after being elected by the Congress of Colombia as a congressman for the "New Liberalism" party, led in turn by the Senator and Presidential candidate Luis Carlos Galan Sarmiento, murdered by Escobar sicarios months after announcing in Soacha during a large concentration before thousands of his followers the absolute expulsion Pablo of the Party for trying to filter money from drug trafficking, question that he did and they knew it.
The persecution did not give rest to the rulers and this time it was Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, Minister of Interior and Justice, executed by Lieutenant Escobar, as well as this story I can continue writing but to give emotion to such a powerful publication wait for a second part .. Greetings Stemmiants @raybull