Hip-Hop & Rap. Is there a Difference? Please Comment.

in #hip-hop7 years ago (edited)

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Truth, Love, Respect, & Honor.


I agree with you 100%
When I think of hip-hop I think of soulful & conscious lyricism.
In my opinion basically all of the rap on mainstream radio is garbage. So when I hear people producing positive rhymes, I can really appreciate that.
I do believe there is a difference between the two.

I really appreciate positive rhymes as well, also agreed about all radio rap being garbage.
Jay-Z and Linkin Park colabs are a great example of this type of low vibrational rap.

we all gotta stand together at the end of the day. I understand what you are saying bro..of course I do. Rap Music is the embodiment of this culture man. Separating shit and breaking down everything into sections is what the problem is...segregating artists to say "this is not hip hop" is wrong. Are you telling Eminem in 1998 isnt hip hop because he wasnt conscious? come on man... I get your points, because a lot of people try to differentiate rap and hip-hop as two separate genres of music. But Hip-Hop embodies not just music dude, its culture..its how I live every day its how I wake up in the morning, its how I tie my shoes...and maybe you feel the same..Hip-Hop aint just music bruh.. that being said..I did enjoy your entry in the rap challenge and I do have much more in play for challengers. Stay up man, peace.

Separation is a problem, but so are low vibrational lyrics. I think the lyrics that are considered popular in mainstream hip-hop, or what some (not all) would call rap, is a bigger problem than the seperation unfortunately. We do need to stand together, but what are we standing together for? To promote violence, degrading women, insulting people, idolizing money, or to stand together for a higher purpose like saving the Earth and promoting positive change for mankind? If we are to stand together, we must be united in our mission and can not promote negative trends in any way. If there is a song that describes a violent situation, that ends up portraying a positive message, then it works, but if it is simply to promote violence, then it a step backwards. People can create whatever they want, but to end division in hip hop we must first end negativity in hip hop. Until then there will always be division. So I cannot say that i completely disagree with you, but it is very important to be untied on positive notes. Please read this if you haven't already, it really opened my eyes: https://www.thenortherner.com/arts-and-life/2009/02/25/professor-griff-speaks-to-hip-hop-our-minds/

The title caught my attention and the content kept it. Good job covering such a topic, it's refreshing to see people still paying attention to the message in hip-hop in 2018.

I've always considered rap as a component of the hip-hop culture, through MC-ing, rather than as a music genre somehow opposed to hip-hop as a music genre as well. And then, you can have all sorts of messages, for every listener to identify with, which can be a very subjective matter.

I do agree with Professor Griff about the essence of true hip-hop, which should put an emphasis on consciousness and positivity. As rap is the most popular music genre at the moment, and regardless of the shallow message put out by most of today's rappers/trappers, there is still deep and uplifting music still being made for those of us who truly respect the origins of this movement and its purpose. The fact that it's not as in your face as the mainstream stuff may seem as a downside at first, but somehow it keeps it going unaltered by industry's standards. Let's just hope more people will get to see this other side of this music and culture as well.

There is definitely a shift happening in hip-hop right now into conscious styles becoming more popular, they will probably not be all the way mainstream anytime soon, and honestly i enjoy that fact. I love the fact that it is still underground, but it needs to reach more of the ears that wants to hear stuff like that. I want to help Steemit be an integral part of promoting this shift. Thank you for your feedback, it is well stated and appreciated.

Hi, I have been listening to the the latest hip-hop that had been produced by conscious lyricists for a little over a year now. DISL Automatic, PTP, and Alias Clay have been major change makers in my music taste; mainly on music that actually has words in it. I usually don't like what other artists for rappers like to say mainly cuz it's hateful or objectifies women. After listening to some diesel automatic hip hop mixtapes I started feeling very empowered and uplifted when listening to it. I do feel that there is a difference between rap and hip hop now. I can imagine though when actually rapping or actually creating Hip Hop tracks one could see it better in the moment within the culture itself. I love the post and I love the quote thank you so much.

I had a chance to kick it with Alias in Acapulco for a short time and saw her perform. She is definitely an earmark influence in conscious hip hop, and someone I consider to have the same goals as me with hip hop, as far as spreading love and the light of wisdom. I hope to throw down on a track with her one day, but we didnt get a chance to chill that much when we were down there as we were both very busy. I will have to check out DISL Automatic & PTP, thanks for the references. As far as rap and hip hop, i wish there wasnt a faction, but emcees need to really think about what they are promoting before writing a track. There are several big names in rap music that i would never work with because I cannot consciously promote what they are promoting, not even for million of dollars. It would go against everything I believe in, and my only belief is in truth. So the truth is, its an emcees responsibility to open the eyes of the populous to the woes of society (AND HIP HOP), and show them a better path which we should follow. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR INPUT.

I didn't realise their is a difference to HipHop and Rap. I did realise what you mentioned about the Rap in the hit charts, the subjects Rapped about. I dont have a personal opinion on the differences between Rap and HipHop. I do know - although not a specialist in HipHop and/or Rap - our Dutch HipHoppers/Rappers are more HipHoppers as per your definition.

True that, I will have to listen to more Dutch emcees when i get the chance. Can u recommend any? Also there being a difference rap and hip-hop as GENRES ONLY is a highly debated topic, that is why I am asking the public's opinion. Rap itself (or rapping) as a musical art form, is definitely a big part of hip hop. I wanted to clarify that.

I'm not very familiar with the genre; The big names in Netherlands are:

  • De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig
  • Osdorp Posse
  • Ali B
  • Lange Frans & Baas B
  • Lil' Kleine
  • Typhoon
    I think they mostly rap in Dutch and I suppose no subtitles :(

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