Those emails covered in the Investigation of Classified Info and the Shadow Government verified in FBI Vault. The Excuses used by Hillary, Abedin and Weiner info
Isn't it interesting how Hillary Clinton’s private server also used the McAfee-owned MX/Logic spam-filtering software, which is susceptible to a security breach, in which it made information on her server accessible to McAfee employees during numerous intervals of time, in which her emails were passed through MXL Logic system
#McAfee, #NCSWIC, #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing, #CISA, #NationalCouncilOfStatewideInteroperabilityCoodinators, #HillaryClintonEmails, #HillaryClintonServer
See more on #NCSWIC at the bottom as there is a vast history and there are multiple meanings!
This comes from from a Hillary R. Clinton search
You can go in and see drops as they come in and how long ago they dropped them in.
Following are some screenshots of the summary of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s July 2, 2016 interview with the FBI concerning allegations that classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on a personal e-mail server she used during her tenure. We also are releasing a factual summary of the FBI’s investigation into this matter. We are making these materials available to the public in the interest of transparency and in response to numerous Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
There's a bonus one at the bottom concerning Anthony Weiner. Just verifies the type of investigation they're doing, but if you read more of the files inside the vault, interesting what they don't want to share or be shown.
Before we get started with the Vault documents, here's an interesting Q post back in August, so right before the "Fall" began.
Indeed! What if?
Now on to the Summary of Investigation of Hillary’s emails.
p.56 punch in Hillary R. Clinton
page 1. part 4
And a closer look here,
page 5
page 6
page 7
Page 8
page 9
Breaking them or hitting them with a hammer to destroy old devices
Did not seek approval to conduct state business on personal e-mail account or private services though required.
Page 10
Remember when there was a fire at the Clintons Chappaqua home?
7th floor State Headquarters a.k.a. Mahogany Row, State Diplomatic Security Service instructed Clinton that because her office was in a SCIF, (Sensitive Information Compartmentalized Facility) the use of mobile devices within her office was prohibited.
Page 12
Page 14
While traveling outside of Continental U.S. on official state business OCONUS
page 15
Now this one is interesting found on page 39 of part 4
Page 44 international travel and Hillary's demands,
Often part of a security risk and often seen removing lamps and furniture from the state department and transferring them to her D.C. residence. Why was this allowed?
Page 45 Chapaqua residence,
DS agents were indignant that they were required to follow security policy, but Clinton made herself Exempt from the same regulations. You know those pesky "security rules for thee and not for me!" Always the attitude so prevalent among the entitled elitists making their money literally off the backs of those they deem their subordinates.
Benghazi emails,
Did not give CIA reviewer and asked why others were used instead of regular Points of Contacts,
Why was the Bureau of Legislative Affairs and Office of the Legal Advisor allowed to conduct their Own Investigation first, when it is usually done through Information Programs and Services not the other way around.
IPS felt immense pressure to complete the review Quickly!
Not the same normal review IPS officials used on a regular basis,
This all is what led up to the comments on the Shadow Government!
7th Floor
Nothing They Do Can Stop What Is Coming! What is the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators? Have they been running their own Agenda and schemes under the noses of We the People? Booz Allen Hamilton where Ware's Predecessor worked!
#McAfee, #NCSWIC, #MXLogicSpamFiltering, #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing, #NationalCouncilOfStatewideInoperabilityCoodinators
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