Rising tall with milk in the gene for your spleen
Shadows and mirrors all around.
The string theory echoing in your philosophy.
Tearing up your heart for the sake of reality.
Beating you down for the road less traveled.
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
As you graduate and move on, you go on.
You rise tall as the milk mutates your skull.
The gut and the spleen feels the moment.
History being made within the art of the deal.
Here are 41 pictures here mostly from the 1900s.
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Rising tall with milk in the gene for your spleen
Oatmeal Daily - 2020-12-21 - Monday | Published in December of 2020
1968 - Don Arnold - High School Photo - Apx Year Estimate
My dad, probably his Senior Photo
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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1969 - Don Arnold, Speech 2
1976 - Tax Refund Claim: Don Arnold, Janet S
1979-02-24 - Robert Cunningham
1980-03-08 - Wedding - Don Arnold Married Marilyn Morehead in Portland, OR - They married that day but apx date of pic
1983-04-21 - Thursday - Brakes, Car, Clean Battery Cables, valves, tune up, belt - Don Arnold
1992-06-12 - Friday - Monthly Change Report, Don Arnold
1997-12-11 - Thursday - 1976 Toyota Passenger Registration - Don Arnold
1999-06-07 - Monday - 08:00 PM - Alan Williams - High School Graduation
1999-06-07 - Monday - 08:00 PM - Alan Williams - High School Graduation - Family Reunion that weekend
2001-05-24 - Thursday - High School Math, Joey Arnold
2003 - Don Arnold Employment Resume CV - Estimated Date, either December 2002 or after that
2004-08-06 - Friday - Super Mom Letter & Rap by Joey Arnold