in #hi3 years ago (edited)

Winning is surpassing yourself and turning your dreams into reality. It is closely tied to finding your sense of fulfillment and success. Winning depends on the individual alone, not the actions of others. The winning spirit is not just about desiring to have a high score, finishing in the first place or beating others. It is about overcoming yourself, your limitations and your fears to reach your goal, dream and aspiration in life.

Instead of competing with others, compete with yourself by pushing yourself towards your personal goals. When you set a goal and push through obstacles to attain that goal, then you have "won." In this way, the spirit of winning becomes highly personal, with the focus on the individual and not the group. When winning is personal, it is possible for everyone to become winners not only that, your achievement will not be limited, following the pace of others. By redefining what winning means, a better outcome is produced, both now and in the future.

The winning spirit is the spirit of a champion. To be a champion you must have the winning spirit.
The winning spirit needs to be sustained until your goals are achieved. These 7 steps will help you have the winning spirit and sustain it.

 Set your goals: A goal is an idea of the future or a desired result you plan to achieve. Goals determine what you want in life and give you focus. You must have a goal!
 Ensure your goal is SMART: Your goal needs the following ingredients to have them actualized.
Specific- it should be clear and unambiguous.
Measurable- It should have criteria that measure your progress towards accomplishment.
Achievable: It should be something that can be achieved.
Realistic: Your goal should be within reach and relevant to your life purpose.
Timely: Fix a Start date and target date.

 Focus on your goal: Focus on your goal and never allow anything take your attention away from achieving it. By this, you will be able to work on making it a reality. To help focus on your goal, write it down. Avoid being distracted by the achievements of others. Focus on yours!

 Believe in yourself: Believe in yourself and your ability to achieve great things. Philippians 4:13 says, ‘I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me’. Believe you can. Believe in yourself and never doubt your abilities.

 Don’t compare yourself with others: You should not compare yourself with others because your goal is personal to you. Instead of comparing yourself with others, focus on what you are capable of doing and how you can improve yourself. This will make you become a better version of yourself.

 Take necessary actions: To achieve our goal, we need to take necessary steps. Be proactive; don’t just keep wishing and exercising faith only. The Bible says faith without work is dead. So, work it out. Plan, share your goal with a reliable person that can be of help, have the right attitude and avoid negativity and get help where necessary. Be committed to achieving your goals.

 Do not allow failure deter you: See failure as a lesson and temporal setback. Do not fear failure instead embrace it. This will maximize your motivation, determination and perseverance. Push through till you achieve your goals.

 Sustain the winning spirit: The winning spirit never gives up instead learns tenacity and fortitude. The winning spirit keeps you going despite difficulties in attaining your goal. Having achieved your goals or in the process keep aspiring, remain vibrant and keep the ball rolling! You also need to know that

According to Care Robin ‘To be all we can be, we must dream of being more. To be all that is possible, we must attempt the impossible’.
So, keep up the winning spirit till you become a Champion!

Kilanko Judith E.


I must dream of being more, to become a better me.

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