ကြၽန္​​ေတာ့ရဲ႕ပံုျပင္​​ေဟာင္​း​ေလး Old story my about

in #hi8 years ago (edited)

Up to 8 hours to sleep in the morning, sometimes deer for food to go on school campuses, school finished the body of the servant does not know I want to know who ever faithful The time passed I do not know if putting not get poof lodge his time when students, as well as the swimming get back As he loved to drink alcohol with couple friend sin the school call a body of a sick stomach ridge lying and they were not afraid of people not exposed If you have to think fast to be a happy I remember the many lives of state students more knowledge, 'I give you my body hours to tell the slaves that Zion just getting the . Sorry i was made Translation So i weak english understand me
Chit u😘😘 😜😜😜
တခါတ​ေန႔ မနက္​စာအငတ္​ခံ​ေက်ာင္​း​သြားရတယ္​😝😝
​ေဘးခ်င္​းကပ္​တူတူထိုင္​တယ္😉😉​ ​ေငး​ေနတာၾကာလို႔
​​ေ႐ွ႕ကဆရာမက ​​ဆူ​လို႔ ​ေခါင္​း​ေအာက္​ခ်ၿပီးငိုက္​​ေနတာကြၽန္​​ေတာ္​ပါ 😁😁
ကြၽန္​​ေတာ့လက္​ခုတ္​သံက အစြမ္​းထက္​တယ္😱😱​
သံုးခ်က္​က်ယ္​က်ယ္​တီးတာနဲ႔ လူ​ေတြအမ်ားႀကီးထြက္​လာတယ္😏😏​ ​ေက်ာင္​းလစ္​ဖို ့​ေလ😝😝
Game ​ေစာ့တယ္😜​ ​ေရကူးတယ္​ 😁​ေလ်ာက္​လည္​​တယ္​😓😓
​ေပ်ာ္​လိုက္​တာငယ္​ဘဝကို 😊😊သတိရလာတယ္​😔😔
အရက္​ကခိုး​ေသာက္​​ေသးတယ္​ 😇😇​ေနာက္​​ေန႔
​ေက်ာင္​းအုပ္​႐ုံးခန္​းတတ္ ​ဘာလို ့​ေက​်ာင္​းျပတ္​လဲ
​ေနမ​ေကာင္​းဘူး 😨ဗိုက္​နာတယ္😰​ ​ေခါင္​းမူးတယ္​😑
တစ္​​ေယာက္​တစ္​မ်ိဳး မ႐ုိးဘူး😪😪 လူ​ေၾကာက္​ပါ​ေတာ့​ေသ​ေရာ 😫😫အကုန္​​ေဖာ္​ ​ေပၚလို ့ အ႐ုိက္​ခံရတယ္😴😴​
​အက်ိဳးနဲပါ​ေလ​ေရာ 😛😛
ကြၽန္​​ေတာ္​့အ​ေၾကာင္​း နိဒါန္​း​ေလးပါ 😞😞
ဆက္​ပါအုန္​းမယ္​ 😜😜 ပညာရ​တာ​ေတြပါလာ​ေတာ့မယ္😅😅​


ဆက္​ရန္​​ေပါ့​ဗ်ာ :-) :-) :-) :-)


ၿပီးေတာ့ steemit ကို ဘယ္လိုေတြ႕တယ္.. ဘာ,ညာေပါ့... ဒါလည္း ကိုယ္တိုင္ေရး post တခု ျဖစ္တာပဲေလ.. ၁၀၀% နဲ႔ vote ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္... ေအာင္ျမင္ပါေစ


Waiting the next Story


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