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RE: Thumbs up from me on HF21 & I am Buying Back more STEEM from the market while idiots sell!

in #hf215 years ago

My one fear is that the downvote pool will only give more ammunition to those presently abusing flags.

If you presently do not flag it is unlikely you will start after HF21. If you presently abuse the flagging system then HF21 will give you more ammunition.


There are a lot ppl don't using their power to downvote shit because it costs money. I think there will be less shit after the hf which is good.
And if whales are flagging now they will do it with the same result after the hf. If a minniw gets nuked now he will get nuked after the hf with the same result -> 0 rewards.

Posted using Partiko Android

If a minniw gets nuked now he will get nuked after the hf with the same result -> 0 rewards.

My point was meant to be that more Minnows could be flagged for the same resource costs. 10 of my 100% upvotes were recently used in a post's thread where everyone who had made positive comments to the seemingly great content that was posted where flagged as well as the post. It is bullying to the highest order.

But if they are already flagged into oblivion what would be different after the hf?
If an whale is now already flagging because of different opinions he will still flag after the hf and having free flags doesn't make any difference because the whale flags are not limited by the potential cost because he wouldn't flag now if it would mean anything to him. So there will be no difference after the hf. The whale will still flag every post he doesn't like but I don't think that he will flag more posts because he already flags everything he doesn't like.
So you see there is no difference.

Posted using Partiko Android

One will be able to flag more with HF21 by my understanding.

Yep if they are now struggling because it costs money to flag then they can flag more after the hf, but the whales in the last flag wars didn't care about how much it costs to flag they just did it and because of that they won't flag more ( at least not that much more).

The differrnce is that the normal people can than also start flagging shit which is good.

Posted using Partiko Android

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Point taken. The proof will be in the pudding as they say. ✌

Du erhieltest aufgrund deiner LanaCharleenToken ein Upvote von @sebescen81 und von @lanacharleen alt-Text
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there is no money in flagging/downvoting for the curators. Unsustainable short lived. Focus on the positive and the upvotes instead. We have had downvote functionalities before and nobody really use them. Do not fear.

Flags are being used and abused constantly. Just follow @freezepeach for a small snapshot into those being abused.

Flags are hardly used, there's less than one percent of one percent (0.01%) flagging compared to upvoting and that includes abusive flagging. Flagging is necessary, you should not be bullied by what others rate you as, they have a right to their opinion on the subject, and it only reflects their opinion.

What about my case? should i be abusively bully-flagged like this forever! I was doing just fine a few months ago before i found the flag button? What should I do now???

If you think that is bullying that is your problem, like I said, you should not be bullied by what others rate you as. There's not much you can do, it's no different from saying "they are trolling me", well, don't feed the trolls your attention, or go somewhere the ban hammer exists.

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