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RE: HF20: Change Your Autovotes Now As New Posts Will Be Paid Using HF20 Rules

in #hf206 years ago

Hey @accelerator,
all posts that pay out when HF20 is active (independent of when they were created) will have the curation share from the reverse auction timeframe (that used to go to the author) remain in the pool. This means slightly lower author payouts once HF20 is active.
The weights of votes will be calculated based on whatever HF is currently active. This means until the last second of HF19, the weights will be calculated according to HF19 rules, any vote when HF20 is active will have the HF20-rules applied (1.2 SP downshift).
This said, you could wait another two days before reducing your auto-voter times...


OK, thanks a lot, so my feeling that for 7 days we will have a "mixed" payout algo is correct. That is, the curation-weights will remain the same but the author-curate-rewards will go to the pool.

This does mean that those who currently upvote very early on a post should change the timing - unless that remains their strategy, but not if they are doing it to give the author an extra reward. In such cases they need to increase their timing... now.

If you apply the HF20 reverse auction (15 min) already now and vote at like at 10 mins instead of at 20 mins on a post that will (probably) pay out in HF20, then you'd "donate" a larger share of your vote to the pool compared of what went to the author with 20 mins under HF20. The actual weight always depends on all other voters, though...
I'm not sure if calling the payout algo "mixed" is correct. The first week of payouts with HF20 will have some vote weights and rshares calculated with the HF19 algo - so in that sense it is mixed, but only one "payout algo" will be active - HF20.

the curation-weights will remain the same

Votes under HF19 will have their weight calculated based on HF19, but may be payed out based on HF20 . The same vote for the same post under HF20 will, however, have a slightly lower weight because of the HF20 rshares downshift.
I'll change my auto-voters only shortly before HF20 will (probably) go live.

All pretty confusing... :/

Yes, sure, nobody should be decreasing their autovotes timing now, but those who vote very early should seriously think about increasing their timing now - like @indigoocean mentioned that Busy upvotes immediately on posting.

Actually, not so confusing, but few people seem to have discussed this.

In general, all data that has been written (such as weights and author-curation rewards) stays the same, but the payouts will be processed under the new rules.

That seems to be as brief as I can muster!

It depends on the intentions of the vote whether increasing the timing makes sense. If you want to give less of your vote to the public, then increasing makes sense. The author share will always be 75% with HF20. If you're voting for curation rewards, you don't care it the early-vote penalty goes to the author or the public...
I didn't look into busy lately. They voted at around 30 mins some time ago but they seem indeed to be voting instantly now. An auto-vote makes no difference for them curation-wise, but the author share of the vote will be different with HF20.

One other thing I suspect people will forget is that this also applies to comment upvotes. Most don't expect great curation rewards from comments, accepting that a large part will go to the author if, as now, the exchanges are close together in time.

Perhaps not many look so closely at the numbers as I do!

@crokkon - What is the meaning of this phrase? "reverse auction timeframe"

I have 20 people I upvote through steemdunk. I have them all set at 27 minutes. Think I should change them to 16 minutes now, correct?

I self vote and just set myself up for 16 minutes. I previously was manually voting right after I created the post. So I think I am better off to put myself on the autovoter now that I read your answers here.

Hi @fitinfun, the first 30 minutes (HF19) or 15 minutes (HF20) after a post or comment is created are called the reverse auction time. During this time, the curation share of a vote going to the voters increases linearly from 0% to 100%.
When you voted within this time in HF19, a part of the curation share of your vote was given to the author. Therefore, a self-vote at post creation time in HF19 gave the author 100% of the vote value as author rewards. Now with HF20, this curation share remains in the reward pool instead of going to the author.

For the auto-votes, dividing the old voting time by two is a good starting point. For self-votes at post creation time you would get 75% or your vote as author rewards but no curation rewards. By self-voting at a later time, you also have a chance for curation rewards. The timing depends on all other voters, though.

Thank you so much for the answer. With my tiny votes, I'm not sure how much this matters, but I want the author or me to get the curation reward. Why vote and have it go back into the pool? That makes no sense. More mysteries of steemit!

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